Technical Program for Tuesday August 26, 2014

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TuP11 Auditorium 1
Safety Critical Control Systems: A Manned and Unmanned Autonomous Aircraft
Plenary Session
Chair: Goodall, RogerLoughborough Univ.
08:30-09:30, Paper TuP11.1 
Safety Critical Control Systems: A Manned and Unmanned Autonomous Aircraft Perspective
Vos, DavidTebogo LLC
TuA01 Ballroom East - Harold Chestnut
Operation and Control of Smart Grid with Source-Grid-Load Interaction Invited Session
Chair: Yong, TaiyouChina Electric Power Res. Inst.
Co-Chair: Zhang, KaifengSoutheast Univ.
Organizer: Yong, TaiyouChina Electric Power Res. Inst.
Organizer: Zhang, KaifengSoutheast Univ.
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA01.1 
Interval Arithmetic Based Influence Analysis on Power Flow Caused by Integration of Wind Power and Electric Vehicles (I)
Luo, LiziSoutheast Univ
Zhu, JunpengSoutheast Univ
Yang, ShengchunChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Wang, KeChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Yao, JianguoChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Gu, WeiSoutheast Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA01.2 
Coordinated Optimization of Wind Energy and Other Sources: Objective and Examples (I)
Wang, YingSoutheast Univ
Zhang, KaifengSoutheast Univ
Xu, MiaoSoutheast Univ
Teng, XianliangState Grid Electric Power Res. Inst
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA01.3 
An Interactive Multi-Agent Based Real Time Control Framework for the Interconnected Power Grid (I)
Yong, TaiyouChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Yao, JianguoChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Yang, ShengchunChina Electric Power Res. Inst
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA01.4 
Proposal of Block Bidding for Large-Scale Wind Power Energy (I)
Geng, JianChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Zhang, KaifengSoutheast Univ
Yang, ZhenglinState Grid Electric Power Res. Inst
Chen, ChangshengSoutheast Univ
Zheng, YaxianChina Electric Power Res. Inst
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA01.5 
Research on the Load Dispatching Model to Deal with the Uncertainty of Wind Power (I)
Liu, JiantaoChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Wang, KeChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Yang, ShengchunChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Pan, LinglingChina Electric Power Res. Inst
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA01.6 
Framework for Future Smart Grid Operation and Control with Source-Grid-Load Interaction (I)
Yao, JianguoChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Yang, ShengchunChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Wang, KeChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Li, YapingChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Yang, ZhenglinState Grid Electric Power Res. Inst
Yong, TaiyouChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Pan, LinglingChina Electric Power Res. Inst
TuA02 Ballroom West - Aleksander Letov
Nonlinear Observers and Filter Design II Regular Session
Chair: Celikovsky, SergejInst. of Information Theory and Automation Acad. CR
Co-Chair: Grimstad, BjarneIO-Center, NTNU and ITK, NTNU
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA02.1 
Nonlinear Observer Design for the State of Charge of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Ouyang, QuanZhejiang Univ
Chen, JianZhejiang Univ
Wang, FanZhejiang Univ
Su, HongyeZhejiang Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA02.2 
Finite-Time Output Energy Measure for Polynomial Systems with Applications in Observability Analysis
Rumschinski, PhilippOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
Findeisen, RolfOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
Streif, StefanOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA02.3 
Estimation of Lateral Dynamics and Road Curvature for Two-Wheeled Vehicles: A HOSM Observer Approach
Dabladji, Mohammed El-HabibEvry Val D'essonne Univ
Ichalal, DalilLab. D'informatique, BiologieIntegrativeetSystèmeComplexes
Arioui, HichemEvry Val D'essonne Univ
Mammar, SaïdCnrs
Fridman, Leonid M.National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA02.4 
Observer Design for a Class of Complex Networks with Unknown Topology
Schmidt, PhillipUniv. of Stuttgart
Moreno, Jaime A.Univ. Nacional Autonoma De Mexico-UNAM
Schaum, AlexanderUniv. Autonoma Metropolitana
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA02.5 
High Gain Observer for Embedded Acrobot
Anderle, MilanFaculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Tech. In
Celikovsky, SergejInst. of Information Theory and Automation Acad. CR
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA02.6 
A Nonlinear, Adaptive Observer for Gas-Lift Wells Operating under Slowly Varying Reservoir Pressure
Grimstad, BjarneIO-Center, NTNU and ITK, NTNU
Foss, BjarneNorwegian Univ. of Science & Tech
TuA03 Auditorium 2 - Eduard Gerecke
Closed Loop Identification Regular Session
Chair: Campi, MarcoUniv. of Brescia
Co-Chair: Katebi, RezaUniv. of Strathclyde
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA03.1 
Sequential Control Performance Diagnosis of Steel Processes
Recalde, Luis FelipeUniv. of Strathclyde
Katebi, RezaUniv. of Strathclyde
Yue, HongUniv. of Strathclyde
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA03.2 
Segmentation Methods for Model Identification from Historical Process Data
Shardt, YuriUniv. of Duisburg-Essen
Shah, Sirish L.Univ. of Alberta
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA03.3 
A Variance Reduction Technique for Identification in Dynamic Networks
Gunes, BilalDelft Univ. of Tech
Dankers, ArneDelft Univ. of Tech
Van den Hof, Paul M.J.Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA03.4 
On Satisfaction of the Persistent Excitation Condition for the Zone MPC: Numerical Approach
Zacekova, EvaCzech Tech. Univ
Pcolka, MatejCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Sebek, MichaelCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
TuA04 Roof Terrace - John Coales
Distributed Control and Estimation Regular Session
Chair: Werner, HerbertHamburg Univ. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Lamperski, AndrewUniv. of Cambridge
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA04.1 
Optimal Two Player LQR State Feedback with Varying Delay
Matni, NikolaiCalifornia Inst. of Tech
Lamperski, AndrewUniv. of Cambridge
Doyle, John C.California Inst. of Tech
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA04.2 
Conservatism of Analysis and Controller Synthesis of Decomposable Systems
Eichler, AnnikaHamburg Univ. of Tech. Germany
Hoffmann, ChristianHamburg Univ. of Tech
Werner, HerbertHamburg Univ. of Tech
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA04.3 
A Decomposition Result in Linear-Quadratic Coordinated Control
Madjidian, DariaLund Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA04.4 
Distributed Estimation Over Analog Fading Channels Using Constant-Gain Estimators
Xiao, NanEast China Univ. of Science and Tech
Xie, LihuaNanyang Tech. Univ
Niu, YugangEast China Univ. of Science & Tech
Hong, YiguangChinese Acad. of Sciences
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA04.5 
A Robust Output Feedback Consensus Protocol for Networked Negative-Imaginary Systems
Wang, JiananUniv. of Manchester
Lanzon, AlexanderUniv. of Manchester
Petersen, Ian RUniv. of New SouthWalesattheAustralianDefenceForceAcademy
TuA05 Da Gama/Diaz
Fractional Systems II Regular Session
Chair: Oustaloup, AlainUniv. Bordeaux 1 - IPB/ENSEIRB-MATMECA
Co-Chair: Kaczorek, TadeuszBialystok Univ. of Tech.
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA05.1 
Long Memory Models: A First Solution to the Infinite Energy Storage Ability of Linear Time-Invariant Fractional Models
Sabatier, JocelynUniv. Bordeaux1
Farges, ChristopheIms
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA05.2 
Flat Output Computation for Fractional Linear Systems: Application to a Thermal System
Victor, StephaneUniv. De Bordeaux, IMS
Melchior, PierreUniv. Bordeaux 1 - IPB/ENSEIRB-MATMECA
Levine, JeanEc. Des Mines, CAS
Oustaloup, AlainUniv. Bordeaux 1 - IPB/ENSEIRB-MATMECA
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA05.3 
Ideal, Simplified and Inverted Decoupling of Fractional Order TITO Processes
Li, ZhuoUC Merced
Chen, YangQuanUniv. of California, Merced
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA05.4 
Observer-Based Control of Fractional-Order Linear Systems with Norm-Bounded Uncertainties: New Convex-Optimization Conditions
Ibrir, SalimKing Fahd Univ. of Petroleum and Minerals
Bettayeb, MaamarUniv. of Sharjah
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA05.5 
Minimum Energy Control of Fractional Descriptor Positive Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Bounded Inputs (I)
Kaczorek, TadeuszBialystok Univ. of Tech
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA05.6 
Switching Fractional-Order Controllers of Common Rail Pressure in Compressed Natural Gas Engines (I)
Lino, PaoloPol. Di Bari
Maione, GuidoPol. Di Bari
TuA06 2.41 Pawel Nowacki
Model Predictive Control for Embedded Systems Invited Session
Chair: Dumitrache, IoanUniv. Pol. of Bucharest
Co-Chair: Hovd, MortenNorwegian Univ. of Tech. and Science
Organizer: Necoara, IonUniv. Pol. Bucharest
Organizer: Dumitrache, IoanUniv. Pol. of Bucharest
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA06.1 
Fixed-Point Implementation of a Proximal Newton Method for Embedded Model Predictive Control (I)
Guiggiani, AlbertoIMT Inst. for Advanced Studies Lucca
Patrinos, PanagiotisIMT Inst. for Advanced Studies Lucca
Bemporad, AlbertoIMT Inst. for Advanced Studies Lucca
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA06.2 
Complexity of an Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Method: Application to Constrained MPC (I)
Nedelcu, Andrei ValentinUniv. Pol. of Bucharest
Necoara, IonUniv. Pol. Bucharest
Dumitrache, IoanUniv. Pol. of Bucharest
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA06.3 
Low Complexity Constraint Control Using Contractive Sets (I)
Hovd, MortenNorwegian Univ. of Tech. and Science
Olaru, SorinSupelec
Bitsoris, GeorgeUniv. of Patras
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA06.4 
Robust Explicit MPC Design under finite Precision Arithmetic (I)
Suardi, AndreaImperial Coll. London
Longo, StefanoCranfield Univ
Kerrigan, Eric C.Imperial Coll. London
Constantinides, George A.Imperial Coll. London
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA06.5 
A New Quadratic Programming Strategy for Efficient Sparsity Exploitation in SQP-Based Nonlinear MPC and MHE (I)
Frasch, JanickUniv. of Heidelberg, Germany
Vukov, MilanKU Leuven
Ferreau, Hans JoachimK.U. Leuven
Diehl, MoritzK.U. Leuven
TuA07 2.44 - Victor Broida
Bio-Signals Analysis and Interpretation Regular Session
Chair: Bazanella, Alexandre S.Univ. Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Co-Chair: Zhao, XingangShenyang Inst. of Automation,CAS
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA07.1 
Real-Time EMG Signal Frequency Identification
Zimenko, KonstantinITMO Univ
Margun, AlexeyITMO Univ
Bobtsov, AlexeyITMO Univ
Bazylev, DmitryITMO Univ
Kremlev, ArtemITMO Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA07.2 
Pattern Classification of Human Cognitive State in Man-Machine Systems Using Multiple Sources of Pyschophysiological Data and Fuzzy Clustering Approach
Zhang, JianhuaEast China Univ. of Science and Tech
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA07.3 
Detection of Mental Fatigue Using an Active BCI Inspired Signal Processing Chain
Roy, Raphaëlle N.Cea
Charbonnier, SylvieUniv. Joseph Fourier/ Grenoble INP
Bonnet, StephaneCea
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA07.4 
Classification of Gesture Based on Semg Decomposition: A Preliminary Study
Xiong, AnbinShenyang Inst. of Automation (SIA), Chinese Acad. of Scienc
Zhang, DaohuiThe State Key Lab. of Robotics, Shenyang Inst. of Autom
Zhao, XingangShenyang Inst. of Automation, CAS
Han, JiandaShenyang Inst. of Automation
Liu, GuangjunRyerson Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA07.5 
An Embedded Classifier of Lung Sounds Based on the Wavelet Packet Transform and ANN
Tocchetto, Marco A.Univ. Estadual Do Rio Grande Do Sul (UERGS)
Bazanella, Alexandre S.Univ. Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Guimarães, LeticiaUniv. Estadual Do Rio Grande Do Sul (UERGS)
Fragoso, João LeonardoUniv. Estadual Do Rio Grande Do Sul (UERGS)
Parraga, AdrianeUniv. Estadual Do Rio Grande Do Sul (UERGS)
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA07.6 
Physiological Signals Based Quantitative Evaluation Method of the Pain
Chu, YaqiShenyang Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences Sta
Zhao, XingangShenyang Inst. of Automation, CAS
Yao, JunShenyang Ligong Univ
Zhao, YiwenState Key Lab. of Robotics, Shenyang Inst. of Automati
Wu, ZhenweiState Key Lab. of Robotics, Shenyang Inst. of Automati
TuA08 2.61 - John Lozier
Engine Modelling and Control I Regular Session
Chair: Glover, KeithUniv. of Cambridge
Co-Chair: van Niekerk, TheoNelson Mandela Metropolitan Univ.
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA08.1 
On-Engine Validation of Mean Value Models for IC Engine Air-Path Control and Evaluation
Dickinson, PaulUniv. of Cambridge
Cieslar, DariuszUniv. of Cambridge
Glover, KeithUniv. of Cambridge
Collings, NickUniv. of Cambridge
Yamashita, YukioMitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd
Hoshi, ToruMitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd
Yashiro, YusukeMitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA08.2 
Feedback Linearization Based Control Approach for Turbocharged Air System of SI Engine: Toward a Fuel-Optimal Strategy
Nguyen, AnhTuLAMIH - Univ. of Valenciennes
Sugeno, MichioEuropean Centre for Soft Computing
Dambrine, MichelUniv. De Valenciennes Et Du Hainaut-Cambrésis
Lauber, JimmyUniv. of Valenciennes
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA08.3 
Direct C/GMRES Control of the Air Path of a Diesel Engine
Gagliardi, DavideUniv. Paris-Est, Lab. Modélisation Et Simulation Mul
Ohtsuka, ToshiyukiKyoto Univ
del Re, LuigiJohannes Kepler Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA08.4 
Modeling and Control of Diesel Engines with a High-Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation System
Samokhin, SergeyAalto Univ
Sarjovaara, TeemuAalto Univ
Zenger, KaiAalto Univ. School of Electrical Engineering
Larmi, MarttiAalto Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA08.5 
Air-Path Model Predictive Control of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine with Variable Valve Actuation
Gelso, Esteban R.Volvo Group Trucks Tech
Lindberg, JohanVolvo Group Trucks Tech
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA08.6 
SCR Ammonia Dosing Control by a Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller
Stadlbauer, StephanInst. for Design and Control of MechatronicalSystems, Johanne
Waschl, HaraldJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
del Re, LuigiJohannes Kepler Univ
TuA09 1.41 - Uolevi Luoto
Intelligent Robotics Regular Session
Chair: Su, JianboShanghai Jiaotong Univ.
Co-Chair: Bertram, TorstenTech. Univ. Dortmund
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA09.1 
Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Coordination on Representation Space
Su, JianboShanghai Jiaotong Univ
Zhang, YanjunShanghai Jiaotong Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA09.2 
Generation of New Robot Skills from Learned Skills
Hernandez Garcia, DanielUniv. Carlos III De Madrid
Monje, ConcepciónUniv. Carlos III of Madrid
Balaguer, CarlosUniv. Carlos III De Madrid
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA09.3 
Learning to Catch Moving Objects with Reduced Impulse Exchange
Phung, Anh SonTech. Univ. Dortmund, Germany
Malzahn, JörnTech. Univ. Dortmund
Hoffmann, FrankUniv. of Dortmund
Bertram, TorstenTech. Univ. Dortmund
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA09.4 
Knowledge Base Representation for Humanoid Robot Skills
Hernandez Garcia, DanielUniv. Carlos III De Madrid
Monje, ConcepciónUniv. Carlos III of Madrid
Balaguer, CarlosUniv. Carlos III De Madrid
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA09.5 
Formulating Robot Pursuit-Evasion Strategies by Model Checking
Qu, HongyangUniv. of Sheffield
Kolling, AndreasLinköping Univ
Veres, Sandor MUniv. of Sheffield
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA09.6 
Describing Constraint-Based Assembly Tasks in Unstructured Natural Language
Stenmark, MajLund Univ
Malec, JacekLund Univ
TuA10 1.42 - Yoshikazu Sawaragi
Model Predictive Control in Chemical Processes II Regular Session
Chair: Bao, JieThe Univ. of New South Wales
Co-Chair: Huusom, Jakob KjøbstedTech. Univ. of Denmark
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA10.1 
A Tuning Approach for Offset-Free MPC with Conditional Reference Adaptation
Waschl, HaraldJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
Jorgensen, John BagterpTech. Univ. of Denmark
Huusom, Jakob KjøbstedTech. Univ. of Denmark
del Re, LuigiJohannes Kepler Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA10.2 
Non-Constant Prediction-Step for Processes with Multi-Scale Dynamics
Tippett, Michael JamesThe Univ. of New South Wales
Tan, Chee KeongUniv. of New South Wales
Bao, JieThe Univ. of New South Wales
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA10.3 
A Family of High-Performance Solvers for Linear Model Predictive Control
Frison, GianlucaTech. Univ. of Denmark
Sokoler, Leo EmilTech. Univ. of Denmark
Jorgensen, John BagterpTech. Univ. of Denmark
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA10.4 
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Dimethyl Ether Combustion in a Jet Stirred Reactor
Lammersen, ThomasRWTH Aachen Univ
Stoehr, Klaus DieterRWTH Aachen Univ
Abel, DirkRWTH-Aachen Univ
Peters, NorbertRWTH Aachen Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA10.5 
A Realistic Process Example for MIMO MPC Based on Autoregressive Models
Huusom, Jakob KjøbstedTech. Univ. of Denmark
Jorgensen, John BagterpTech. Univ. of Denmark
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA10.6 
A Repetitiveness Index-Based Adaptive Two Dimensional Iterative Learning Model Predictive Control
Lu, JingyiHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
Cao, ZhixingHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech
Gao, FurongHong Kong Univ. of Sci & Tech
TuA11 1.43 - Tibor Vamos
Control Applications and Implementation Regular Session
Chair: Nagahara, MasaakiKyoto Univ.
Co-Chair: Ruths, JustinSingapore Univ. of Tech. and Design
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA11.1 
Controlled Synchronization: A Huygens' Inspired Approach
Pena Ramirez, JonatanEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Denasi, AlperEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Rodriguez-Angeles, AlejandroCenter for Res. and Advanced Studies, Cinvestav-IPN
Alvarez, JoaquinCicese
Nijmeijer, HendrikEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Aihara, KazuyukiUniv. of Tokyo
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA11.2 
A Low-Cost HIL Platform for Testing Professional Refrigerators Controllers
Gambino, Giovanni-
Siano, GianmicheleUniv. of Sannio in Benevento
Palmieri, GiovanniDipartimento Di Ingegneria
Mauro, WilliamUniv. of Naples
Vanoli, GiuseppeUniv. of Sannio in Benevento
Crisculo, FerdinandoSmartfreeze
Del Cogliano, DavideSmartfreeze
De Rossi, FilippoUniv. of Sannio in Benevento
Glielmo, LuigiUniv. of Sannio
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA11.3 
FIR Digital Filter Design by Sampled-Data H-Infinity Discretization
Nagahara, MasaakiKyoto Univ
Yamamoto, YutakaKyoto Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA11.4 
Optimal Control of an Epileptic Neural Population Model
Ruths, JustinSingapore Univ. of Tech. and Design
Taylor, PeterNanyang Tech. Univ
Dauwels, JustinNanyang Tech. Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA11.5 
Guaranteed Dominant Pole Placement with Discrete-PID Controllers: A Modified Nyquist Plot Approach
Dincel, EmreIstanbul Tech. Univ
Söylemez, Mehmet TuranIstanbul Tecnical Univ
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA11.6 
Automatic Generation of Feedforward Controllers Using Dynamic Local Model Networks
Euler-Rolle, NikolausVienna Univ. of Tech
Hametner, ChristophVienna Univ. of Tech
Jakubek, Stefan M.Tech. Univ. of Vienna/Austria
TuA12 1.44 - Manfred Thoma
Power System Operation II Regular Session
Chair: Yadykin, IgorV.A. Trapeznikov Inst. of Control Sciences, Russian Acad. of Sciences
Co-Chair: Pota, HemanshuUniv. of New South Wales
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA12.1 
Effects of Increasing Intermittent Generation ‎ on the Frequency Control of the ‎ European Power System
Nassar, IbrahimUniv. of Al-Azhar, Egypt
Alali, SalaheddinUniv. of Rostock, Germany
Weber, HaraldUniv. of Rostock
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA12.2 
Consensus-Based Approach for the Economic Dispatch Problem
Binetti, GiulioPol. Di Bari
Naso, DavidPol. Di Bari
Turchiano, BiagioPol. Di Bari
Davoudi, AliUniv. of Texas at Arlington
Lewis, Frank L.Univ. of Texas at Arlington
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA12.3 
Distributed Consensus Charging for Current Unbalance Reduction
Liu, MingmingHamilton Inst. National Univ. of Ireland Maynooth
Mc Namara, PaulNUI Maynooth
Shorten, RobertNat. Univ. of Ireland
Mcloone, SeanNUI Maynooth
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA12.4 
Optimal Lighting Project Maintenance Planning by a Control System Approach
Ye, XianmingUniv. of Pretoria
Xia, XiaohuaUniv. of Pretoria
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA12.5 
Incentive Design and Utility Learning Via Energy Disaggregation
Ratliff, LillianUniv. of California, Berkeley
Dong, RoyUniv. of California at Berkeley
Ohlsson, HenrikLinköping Univ
Sastry, ShankarUniv. of California at Berkeley
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA12.6 
On-Line Ampacity Monitoring from Phasor Measurements
Hering, PavelUniv. of West Bohemia
Janecek, PetrUniv. of West Bohemia
Janecek, EduardUniv. of West Bohemia
TuA13 1.61 - Boris Tamm
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles I Regular Session
Chair: Tayebi, AbdelhamidLakehead Univ.
Co-Chair: Hamel, TarekUniv. de Nice Sophia Antipolis
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA13.1 
Motion Coordination of Thrust-Propelled Underactuated Vehicles in the Presence of Communication Delays
Abdessameud, AbdelkaderWestern Univ
Tayebi, AbdelhamidLakehead Univ
Polushin, Ilia G.Univ. of Western Ontario
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA13.2 
Optical-Flow Based Strategies for Landing VTOL UAVs in Cluttered Environments
Rosa, LorenzoSapienza Univ. of Rome
Hamel, TarekUniv. De Nice Sophia Antipolis
Mahony, RobertAustralian National Univ
Samson, ClaudeINRIA Sophia-Antipolis
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA13.3 
Robust Trajectory Tracking for Underactuated VTOL Aerial Vehicles: Extended for Adaptive Disturbance Compensation
Castaldi, PaoloUniv. of Bologna - Aerospace Engineering Faculty
Mimmo, NicolaUniv. of Bologna - Aerospace Engineering Faculty
Naldi, RobertoUniv. Di Bologna
Marconi, LorenzoUniv. Di Bologna
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA13.4 
Taut Cable Control of a Tethered UAV
Nicotra, Marco M.Univ. Libre De Bruxelles (ULB)
Naldi, RobertoUniv. Di Bologna
Garone, EmanueleUniv. Libre De Bruxelles
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA13.5 
Passivity Based Control of a Quadrotor UAV
Souza, CristianFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Raffo, Guilherme ViannaFederal Univ. of Minas Gerais
Castelan, Eugenio B.Univ. Federal De Santa Catarina
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA13.6 
A Robust Adaptive Tracking Controller for an Aircraft with Uncertain Dynamical Terms
Tanyer, IlkerIzmir Inst. of Tech
Tatlicioglu, EnverIzmir Inst. of Tech
Zergeroglu, ErkanGebze Inst. of Tech
TuA14 1.62 - Brian Anderson
Nonlinear System Identification I Regular Session
Chair: Findeisen, RolfOtto-von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
Co-Chair: Calafiore, GiuseppePol. di Torino
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA14.1 
Distributed Reconstruction of Nonlinear Networks: An ADMM Approach
Pan, WeiImperial Coll. London
Sootla, AivarImperial Coll. London
Stan, Guy-BartImperial Coll
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA14.2 
Wiener System Identification in Presence of Hysteresis Nonlinearities
Radouane, AbdelhadiENSET, Univ. of Mohamed V
Giri, FouadUniv. of Caen Basse-Normandie
Ikhouane, FaycalUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Chaoui, Fatima-ZahraENSET, Univ. Mohamed V
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA14.3 
Iterative Parameter Estimate with Batched Binary-Valued Observations: Convergence with an Exponential Rate
Bi, WenjianAcad. of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS
Zhao, YanlongChinese Acad. of Sciences
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA14.4 
On Identifying Envelop Type Nonlinear Output Error Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models for Dynamic Systems with Uncertainties
Zaidi, SalmanUniv. of Kassel
Kroll, AndreasUniv. of Kassel
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA14.5 
Searching for New Benchmark Models for Detecting Nonlinearity in Data
Waller, MatiasÅland Univ. of Applied Sciences
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA14.6 
Sparse Identification of Polynomial and Posynomial Models
Calafiore, GiuseppePol. Di Torino
El Ghaoui, Laurent M.Univ. of California at Berkeley
Novara, CarloPol. Di Torino
TuA15 1.63 - Stephen Kahne
Estimation and Filtering II Regular Session
Chair: Gattami, AtherEricsson Inc.
Co-Chair: Dunik, JindrichUniv. of West Bohemia
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA15.1 
Feedback Control System with Stochastically Deteriorating Actuator: Remaining Useful Life Assessment
Nguyen, Danh NgocTroyes Univ. of Tech
Dieulle, LaurenceTroyes Univ. of Tech
Grall, AntoineUniv. De Tech. De Troyes
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA15.2 
A GNSS Interference Identification and Tracking Based on Adaptive Fading Kalman Filter
Kang, Chang HoSchool of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National Uni
Kim, Sun YoungSchool of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National Uni
Park, Chan GookSeoul National Univ
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA15.3 
A Low Cost Filter Design for State and Parameter Estimation in Very High Dimensional Systems
Hoang, Hong SonShom/cmo
Baraille, RémyShom/legos
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA15.4 
Fusion Strategies for Unequal State Vectors in Distributed Kalman Filtering
Noack, BenjaminKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Sijs, JorisTno
Hanebeck, UweKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA15.5 
Compressive Sampling in Intensity Based Control for Adaptive Optics
Brunner, ElisabethDelft Univ. of Tech
Lopes e Silva, JoãoTU Delft
de Visser, Cornelis. C.Delft Univ. of Tech
Verhaegen, MichelDelft Univ. of Tech
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA15.6 
Discrete-Time Stochastic Extremum Seeking
Liu, ShujunSoutheast Univ
Krstic, MiroslavUniv. of California at San Diego
TuA16 1.64 - Yong-Zai Lu
Industrial Applications of Enterprise Models and Integration Invited Session
Chair: Whitman, LawrenceWichita State Univ.
Co-Chair: Bernus, PeterGriffith Univ.
Organizer: Whitman, LawrenceWichita State Univ.
Organizer: Obitko, MarekCzech Tech. Univ.
Organizer: Panetto, HervéCRAN, Univ. of Lorraine, CNRS
Organizer: Cecil, J.New Mexico State Univ.
10:00-10:40, Paper TuA16.1 
Approach for the Rationalisation of Product Lines Variety (I)
Giovannini, AntonioCRAN, Univ. De Lorraine, CNRS; TRANE SAS;
Aubry, AlexisNancy-Univ
Panetto, HervéCRAN, Univ. of Lorraine, CNRS
El Haouzi, Bril, HindNancy Univ
Pierrel, LudovicTrane SAS
Dassisti, MichelePol. Di Bari
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA16.2 
Means to Enable Enterprise Interoperation: CIMOSA Object Capability Profiles and CIMOSA Collaboration View (I)
Kosanke, KurtCIMOSA Association E.v
Vernadat, FrançoisEuropean Court of Auditors
Zelm, MartinCIMOSA Association E.v
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA16.3 
Enterprise Architecture: Twenty Years of the GERAM Framework (I)
Bernus, PeterGriffith Univ
Noran, OvidiuGriffith Univ
Molina, ArturoTecnologico De Monterrey
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA16.4 
Methodology for Aligning Factory Information and Control Systems in a Complex and Dynamic Environment: Case of Semiconductor Manufacturing (I)
Ben Amira, AhmedEc. Des Mines De Saint-Etienne / STMicroelectronics
Dauzère-Pérès, StéphaneEc. Des Mines De Saint-Etienne
Vialletelle, PhilippeSTMicroelectronics
Lepelletier, GuillaumeSTMicroelectronics
Lalevée, PhilippeEc. Nationale Superieure Des Mines De Saint-Etienne
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA16.5 
A Production Planning Model for a Steel Plate Fabrication Plant with Flexible Customization and Manufacturing (I)
Lu, ShanZhejiang Univ
Su, HongyeZhejiang Univ
Johnsson, CharlottaLund Univ
Xie, LeiZhejiang Univ
TuA17 Marco Polo
Modeling and Diagnosis of Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems Regular Session
Chair: Mascolo, SaverioPol. di Bari
Co-Chair: Luo, GuimingTsinghua Univ.
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA17.1 
A Hybrid Model of the Akamai Adaptive Streaming Control System
De Cicco, LucaPol. Di Bari
Cofano, GiuseppePol. Di Bari
Mascolo, SaverioPol. Di Bari
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA17.2 
Dynamic Modeling and Optimization in Membrane Distillation System
Eleiwi, FadiKing Abdullah Univ. of Science and Tech. (KAUST)
Laleg, Taous-MeriemKing Abdullah Univ. of Science and Tech. (KAUST)
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA17.3 
Modelling and Formal Verification of Timing Aspects in Large PLC Programs
Fernandez Adiego, BorjaCern
Darvas, DanielCern
Blanco Vinuela, EnriqueEuropean Organization for Nuclear Res
Tournier, Jean-CharlesCern
Gonzalez Suarez, Victor ManuelUniv. of Oviedo
Blech, Jan OlafRMIT Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA17.4 
Periodic Modes and Bistability in an Impulsive Goodwin Oscillator with Large Delay
Churilov, AlexanderSt.Petersburg State Univ
Medvedev, AlexanderUppsala Univ
Zhusubaliyev, ZhanybaiSouth West State Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA17.5 
Sampled-Data Disturbance Observer for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
Ahmed Ali, SofianeIrseem/esigelec
Langlois, NicolasIrseem / Esigelec
Guermouche, MohamedInst. De Recherche En Systèmes électroniques Embarquées IRSEE
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA17.6 
Balanceability Analysis of GSS Systems with Unit Heterogeneity
Wang, XingxuanFudan Univ
TuA18 2.43 - Pedro Albertos
Navigation, Control, and Sensing in the Marine Environment I Invited Session
Chair: Zereik, EnricaCNR - ISSIA
Co-Chair: Bibuli, MarcoCNR-ISSIA
Organizer: Zereik, EnricaCNR - ISSIA
Organizer: Bibuli, MarcoCNR-ISSIA
Organizer: Pascoal, Antonio M.ISR-Inst. Superior Tecnico
Organizer: Ridao, PereUniv. of Girona VAT:ESQ6750002E
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA18.1 
Underwater Floating Manipulation for Robotic Interventions (I)
Simetti, EnricoUniv. of Genova
Casalino, GiuseppeUniv. of Genova
Torelli, SandroUniv. of Genova
Sperinde, AlessandroUniv. of Genova
Turetta, AlessioUniv. of Genova
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA18.2 
An Intrinsic Tactile Sensor for Underwater Robotics (I)
Palli, GianlucaUniv. of Bologna
Moriello, LorenzoUniv. of Bologna
Scarcia, UmbertoUniv. of Bologna
Melchiorri, ClaudioUniv. of Bologna
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA18.3 
Typhoon at CommsNet 2013: Experimental Experience on AUV Navigation and Localization (I)
Allotta, BenedettoUniv. of Florence
Bartolini, FabioUniv. of Florence
Caiti, AndreaUniv. of Pisa
Costanzi, RiccardoUniv. of Florence
Di Corato, FrancescoUniv. of Pisa
Fenucci, DavideUniv. of Pisa
Gelli, JonathanUniv. of Florence
Guerrini, PieroCmre
Monni, NiccolòUniv. of Florence
Munafo, AndreaISME/Univ. of Pisa
Natalini, MarcoUniv. of Florence
Pugi, LucaUniv. Di Firenze
Ridolfi, AlessandroUniv. of Florence
Potter, John R.Cmre
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA18.4 
Impact of LBL Calibration on the Accuracy of Underwater Localization (I)
Turetta, AlessioUniv. of Genova
Casalino, GiuseppeUniv. of Genova
Simetti, EnricoUniv. of Genova
Sperinde, AlessandroUniv. of Genova
Torelli, SandroUniv. of Genova
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA18.5 
Improving Automatic Target Recognition with Forward Looking Sonar Mosaics (I)
Ferreira, FaustoCnr-Ieiit
Djapic, VladimirNATO Undersea Res. Centre
Micheli, MicheleCMRE Center for Maritime Res. & Experimentation
Caccia, MassimoCnr-Issia
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA18.6 
Performance Evaluation of a Low-Cost Stereo Vision System for Underwater Object Detection (I)
Oleari, FabioUniv. of Parma
Kallasi, FabjanUniv. of Parma
Lodi Rizzini, DarioUniv. of Parma
Aleotti, JacopoUniv. of Parma
Caselli, StefanoUniv. of Parma
TuA19 2.46 - Vladimir Kucera
Guidance, Navigation and Control of Vehicles II Regular Session
Chair: Kim, YoudanSeoul National Univ.
Co-Chair: Blazic, SasoUniv. of Ljubljana
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA19.1 
The NEMO HD Attitude Determination and Control System: Experimental Mode (I)
Blazic, SasoUniv. of Ljubljana
Matko, DragoUniv. of Ljubljana
Bošnak, MatevžSpace-Si
Klancar, GregorUniv. of Ljubljana
Music, GasperUniv. of Ljubljana
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA19.2 
A Fuzzy Optimal Sliding-Mode Guidance for Intercepting Problem
Hou, ZhiweiHuazhong Univ. of Science and Tech
Su, MaoHuazhong Univ. of Science and Tech
Wang, YongjiHauzhong Univ. of Science and Tech
Liu, LeiHuazhong Univ. of Science and Tech
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA19.3 
Weighting Logic Design of Hybrid Database Referenced Navigation Algorithm Using Multiple Geophysical Information
Lee, Won HeeSeoul National Univ
Yoo, Young MinSeoul National Univ
Yun, SehyunSeoul National Univ
Park, Chan GookSeoul National Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA19.4 
Longitudinal Manoeuvre Load Control of a Flexible Large-Scale Aircraft
Burlion, LaurentOnera
Poussot-Vassal, CharlesOnera
Vuillemin, PierreOnera - the French Aerospace Lab
Leitner, MartinDlr
Kier, ThiemoDlr
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA19.5 
Flight Test Results for Circular Path Following by Model Predictive Control
Hamada, YoshiroJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Tsukamoto, TaroJaxa
Ishimoto, ShinjiJaxa
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA19.6 
Analysis of the Applicability of PMD Cameras for Measuring Altitude of Flight Near Undisturbed Water Surface
Krysin, DmitriySaint Petersburg State Univ. of Aerospace Inst
Nebylov, AlexanderState Univ. of Aerospace Inst
TuA20 2.63 - Wook Hyun Kwon
Model Based Engineering to Support Multidisciplinary Manufacturing Plant
Invited Session
Chair: Vogel-Heuser, BirgitTech. Univ. of Munich
Co-Chair: Fantuzzi, CesareUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Organizer: Vogel-Heuser, BirgitTech. Univ. of Munich
Organizer: Fantuzzi, CesareUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Organizer: Pereira, Carlos EduardoFederal Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA20.1 
A SysML Based Design Pattern for the High-Level Development of Mechatronic Systems to Enhance Re-Usability (I)
Barbieri, GiacomoUniv. Degli Studi Di Modena E Reggio Emilia
Kernschmidt, KonstantinTech. Univ. München
Fantuzzi, CesareUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Vogel-Heuser, BirgitTech. Univ. of Munich
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA20.2 
A Model-Based Approach for Achieving Available Automation Systems (I)
Priego, RafaelUniv. of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Armentia, AintzaneUniv. Del Pais Vasco
Orive, DarioUniv. Del País Vasco
Estévez, ElisabetUniv. De Jaén
Marcos, MargaETSI Bilbao, Univ. Del País Vasco
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA20.3 
Semantics to the Shop Floor: Towards Ontology Modularization and Reuse in the Automation Domain (I)
Legat, ChristophTech. Univ. München
Seitz, ChristianSiemens AG - Industry Sector
Lamparter, SteffenSiemens AG
Feldmann, StefanTech. Univ. München
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA20.4 
Reuse of Modules for Mechatronic Modeling and Evaluation of Manufacturing Systems in the Conceptual Design and Basic Engineering Phase (I)
Weyrich, MichaelUniv. of Stuttgart
Klein, Philipp W.Univ. of Siegen
Steden, FrankUniv. of Siegen
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA20.5 
Derivation of Diagnostic Models Based on Formalized Process Knowledge (I)
Arroyo, EstebanHelmut Schmidt Univ. Hamburg
Schulze, DenisHelmut Schmidt Univ
Christiansen, LarsHelmut Schmidt Univ
Fay, AlexanderHelmut Schmidt Univ
Thornhill, NinaImperial Coll. London
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA20.6 
A Novel Model-Based Approach to Support Development Cycle of Robotic Arm Applications (I)
Estévez, ElisabetUniv. De Jaén
Sanchez-Garcia, AlejandroUniv. of Jaen
Gamez Garcia, JavierUniv. of Jaén
Gomez-Ortega, J.Univ. De Jaén
TuA21 2.64 - Alberto Isidori
European Efforts towards Advanced Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant
Control for Civil Aircraft: The FP7 RECONFIGURE Project
Invited Session
Chair: Varga, A.DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
Co-Chair: Goupil, PhilippeAIRBUS Operations S.A.S.
Organizer: Varga, A.DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
Organizer: Goupil, PhilippeAIRBUS Operations S.A.S.
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA21.1 
AIRBUS Efforts towards Advanced Real-Time Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control (I)
Goupil, PhilippeAIRBUS Operations S.A.S
Boada Bauxell, JosepAIRBUS Operations SAS
Marcos, AndresUniv. of Bristol
Cortet, EmmanuelAIRBUS Operations S.A.S
Kerr, Murray LawrenceDeimos Space
Costa, Hugo AndreDeimos Space S.L.U
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA21.2 
Dynamic Sensor Allocation Framework for Fault Tolerant Flight Control (I)
Peni, TamasInst. for Computer Science and Control (MTA-SZTAKI)
Vanek, BalintMta Sztaki
Szabo, ZoltanHungarian Acad. of Sciences
Bokor, JozsefHungarian Acad. of Sciences
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA21.3 
Moving Horizon Least-Squares Input Estimation for Linear Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems (I)
Wan, YimingDelft Univ. of Tech
Keviczky, TamasDelft Univ. of Tech
Verhaegen, MichelDelft Univ. of Tech
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA21.4 
A Fault Diagnosis Based Reconfigurable Longitudinal Control System for Managing Loss of Air Data Sensors for a Civil Aircraft (I)
Varga, A.DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
Ossmann, DanielGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Joos, Hans-DieterGerman Aerospace Center
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA21.5 
Reconstruction of Simultaneous Actuator and Sensor Faults for the RECONFIGURE Benchmark Using a Sliding Mode Observer (I)
Alwi, HalimUniv. of Exeter
Chen, LejunUniv. of Exeter
Edwards, ChristopherUniv. of Exeter
TuA22 2.65 - Ian Craig
Intelligent Maintenance Systems and Life Cycle Control Regular Session
Chair: Kopacek, PeterVienna Univ. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Zhang, YouminConcordia Univ.
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA22.1 
End of Life Management of Automation and IT Devices
Kopacek, PeterVienna Univ. of Tech
Kopacek, BerndAustrian Society for Systems Engineering and Automation -SAT
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA22.2 
Model-Based Testing of PLC Software: Test of Plants' Reliability by Using Fault Injection on Component Level
Roesch, SusanneTech. Univ. München
Tikhonov, DmitryInst. of Automation and Information Systems (AIS), Departmen
Schütz, DanielTech. Univ. München
Vogel-Heuser, BirgitTech. Univ. of Munich
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA22.3 
A Novel Local Time-Frequency Domain Feature Extraction Method for Tool Condition Monitoring Using S-Transform and Genetic Algorithm
Soltani Rad, JavadConcordia Univ
Zhang, YouminConcordia Univ
Chen, ChevyConcordia Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA22.4 
Disassembly Line Balancing Problem with Fixed Number of Workstations under Uncertainty
Bentaha, Mohand LounesEc. Des Mines De Saint-Etienne
Battaïa, OlgaEc. Des Mines De Saint-Etienne
Dolgui, AlexandreEc. Nationale Supérieure Des Mines De Saint-Etienne
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA22.5 
How Automatic Control Can Contribute to Asset Management
Lange, LesAlternisource Products Cc
TuA23 2.66
Human-Machine Systems Regular Session
Chair: Koivo, HeikkiAalto Univ.
Co-Chair: Tilbury, Dawn M.Univ. of Michigan
10:00-10:20, Paper TuA23.1 
A Hierarchical Control Scheme for Smooth Transitions between Level Ground and Ramps with a Robotic Transtibial Prosthesis
Yuan, KebinPeking Univ
Wang, QiningPeking Univ
Zhu, JinyingPeking Univ
Wang, LongPeking Univ
10:20-10:40, Paper TuA23.2 
Intelligent Mesh for Self Reconfigurability of an Exoskeleton Arm
Altıntaşı, çağrıMiddle East Tech. Univ. (METU)
Erkmen, AydanMiddle East Tech. Univ
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA23.3 
Adaptation of the Human-Machine Interface to the Human Skill and Dynamic Characteristics
Tervo, KaleviHelsinki Univ. of Tech
Koivo, HeikkiAalto Univ
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA23.4 
Unexpected Situations Diagnosis: A Model-Based Approach for Human Machine Systems
Berdjag, DenisUniv. of Valenciennes
Vanderhaegen, FrédéricUniv. of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis
Shumsky, AlexeyFar Eastern Federal Univ
Zhirabok, Alexey N.Far Eastern Federal Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA23.5 
Driver Modeling for Teleoperation with Time Delay
Vozar, SteveUniv. of Michigan
Tilbury, Dawn M.Univ. of Michigan
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA23.6 
Stability and Robustness Analysis of Frequency-Shaped Impedance Control for Reference Tracking and Compliant Interaction
Oh, SehoonSogang Univ
Woo, HanseungSogang Univ
Kong, KyoungchulSogang Univ
TuA24 Francis Drake
Medical Imaging Invited Session
Chair: Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
Co-Chair: Russo, ValentinaUniv. CAMPUS Biomedico
Organizer: Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
Organizer: Feng, David DaganThe Univ. of Sydney
Organizer: Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
Organizer: Chiew, Yeong ShiongUniv. of Canterbury
10:00-10:40, Paper TuA24.1 
Deformable Models and Optimal Mass Transportation for Processing of DCE-MRI 2D Images (I)
Russo, ValentinaUniv. CAMPUS Biomedico
Lanini, JessicaCampus Bio-Medico of Rome
Dubbini, NevioUniv. of Pisa
10:40-11:00, Paper TuA24.2 
Diaphragmatic Surface Reconstruction from Massive Temporal Registration of Orthogonal MRI Sequences (I)
Abe, Leonardo IshidaYokohama National Univ
Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
Chirinos, Jose Miguel ManzanaresEscola Pol. Da Univ. De Sao Paulo
Martins, Thiago de CastroUniv. of Sao Paulo
Gotoh, ToshiyukiYokohama National Univ
Kagei, SeiichiroYokohama National Univ
Iwasawa, TaeKanagawa Cardiovascular and Res. Center
Silva, Alexandre GoncalvesSanta Catarina State Univ
Ubertino Rosso, Jr., Roberto SilvioSanta Catarina State Univ
Tavares, Renato SeijiEscola Pol. Da Univ. De São Paulo
11:00-11:20, Paper TuA24.3 
Fisher Vector of Micro-Texton for HEp-2 Staining Pattern Classification (I)
Han, Xian-HuaRitsumeikan Univ
Chen, Yen-WeiRitsumeikan Univ
11:20-11:40, Paper TuA24.4 
A Novel Visualization System for ICU Clinical Activity Tracking (I)
Guo, PengUniv. of Canterbury
Chiew, Yeong ShiongUniv. of Canterbury
Shao, LeiSchool of Electrical Engineering, Tianjin Univ. of Tech
Clark, AdrianUniv. of Canterbury
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA24.5 
Perfusion Analysis for Lung MR Images Considering Non-Monotonic Response of Gd-Contrast Agent (I)
Saka, TomokiYokohama National Univ
Ichikawa, MasakiYokohama National Univ
Kagei, SeiichiroYokohama National Univ
Gotoh, ToshiyukiYokohama National Univ
Iwasawa, TaeKanagawa Cardiovascular and Res. Center
Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
11:40-12:00, Paper TuA24.6 
Effect of Detector Blurring on Apical Region in Myocardial Perfusion SPECT Imaging (I)
Hesz, GáborBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Kári, BélaSemmelweis Univ. Department of Diagnostic Radiology and On
Szlávecz, ÁkosBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
Wirth, AndrásMediso Ltd
Pártos, OszkárSemmelweis Univ. Department of Nuclear Medicine
Benyo, BalazsBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec
TuA25 Poster area
Interactive Session on Power Systems Interactive Session
Chair: Erlich, IstvanUniv. of Duisburg-Essen
Co-Chair: Folly, KomlaUniv. of Cape Town
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA25.1 
A Microgrid Library in a General Simulation Language (I)
Salazar, JohannaUniv. of Valladolid
Tadeo, FernandoUniv. of Valladolid Q4718001C
de Prada, CesarUniv. of Valladolid
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA25.2 
Semi-Active Wide-Area Fault-Tolerant Control in Electric Power Systems (I)
Segundo Sevilla, Felix RafaelKTH Royal Inst. of Tech
Korba, PetrZurich Univ. of Applied Sciences
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA25.3 
Social Evolutionary Programming Algorithm on Unit Commitment in Wind Power Integrated System (I)
Li, NanChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Bai, XiaominChina Electric Power Res. Inst
Zhu, ShouzhenTsinghua Univ
Zheng, JinghongTsinghua Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA25.5 
Neural Network Based HVAC Predictive Control (I)
Ruano, AntonioUniv. of Algarve
Ferreira, Pedro M.Univ. of Lisbon
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA25.6 
A Controllable Voltage Equalizer with State of Charge Prediction for Supercapacitors in Large Current Applications
Li, LiranCentral South Univ
Huang, ZhiwuCentral South Univ
Liu, WeirongCentral South Univ
Li, HaoCentral South Univ
Li, HengCentral South Univ
Yang, YingzeCentral South Univ
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA25.7 
Wind Turbine Model Validation: Fusion of Simulation and Measurement Data
Stotsky, Alexander A.Chalmers Univ. of Tech
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA25.8 
Active Fault Tolerant Control of a Wind Turbine Via Fuzzy MPC and Moving Horizon Estimation
Feng, XiaoranUniv. of Hull
Patton, Ron J.Univ. of Hull
10:00-12:00, Paper TuA25.9 
Dynamic Programming Framework for Wind Power Maximization
Rotea, MarioThe Univ. of Texas at Dallas
TuB01 Ballroom East - Harold Chestnut
Smart Grid Control III Regular Session
Chair: Lee, Kwang Y.Baylor Univ.
Co-Chair: Vale, ZitaPol. Inst. of Porto
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB01.1 
Coordinated Contribution of Wind Turbines to Frequency Regulation by Model Predictive Control (I)
Baccino, FrancescoDITEN - Univ. Degli Studi Di Genova
Conte, FrancescoUniv. of Genova
Grillo, SamuelePol. Di Milano
Massucco, StefanoUniv. of Genova
Silvestro, FedericoUniv. of Genova
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB01.2 
Power Load Forecasting Based on Multi-Task Gaussian Process
Zhang, YulaiTsinghua Univ
Luo, GuimingTsinghua Univ
Pu, FuanTsinghua Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB01.3 
Planning of Optimal Daily Power Generation Tolerating Prediction Uncertainty of Demand and Photovoltaics
Koike, MasakazuTokyo Inst. of Tech
Ishizaki, TakayukiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Ueda, YuzuruTokyo Inst. of Tech
Masuta, TaisukeNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech
Ozeki, TakashiNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech
Ramdani, NacimUniv. D'orléans
Imura, Jun-ichiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Sadamoto, TomonoriTokyo Inst. of Tech
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB01.4 
Prediction and Robust Control of Energy Flow in Renewable Energy Systems
Csáji, Balázs CsanádMta Sztaki
Kovács, AndrásMta Sztaki
Váncza, JózsefMta Sztaki
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB01.5 
An Irradiation Prediction Model for Photovoltaic Power Generations under Limited Weather Information (I)
Park, Sung-WonSung-Won
Son, Sung-YongGacheon Univ
Park, Jong-BaeKonkuk Univ
Lee, Kwang Y.Baylor Univ
Hwang, HyemiKorea Inst. of Energy Res
TuB02 Ballroom West - Aleksander Letov
Output Feedback Control Regular Session
Chair: Wang, LeiZhejiang Univ.
Co-Chair: Schuster, EugenioLehigh Univ.
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB02.1 
A Partial-State Observer for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Systems
Wang, LeiZhejiang Univ
Isidori, AlbertoUniv. of Rome "La Sapienza"
Su, HongyeZhejiang Univ
Xu, WeihuaZhejiang Univ
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB02.2 
Model Predictive Regulation
Aguilar, CesarCalifornia State Univ. Bakersfield
Krener, Arthur JNaval Postgraduate School
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB02.3 
Robustness of the Moore-Greitzer Compressor Model's Surge Subsystem with New Dynamic Output Feedback Controllers
Andersson, AlinaLund Univ
Robertsson, AndersLTH, Lund Univ
Shiriaev, AntonUmea Univ
Freidovich, LeonidUmeå Univ
Johansson, RolfLund Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB02.4 
Observer-Based Bang-Bang Control for a Class of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems}
Barbata, AsmaUniv. De Lorraine
Zasadzinski, MichelCran
Souley Ali, HarounaCran Umr 7039 Cnrs
Messaoud, HassaniENIM, Monastir
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB02.5 
Nonlinear Burn Control in Tokamak Fusion Reactors Via Output Feedback
Boyer, Mark D.Lehigh Univ
Schuster, EugenioLehigh Univ
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB02.6 
A Dynamic Scaling Based Control Redesign Procedure for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Input Unmodeled Dynamics
Krishnamurthy, PrashanthNYU Pol. School of Engineering
Khorrami, FarshadNYU Pol. School of Engineering
TuB03 1.63 - Stephen Kahne
Continuous Time System Estimation Regular Session
Chair: Perruquetti, WilfridEc. Centrale de Lille
Co-Chair: Axelsson, PatrikLinköping Univ. Sweden
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB03.1 
On Gaussian Filters for Continuous-Discrete Nonlinear Systems
Katayama, TohruRitsumeikan Univ
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB03.2 
Observation and Observers for Systems from Delay Convoluted Observation
Verriest, Erik I.Georgia Inst. of Tech
Ivanov, AnatoliPennsylvania State Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB03.3 
Discretizing Stochastic Dynamical Systems Using Lyapunov Equations
Wahlström, NiklasLinköping Univ
Axelsson, PatrikLinköping Univ. Sweden
Gustafsson, FredrikLinköping Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB03.4 
Non-Asymptotic State Estimation for a Class of Linear Time-Varying Systems with Unknown Inputs
Liu, Da-YanINSA Centre Val De Loire, Campus De Bourges
Laleg, Taous-MeriemKing Abdullah Univ. of Science and Tech. (KAUST)
Perruquetti, WilfridEc. Centrale De Lille
Gibaru, OlivierARTS ET METIERS ParisTech
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB03.5 
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of LTI Continuous-Time Grey-Box Models
Rehor, JiriCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Havlena, VladimirHoneywell Tech. Center Europe
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB03.6 
A New Filtering Approach for Continuous-Time Linear Systems with Delayed Measurements
Cacace, FilippoUniv. Campus Biomedico Di Roma
Conte, FrancescoUniv. of Genova
Germani, AlfredoUniv. of L'Aquila
TuB04 Roof Terrace - John Coales
Control under Communication Constraints Regular Session
Chair: Ishii, HideakiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Quevedo, Daniel E.The Univ. of Newcastle
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB04.1 
Dynamic Quantizers in Presence of Noisy Channels
Baldan, GiancarloMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Dahleh, Munther A.Massachusetts Inst. of Tech
Megretski, AlexandreMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB04.2 
Controllability of Discrete-Time Networked Control Systems with Try Once Discard Protocol
Ljesnjanin, MeridThe Univ. of Melbourne
Quevedo, Daniel E.The Univ. of Newcastle
Nesic, DraganUniv. of Melbourne
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB04.3 
Switched Model Predictive Control for Networked Control Systems with Time Delays and Packet Disordering
Liu, AndongZhejiang Univ. of Tech
Yu, LiZhejiang Univ. of Tech
Zhang, Wen-AnZhejiang Univ. of Tech
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB04.4 
Control Over Additive White Gaussian Noise Channels: Bode-Type Integrals, Channel Blurredness, Negentropy Rate, and Beyond
Fang, SongCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Ishii, HideakiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Chen, JieCity Univ. of Hong Kong
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB04.5 
Optimal Sequence-Based Tracking Control Over Unreliable Networks
Fischer, JoergKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Dolgov, MaximKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Hanebeck, UweKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB04.6 
Optimal Sensor and Actuator Placement in Complex Dynamical Networks
Summers, TylerETH Zurich
Lygeros, JohnETH Zurich
TuB05 Da Gama/Diaz
Linear Systems and Positive Systems Regular Session
Chair: Bartosiewicz, ZbigniewBialystok Univ. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Peaucelle, DimitriLAAS-CNRS
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB05.1 
Efficient Convergence Rate Analysis of Multi-Agent Positive Systems under Formation Control
Ebihara, YoshioKyoto Univ
Peaucelle, DimitriLaas-Cnrs
Arzelier, DenisLaas-Cnrs
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB05.2 
On the Distinguishability of Positive Linear Time-Invariant Systems with Affine Parametric Uncertainties
Motchon, Koffi M. DjidulaUniv. Lille1
Pekpe, Komi MidzodziLagis
Cassar, J.P.Univ. Des Sciences Et Tech. De LILLE
De Bièvre, StephanUniv. Lille 1
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB05.3 
Reachability and Observability Graphs for Linear Positive Systems on Time Scales
Bartosiewicz, ZbigniewBialystok Univ. of Tech
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB05.4 
A New Approach to H-Infinity Model Reduction for Positive Systems
Li, XianweiHarbin Inst. of Tech
Yu, Changbin (Brad)Australian National Univ
Gao, HuijunHarbin Inst. of Tech
Zhang, LixianHarbin Inst. of Tech
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB05.5 
Controllability, Observability and Eigenvalue Assignment on Isolated Time Scales
Gören Sümer, LeylaIstanbul Tech. Univ
Sevim, UfukIstanbul Tech. Univ
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB05.6 
Tracking Problem for Linear Systems with Parametric Uncertainties and Unstable Zero Dynamics
Utkin, AntonIcs
Utkin, VictorIcs
Krasnova, SvetlanaIcs
Kochetkov, SergeyIstitute of Control Sciences
TuB06 2.41 Pawel Nowacki
Motion Control Systems III Regular Session
Chair: Sjöberg, JohanCorp. Res. ABB AB
Co-Chair: Huba, MikulasSlovak Univ. of Tech.
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB06.1 
PD-Super-Twisting Second Order Sliding Mode Tracking Control for a Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robot
Elyoussef, Ebrahim SamerUniv. Federal De Santa Catarina
Martins, Nardênio AlmeidaUFSC - Univ. Federal De Santa Catarina
De Pieri, Edson RobertoFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Moreno, Ubirajara F.Federal Univ. of Santa Catarina
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB06.2 
Nonlinear State Feedback H_infinity-Control of Mechanical Systems under Unilateral Constraints
Montaño Godinez, Oscar EduardoCicese
Orlov, YuryCicese
Aoustin, YannickCNRS, Univ. of Nantes
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB06.3 
Modeling and Control of a Tiltrotor UAV for Path Tracking
Donadel, RodrigoFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Raffo, Guilherme ViannaFederal Univ. of Minas Gerais
Becker, LeandroFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB06.4 
Multi-Axis Time Synchronization for Uncoordinated Motion Planning with Hard Constraints
Blaha, LukasUniv. of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB06.5 
Energy-Efficient Trajectory Planning for a Mobile Agent by Using a Two-Stage Decomposition Approach
Yu, HanGE Global Res
Wang, YebinMitsubishi Electric Res. Lab
Bortoff, ScottMerl - Usa
Ueda, KoichiroMitsubishi Electric Corp
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB06.6 
Robust Tracking Control of 6-DOF Parallel Electrical Manipulator in Joint-Task Space with Fast Friction Estimation
Hao, RenjianBeijing Inst. of Tech
Wang, JunzhengBeijing Inst. of Tech
Zhao, JiangboBeijing Inst. of Tech
Wang, ShoukunBeijing Inst. of Tech
TuB07 2.44 - Victor Broida
Models, Methods, Control, System ID and Clinical Applications in Medical
and Biological Systems
Invited Session
Chair: Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Co-Chair: Moeller, KnutFurtwangen Univ.
Organizer: Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Organizer: Moeller, KnutFurtwangen Univ.
Organizer: Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
Organizer: Pielmeier, UlrikeAalborg Univ.
Organizer: Andreassen, SteenAalborg Univ.
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB07.1 
RGBD Camera Monitoring System for Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Using Recurrent Neural Networks with Parametric Bias Action Recognition
Iarlori, SabrinaUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
Giantomassi, AndreaUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
Ferracuti, FrancescoUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
Longhi, SauroUniv. Pol. Delle Marche
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB07.2 
Structural Identifiability Analysis of a Cardiovascular System Model (I)
Pironet, AntoineUniv. of Liege
Dauby, Pierre C.Univ. of Liege
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
Revie, James AUniv. of Canterbury
Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Desaive, ThomasUniv. of Liege
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB07.3 
Managing Patient-Specific Mechanical Ventilation: Clinical Utilisation of Respiratory Elastance (CURE) – Model and Software Development (I)
Redmond, Daniel PaulUniv. of Canterbury
Davidson, Shaun MUniv. of Canterbury
Laing, HamishUniv. of Canterbury
White, RichardUniv. of Canterbury
Radzi, FaiziUniv. of Canterbury
Chiew, Yeong ShiongUniv. of Canterbury
Poole, Sarah FUniv. of Canterbury
Damanhuri, Nor SalwaUniv. of Canterbury
Desaive, ThomasUniv. of Liege
Shaw, Geoffrey MChristchurch Hospital, Canterbury District Health Board
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB07.4 
Imaging of Rayleigh Damping Properties of the in Vivo Brain Using Parametric Magnetic Resonance Elastography (I)
Petrov, AndriiUniv. of Canterbury
Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Sellier, MathieuUniv. of Canterbury
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB07.5 
Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering Operation and Limitations - Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation (I)
Palma, CaioFederal Univ. of Sao Paulo
Menocci Cappabianco, Fabio AugustoFederal Univ. of Sao Paulo
Shinsuki Ide, JaimeFederal Univ. of Sao Paulo
Vechiatto de Miranda, Paulo AndreUniv. of Sao Paulo
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB07.6 
The Regional Conjugate Optimisation Approach: A Novel Method for Three Parameter Identification of Physiological Models (I)
Davidson, Shaun MUniv. of Canterbury
Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Allison, Peter AUniv. of Canterbury
TuB08 2.61 - John Lozier
Energy Management Control for XEV: Modelling and Battery Element Invited Session
Chair: Rizzo, GianfrancoUniv. of Salerno
Co-Chair: Colin, GuillaumeUniv. of Orléans
Organizer: Sciarretta, AntonioIFP
Organizer: Onori, SimonaClemson Univ.
Organizer: Zou, YuanBeijing Inst. of Tech.
Organizer: Chamaillard, YannPRISME
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB08.1 
Residual Capacity Estimation for Ultracapacitors in Electric Vehicles Using Artificial Neural Network (I)
Zhang, LeiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Wang, ZhenpoBeijing Inst. of Tech
Hu, XiaosongChalmers Univ. of Tech
Dorrell, DavidUniv. of Tech. Sydney
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB08.2 
MIMO Hinf Control for Power Source Coordination -Application to Energy Management Systems of Electric Vehicles (I)
Nwesaty, WaleedGrenoble Inst. of Tech. Gipsa-Lab. ControlSystems Depa
Bratcu, Antoneta IulianaGrenoble Inst. of Tech. Gipsa-Lab. ControlSystems Depa
Sename, OlivierGrenoble Inst. of Tech. / GIPSA-Lab
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB08.3 
Control-Oriented Modeling of a Lithium-Ion Battery for Fast Charging (I)
Zou, ChangfuUniv. of Melbourne
Manzie, ChrisThe Univ. of Melbourne
Anwar, SohelPurdue School of Engr. & Tech
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB08.4 
Minimum-Time Path Following in Highly Redundant Electric Vehicles (I)
de Castro, RicardoGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Tanelli, MaraPol. Di Milano
Araújo, Rui EstevesUniv. of Porto - Faculty of Engineering
Savaresi, SergioPol. Di Milano
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB08.5 
Battery Management Using Secondary Loads: A Novel Integrated Approach (I)
Muenzel, ValentinUniv. of Melbourne
de Hoog, JulianUniv. of Melbourne
Brazil, MarcusThe Univ. of Melbourne
Thomas, Doreen AnneUniv. of Melbourne
Mareels, IvenThe Univ. of Melbourne
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB08.6 
Design of Power Steering Systems for Heavy-Duty Long-Haul Vehicles (I)
Silvas, EmiliaEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Backx, EricEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Voets, HenkDAF Trucks N.V
Hofman, TheoTech. Univ. Eindhoven
Steinbuch, MaartenEindhoven Univ. of Tech
TuB09 1.41 - Uolevi Luoto
Estimation, Guidance and Control of Missiles Invited Session
Chair: Padhi, RadhakantIndian Inst. of Science
Co-Chair: Tsourdos, AntoniosCranfield Univ.
Organizer: Padhi, RadhakantIndian Inst. of Science
Organizer: Tsourdos, AntoniosCranfield Univ.
Organizer: Le Menec, StephaneMBDA France
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB09.1 
Novel Evolutionary Game Based Multi-Objective Optimisation for Dynamic Weapon Target Assignment (I)
Leboucher, CedricMBDA France
Shin, Hyo-SangCranfield Univ
Le Menec, StephaneMBDA France
Tsourdos, AntoniosCranfield Univ
Kotenkoff, AlexandreMbda
Siarry, PatrickUniv. Paris 12
Chelouah, RachidEisti
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB09.2 
Full-State Autopilot-Guidance Design under a Linear Quadratic Differential Game Formulation (I)
Levy, MaitalTech
Shima, TalTech. - Israel Inst. of Tech
Gutman, ShaulTech
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB09.3 
Minimum Variation Guidance Laws for Interceptor Missiles (I)
Weiss, MartinTno
Shima, TalTech. - Israel Inst. of Tech
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB09.4 
Modified Generalized Explicit Guidance for Midcourse with Near-Zero Lateral Acceleration in Terminal Phase (I)
Sahu, UttamDrdo
Dwivedi, Prasiddha NathDrdo
Bhattacharyaa, AbhijitDrdo
Padhi, RadhakantIndian Inst. of Science
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB09.5 
Observability Analysis on Radome Aberration Estimation (I)
Seo, Min-GukKorea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech
Tahk, Min-JeaKorea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech
Ryoo, Chang-KyungInha Univ
TuB10 1.42 - Yoshikazu Sawaragi
Process Modelling Regular Session
Chair: Canevese, SilviaRSE S.p.A.
Co-Chair: Lindholm, AnnaLund Univ.
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB10.1 
Empirical Models for Utility Disturbances in the Process Industry
Lindholm, AnnaLund Univ
Forsman, KristerPerstorp AB
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB10.2 
Cooling Water System Modelling for Control and Energy Optimisation Purposes
Muller, Cornelius JacobusUniv. of Pretoria
Craig, IanUniv. of Pretoria
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB10.3 
Frequency-Selective Galerkin Models for Turbulent Boundary Layer Drag Reduction
Hakenberg, MathiasRWTH Aachen Univ
Abel, DirkRWTH-Aachen Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB10.4 
Modelling of a Coagulation Chemical Dosing Unit for Water Treatment Plants Using Fuzzy Inference System
Bello, OladipupoTshwane Univ. of Tech. Pretoria
Hamam, YskandarA2si-Esiee & Liris-Uvsq
Djouani, KarimUniv. Paris XII Creteil, Lab. LiSSI
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB10.5 
Kinetic Analysis and Optimization of Long Chain Branched Propylene Polymerization System
Mogilicharla, AnithaIndain Inst. of Tech. Hyderabad
Majumdar, SaptarshiTrddc
Mitra, KishalayIIT Hyderabad
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB10.6 
Modeling and Parameter Identification for CO_2 Post-Combustion Capture by Amines Supported on Solid Sorbents
Bisone, LuigiConsultant
Bittanti, SergioPol. Di Milano
Canevese, SilviaRSE S.p.A
De Marco, AntonioConsultant
Garatti, SimonePol. Di Milano
Notaro, MaurizioRSE Milan
Prandoni, ValterRSE (Ricerca Sistema Energetico)
TuB11 1.43 - Tibor Vamos
Control of Constrained Systems Regular Session
Chair: Zhang, ZhengqiangQufu Normal Univ.
Co-Chair: Olaru, SorinSupelec
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB11.1 
On the Linear Constrained Regulation Problem for Continuous-Time Systems
Bitsoris, GeorgeUniv. of Patras
Olaru, SorinSupelec
Vassilaki, MarinaUniv. of Patras
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB11.2 
Distributed Control Design with Local Model Information and Guaranteed Stability
Deroo, FrederikTech. Univ. Muenchen
Meinel, MartinTech. Univ. Muenchen
Ulbrich, MichaelTech. Univ. Muenchen
Hirche, SandraTech. Univ. Muenchen
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB11.4 
Exponential Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems with Actuator Nonlinearity
Zhang, ZhengqiangQufu Normal Univ
Wang, Rui-HuaSoutheast Univ
Shao, HanyongQufu Normal Univ
TuB12 1.44 - Manfred Thoma
Ancillary Services Invited Session
Chair: Shigeru, TamuraMeiji Univ.
Co-Chair: Bendtsen, Jan DimonAalborg Univ.
Organizer: Shigeru, TamuraMeiji Univ.
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB12.1 
BESS Control Strategies for Participating in Grid Frequency Regulation (I)
Xu, BolunABB Switzerland Ltd., Corp. Res
Oudalov, AlexandreABB Switzerland Ltd., Corp. Res
Poland, JanABB Switzerland Ltd., Corp. Res
Ulbig, AndreasETH Zurich
Andersson, GoranSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB12.2 
Loss Minimization and Voltage Control in Smart Distribution Grid (I)
Juelsgaard, MortenAalborg Univ
Sloth, ChristofferAalborg Univ
Wisniewski, RafalAalborg Univ
radhakrishna Pillai, JayakrishnanAalborg Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB12.3 
Impact of Frequency Control Reserve Provision by Storage Systems on Power System Operation (I)
Borsche, Theodor SebastianETH Zürich
Ulbig, AndreasETH Zurich
Andersson, GoranSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB12.4 
Economic Analysis for Possibility of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems Application to Frequency Control in Power System (I)
Shigeru, TamuraMeiji Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB12.5 
Unit Commitment with Wind Generation and Reversible-Hydro System in Islands (I)
Guerrero, VictoriaUniv. of Castilla - La Mancha
Sánchez de la Nieta, AgustínUniv. of Castilla - La Mancha
Contreras, JavierUniv. of Castilla - La Mancha
Correia, Pedro F.Univ. of Lisbon
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB12.6 
Optimal Dynamic Allocation and Space Reservation for Electric Vehicles at Charging Stations (I)
Cassandras, Christos G.Boston Univ
Geng, YanfengBoston Univ
TuB13 1.61 - Boris Tamm
Control of Switched Systems Regular Session
Chair: Bolzern, PaoloPol. di Milano
Co-Chair: Heidari, RahmatUniv. of Newcastle
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB13.1 
Model Reference Switching Quasi-LPV Control of a Four Wheeled Omnidirectional Robot
Rotondo, DamianoUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Nejjari, FatihaUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB13.2 
Switched Linear Systems Control Design: A Transfer Function Approach
Deaecto, Grace S.Univ. of Campinas, Brazil
Geromel, Jose C.Unicamp
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB13.3 
Switching Rule Design for Sector-Bounded Nonlinear Switched Systems
May Dezuo, Tiago JacksonUniv. Federal De Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Trofino, AlexandreFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Scharlau, Cesar C.Univ. Federal De Santa Catarina (UFSC)
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB13.4 
Design of Stabilizing Strategies for Dual Switching Stochastic-Deterministic Linear Systems
Bolzern, PaoloPol. Di Milano
Colaneri, PatrizioPol. Di Milano
De Nicolao, GiuseppeUniv. Di Pavia
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB13.5 
On Componentwise Ultimate Bound Minimisation for Switched Linear Systems Via Closed-Loop Lie-Algebraic Solvability
Heidari, RahmatUniv. of Newcastle
Seron, MariaThe Univ. of Newcastle
Braslavsky, Julio H.Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Res
Haimovich, HernanCONICET; Univ. Nacional De Rosario
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB13.6 
Design of a Robust Tracking PD Controller for a Class of Switched Linear Systems with External Disturbances
Belkhiat, Djamel Eddine ChouaibFerhat Abbas Univ. Setif 1
Jabri, DalelMACS ENIG, Univ. De Gabès, Tunisie
Fourati, HassenGIPSA-Lab. Univ. Joseph Fourier
TuB14 1.62 - Brian Anderson
Nonlinear System Identification II Regular Session
Chair: Calafiore, GiuseppePol. di Torino
Co-Chair: Findeisen, RolfOtto-von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB14.1 
Identification of Gaussian Process State-Space Models with Particle Stochastic Approximation EM
Frigola, RogerUniv. of Cambridge
Lindsten, FredrikLinköping Univ
Schön, Thomas BoUppsala Univ
Rasmussen, Carl EdwardUniv. of Cambridge
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB14.2 
Optimal Experimental Design for Probabilistic Model Discrimination Using Polynomial Chaos
Streif, StefanOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
Petzke, FelixOtto-Von-Guericke Univ. Magdeburg
Mesbah, AliMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Findeisen, RolfOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
Braatz, Richard D.Massachusetts Inst. of Tech
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB14.3 
Probabilistic and Set-Based Model Invalidation and Estimation Using LMIs
Streif, StefanOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
Henrion, DidierLAAS-CNRS, Univ. Toulouse
Findeisen, RolfOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB14.4 
A Nonlinear Blind Identication Approach to Modeling of Diabetic Patients
Novara, CarloPol. Di Torino
Mohammad Pour, NimaPol. Di Torino
Vincent, TyroneColorado School of Mines
Grassi, GiorgioCittà Della Salute E Della Scienza, Torino
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB14.5 
Control Oriented System Identification for Performance Management in Virtualized Software System
Aryani, DharmaRMIT Univ
Wang, LiupingRMIT Univ
Patikirikorala, TharinduSwinburne Univ. of Tech
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB14.6 
Input Selection Using Local Model Network Trees
Belz, JulianUniv. of Siegen
Nelles, OliverUniv. of Siegen
TuB15 Auditorium 2 - Eduard Gerecke
Mending the Gap - Connecting Academic Research and Industry Practice in
Control Systems
Panel Session
Chair: Samad, TariqHoneywell Lab.
Co-Chair: Goodall, RogerLoughborough Univ.
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB15.1 
Mend the Gap - How Can We Improve the Connection between Academic Research and Industry Practice in Control Systems?
Samad, TariqHoneywell Lab
Goodall, RogerLoughborough Univ
TuB16 1.64 - Yong-Zai Lu
Adaptive Control Tools Regular Session
Chair: Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Miyasato, YoshihikoThe Inst. of Statistical Mathematics
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB16.1 
Nearly Optimal Control Scheme for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems with Finite Approximation Errors Using Generalized Value Iteration Algorithm
Wei, QinglaiInst. of Automation, Chinese Adademy of Sciences
Liu, DerongChinese Acad. of Sciences
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB16.2 
Approximating the Time Optimal Solution for Accessible Unknown Systems by Learning Using a Virtual Output
Trogmann, HannesJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
del Re, LuigiJohannes Kepler Univ
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB16.3 
Nonlinear Stabilization by Dynamic Parameter Adaptation: Algebraic-Ricatti-Equation-Based Approach
Ibrir, SalimKing Fahd Univ. of Petroleum and Minerals
Bettayeb, MaamarUniv. of Sharjah
Su, Chun-YiConcordia Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB16.4 
Adaptive H-Infinity Consensus Control of Multi-Agent Systems by Utilizing Neural Network Approximators
Miyasato, YoshihikoThe Inst. of Statistical Mathematics
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB16.5 
Adaptive H-Infinity Consensus Control for Distributed Parameter Systems of Parabolic Type
Miyasato, YoshihikoThe Inst. of Statistical Mathematics
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB16.6 
Squaring-Up Method in the Presence of Transmission Zeros
Qu, ZhengMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Wiese, DanielMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Annaswamy, AnuradhaMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Lavretsky, EugeneThe Boeing Company
TuB17 Marco Polo
Automatic Control in Road Transportation Regular Session
Chair: Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Stathopoulos, AntonyNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB17.1 
Investigating the Interaction between Traffic Flow and Vehicle Platooning Using a Congestion Game
Farokhi, FarhadKTH, Royal Inst. of Tech
Johansson, Karl H.Royal Inst. of Tech
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB17.2 
Optimal Control for Multi-Lane Motorways in Presence of Vehicle Automation and Communication Systems
Roncoli, ClaudioTech. Univ. of Crete
Papageorgiou, MarkosTech. Univ. of Crete
Papamichail, IoannisTech. Univ. of Crete
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB17.3 
Design of Adaptive Cruise Control for Road Vehicles Using Topographic and Traffic Information
Gaspar, PeterHungarian Acad. of Sciences
Németh, BalázsMta Sztaki
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB17.4 
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control of Vehicles with Sensor Failures
Yue, WeiDalian Univ. of Tech
Guo, GeDalian Univ. of Tech
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB17.5 
Personalization of Itineraries Search Using Ontology and Rules to Avoid Congestion in Urban Areas
Zidi, AmirLAMIH, Univ. of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis
Bouhana, AmnaMODEOR Univ. of Sfax, Tunisia
Abed, MouradLAMIH, Univ. of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis
Fekih, AfefUniv. of Louisiana at Lafayette
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB17.6 
A Novel Probability Density Estimating Method for Relative Altitudes of Civil Aircraft in Cruising Phase
Chen, Jing-JieCivil Aviation Univ. of China
Yue, Yong-WangCivil Aviation Univ. of China
TuB18 2.43 - Pedro Albertos
Navigation, Control and Sensing in the Marine Environment II Invited Session
Chair: Zereik, EnricaCNR - ISSIA
Co-Chair: Bibuli, MarcoCNR-ISSIA
Organizer: Zereik, EnricaCNR - ISSIA
Organizer: Bibuli, MarcoCNR-ISSIA
Organizer: Pascoal, Antonio M.ISR-Inst. Superior Tecnico
Organizer: Ridao, PereUniv. of Girona VAT:ESQ6750002E
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB18.1 
ILOS Guidance - Experiments and Tuning (I)
Bibuli, MarcoCnr-Issia
Caharija, WalterNtnu
Pettersen, Kristin Y.Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
Bruzzone, GabrieleCnr-Issia
Caccia, MassimoCnr-Issia
Zereik, EnricaCnr - Issia
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB18.2 
Observability Analyses and Trajectory Planning for Tracking of an Underwater Robot Using Empirical Gramians (I)
Glotzbach, ThomasTech. Univ. Ilmenau
Crasta, NaveenaTU Ilmenau
Ament, ChristophTech. Univ. Ilmenau
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB18.3 
Observability Analysis of 3D AUV Trimming Trajectories in the Presence of Ocean Currents Using Single Beacon Navigation (I)
Crasta, NaveenaTU Ilmenau
Bayat, MohammadrezaTech. Univ. of Lisbon, Inst. Superior Técnico(IST)
Aguiar, A. PedroFaculty of Engineering, Univ. of Porto (FEUP)
Pascoal, Antonio M.ISR-Inst. Superior Tecnico
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB18.4 
Dynamic Positioning of a Diver Tracking Surface Platform (I)
Miskovic, NikolaUniv. of Zagreb
Nad, DulaUniv. of Zagreb, Faculty of Elelctrical Engineeringand Comp
Vasilijevic, AntonioUniv. of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Comp
Vukic, ZoranUniv. of Zagreb
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB18.5 
Auditory Interface for Teleoperation - Path Following Experimental Results (I)
Vasilijevic, AntonioUniv. of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Andcompu
Nad, DulaUniv. of Zagreb, Faculty of Elelctrical Engineeringand Comp
Miskovic, NikolaUniv. of Zagreb
Vukic, ZoranUniv. of Zagreb
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB18.6 
Combined Acoustic and Video Characterization of Coastal Environment by Means of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (I)
Fumagalli, ElisaCnr - Issia
Bibuli, MarcoCnr-Issia
Caccia, MassimoCnr-Issia
Zereik, EnricaCnr - Issia
Del Bianco, FabrizioCnr - Ismar
Gasperini, LucaCnr - Ismar
Stanghellini, GiuseppeCnr - Ismar
Bruzzone, GabrieleCnr-Issia
TuB19 2.46 - Vladimir Kucera
Collaborative Networked Organizations Principles; Decentralized and
Distributed Control; Holonic Manufacturing Systems
Panel Session
Chair: Dolgui, AlexandreEc. Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB19.1 
Cooperative Control in Production and Logistics
Monostori, LaszloComputer and Automation Res. Inst. Hungarian
Valckenaers, PaulK.U.Leuven
Dolgui, AlexandreEc. Nationale Supérieure Des Mines De Saint-Etienne
Panetto, HervéCRAN, Univ. of Lorraine, CNRS
Brdys, MietekUniv. of Birmingham
Csáji, Balázs CsanádMta Sztaki
TuB20 2.63 - Wook Hyun Kwon
Sustainable Networked Enterprises & Eco-Industrial Networking Invited Session
Chair: Romero, DavidTecnológico de Monterrey
Co-Chair: Dassisti, MichelePol. di Bari
Organizer: Romero, DavidTecnológico de Monterrey
Organizer: Haidegger, GezaMTA SZTAKI, Inst. for Computer Science and Control (Hungary)
Organizer: Chen, DavidUniv. Bordeaux I
Organizer: Dassisti, MichelePol. di Bari
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB20.1 
Collaboration Platform for Sustainable Wind Energy Distribution Network (I)
Nof, Shimon Y.Purdue Univ
Ko, Hoo SangSouthern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville
Jahanpour, EhsanSouthern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB20.2 
Towards a Sustainable Development Maturity Model for Green Virtual Enterprise Breeding Environments (I)
Romero, DavidTecnológico De Monterrey
Molina, ArturoTecnologico De Monterrey
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB20.3 
Learning for Sustainable Organisational Interoperability (I)
Weichhart, GeorgJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB20.4 
An Enterprise Decision Model for a Large Scale Assembly Operation (I)
Whitman, LawrenceWichita State Univ
Thome, JarrodWichita State Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB20.5 
A Pluralistic Approach towards Sustainable Eco-Industrial Networking (I)
Noran, OvidiuGriffith Univ
Romero, DavidTecnológico De Monterrey
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB20.6 
A Methodology for Developing Service in Virtual Manufacturing Environment (I)
Chen, DavidUniv. Bordeaux I
TuB21 2.64 - Alberto Isidori
FDI and FTC of Wind Turbines in Wind Farms Invited Session
Chair: Odgaard, Peter FoghAalborg Univ.
Co-Chair: Simani, SilvioUniv. of Ferrara
Organizer: Odgaard, Peter FoghAalborg Univ.
Organizer: Simani, SilvioUniv. of Ferrara
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB21.1 
Robust Sensor Fault-Tolerant Control Scheme for Wind Turbines with Hydrostatic Transmission (I)
Schulte, HorstHTW Berlin
Georg, SoerenHTW Berlin
Benzaouia, AbdellahFaculty of Science Semlalia
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB21.2 
Residual Generator Fuzzy Identification for Wind Farm Fault Diagnosis (I)
Simani, SilvioUniv. of Ferrara
Farsoni, SaverioDepartment of Engineering, Univ. of Ferrara
Castaldi, PaoloUniv. of Bologna - Aerospace Engineering Faculty
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB21.3 
Fault Detection and Load Distribution for the Wind Farm Challenge (I)
Borchersen, AndersAalborg Univ
Larsen, Jesper AbildgaardAalborg Univ
Stoustrup, JakobPacific Northwest National Lab
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB21.4 
Fault Diagnosis of a Wind Farm Using Interval Parity Equations (I)
Blesa, JoaquimUniv. Pol. De Catalunya (UPC)
Jimenez, PedroUniv. Pol. De Catalunya (UPC)
Rotondo, DamianoUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Nejjari, FatihaUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB21.5 
Design of a Pole Placement Active Power Control System for Supporting Grid Frequency Regulation and Fault Tolerance in Wind Farms (I)
Badihi, HamedConcordia Univ
Zhang, YouminConcordia Univ
Hong, HenryConcordia Univ
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB21.6 
Fault Diagnosis of Advanced Wind Turbine Benchmark Using Interval-Based ARRs and Observers (I)
Sanchez, HectorSac, Upc
Escobet, TeresaUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
TuB22 2.65 - Ian Craig
Manufacturing Plant Control Regular Session
Chair: Fabian, MartinChalmers Univ. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Abel, DirkRWTH-Aachen Univ.
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB22.1 
Qualitative Diagnosis Method Based on Process History in Semiconductor Manufacturing Process
Chakaroun, MohamadLsis
Djeziri, Mohand ArabUniv. Paule Cézanne
Ouladsine, MustaphaUniv. D'aix Marseille III
Pinaton, JacquesSTMicroelectronics
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB22.2 
Do Not Cancel My Race with Cyber-Physical Systems
Zamfirescu Bala, ConstantinUniv. Lucian Blaga Sibiu
Pirvu, Bogdan-ConstantinGerman Res. Center for Artificial Intelligence
Loskyll, MatthiasGerman Res. Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Zuehlke, DetlefGerman Res. Center for Artificial Intelligence
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB22.3 
Fuzzy Model Xml Formulation for Production Dynamics Analysis and Control
Karer, GorazdUniv. of Ljubljana
Skrjanc, IgorUniv. of Ljubljana
Music, GasperUniv. of Ljubljana
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB22.4 
Model Predictive Control of Cavity Pressure in an Injection Moulding Process
Reiter, MatthiasRWTH Aachen Univ
Stemmler, SebastianRWTH Aachen, Inst. of Automatic Control
Reßmann, AxelInst. of Plastics Processing (IKV) at RWTH Aachen Univ
Hopmann, ChristianInst. of Plastics Processing (IKV) at RWTH Aachen Univ
Abel, DirkRWTH-Aachen Univ
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB22.5 
Jobs Pre-Allocation on Parallel Unrelated Machines with Sequence Dependent Setup Times: Evidence from a Large Experimentation
Gamberini, RitaUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Castagnetti, EricaUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Lolli, FrancescoUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Rimini, BiancaUniv. Di Modena E Reggio Emilia
TuB23 2.66
Bioprocess Modeling and Identification Regular Session
Chair: Bezzo, FabrizioUniv. of Padova
Co-Chair: Ogunnaike, Babatunde A.Univ. of Delaware
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB23.1 
A Dynamic Model of Photoproduction, Photoregulation and Photoinhibition in Microalgae Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Nikolaou, AndreasIMPERIAL Coll. LONDON
Bernardi, AndreaUniv. of Padova
Bezzo, FabrizioUniv. of Padova
Morosinotto, TomasUniv. of Padova
Chachuat, BenoitImperial Coll. London
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB23.2 
Modelling Thermal Adaptation in Microalgae: An Adaptive Dynamics Point of View
Grimaud, Ghjuvan MicaeluInria
Mairet, FrancisInria
Bernard, OlivierInria
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB23.3 
Analysis of Biological Smooth Oscillators Inspired by the Relay Control Tuning Method
Zhang, YanZhejiang Univ
Chen, JianZhejiang Univ
Li, GuangZhejiang Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB23.4 
Dynamic Model for Isopropanol Production by Cupriavidus Necator
Ternon, CélineINSA Toulouse
Grousseau, EstelleUniv. De Toulouse
Gunther, JanUniv. De Toulouse
Gorret, NathalieINSA Toulouse
Guillouet, StéphaneUniv. De Toulouse
Anthony, J. SinskeyMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Aceves-Lara, Cesar-ArturoInsa
Roux, GillesLaas
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB23.5 
Biexcitability and Bursting Mechanisms in Neural and Genetic Circuits
Gifani, PeymanUniv. of Cambridge
Goncalves, Jorge M.Univ. of Cambridge
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB23.6 
Identification of Markov Chains from Distributional Measurements and Applications to Systems Biology
Swaminathan, AnandhCalifornia Inst. of Tech
Murray, Richard M.California Inst. of Tech
TuB24 Francis Drake
Modeling and Control in Agriculture Regular Session
Chair: Lozoya Gamez, Rafael CamiloMonterrey Inst. of Tech. and Higher Education
Co-Chair: Tsitsimpelis, IoannisLancaster Univ.
13:30-13:50, Paper TuB24.1 
Effect of Different Durations of Root Area Chilling on the Nutritional Quality of Spinach
Shimizu, HiroshiKyoto Univ
13:50-14:10, Paper TuB24.2 
Symmetric Send-On-Delta PI Control of a Greenhouse System
Beschi, ManuelUniv. OF BRESCIA, ITALY
Pawlowski, AndrzejUniv. of Almeria
Guzman, Jose LuisUniv. of Almeria
Berenguel, ManuelUniv. of Almeria
Visioli, AntonioUniv. of Brescia
14:10-14:30, Paper TuB24.3 
Micro-Climate Control in a Grow-Cell: System Development and Overview
Tsitsimpelis, IoannisLancaster Univ
Taylor, C. JamesLancaster Univ
14:30-14:50, Paper TuB24.4 
Model Predictive Control of Climatic Chamber with On-Off Actuators
Dostál, JiříCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Ferkl, LukasCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
14:50-15:10, Paper TuB24.5 
Model Predictive Control for Closed-Loop Irrigation
Lozoya Gamez, Rafael CamiloMonterrey Inst. of Tech. and Higher Education
Mendoza Enriquez, CarlosMonterrey Inst. of Tech. and Higher Education
Mejia Torres, Leonardo DanielMonterrey Inst. of Tech. and Higher Education
Quintana, Jesus JoseMonterrey Inst. of Tech. and Higher Education
Mendoza Chavez, GilbertoMonterrey Inst. of Tech. and Higher Education
Bustillos, Aaron ManuelMonterrey Inst. of Tech. and Higher Education
Arras, Manuel OctavioMonterrey Inst. of Tech. and Higher Education
Solis Garcia, LuisMonterrey Inst. of Tech. and Higher Education
15:10-15:30, Paper TuB24.6 
Development of a Low-Cost IMU by Using Sensor Fusion for Attitude Angle Estimation
Liu, YufeiHokkaido Univ
Noguchi, NoboruHokkaido Univ
Ishii, KazunobuHokkaido Univ
TuB25 Poster area
Interactive Session on Mechatronics II Interactive Session
Chair: Vanderhaegen, FrédéricUniv. of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis
Co-Chair: Fleming, Andrew JohnUniv. of Newcastle
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.1 
Model Driven Design Support for Mixed-Criticality Distributed Systems (I)
Armentia, AintzaneUniv. Del Pais Vasco
Agirre, AitorIkerlan-Ik4
Estévez, ElisabetUniv. De Jaén
Perez, JonIK4-Ikerlan
Marcos, MargaETSI Bilbao, Univ. Del País Vasco
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.2 
Delay and Backlog Bounds for an Aggregation System in Wireless Networks
Breck, DamienUniv. of Lorraine, CRAN, UMR 7039
Georges, Jean-PhilippeUniv. of Lorraine
Divoux, ThierryCran-Cnrs Umr 7039
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.3 
A Force-Controllable Compact Actuator Module for a Wearable Hand Exoskeleton
Jo, InseongUnist
Bae, JoonbumUnist
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.4 
Planning Flexible Human Resource Capacity in Volatile Markets (I)
Bauer, WilhelmFraunhofer Inst. for Industrial Engineering IAO
Hämmerle, MoritzFraunhofer IAO
Gerlach, StefanFraunhofer IAO
Strölin, TobiasFraunhofer Inst. for Industrial Engineering IAO
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.5 
Measuring the Level of Integration in a Sustainable Supply Chain (I)
Cyplik, PiotrPoznan School of Logistics
Hadas, LukaszPoznan School of Logistics
Adamczak, MichalPoznan School of Logistics
Domanski, RomanPoznan School of Logistics
Pruska, ZanetaPoznan School of Logistics
Kupczyk, MartynaPoznan School of Logistics
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.6 
Integrating Lean and Green Paradigms in Maintenance Management (I)
Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, MalgorzataPoznan Univ. of Tech
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.7 
On Translation of LD, IL and SFC Given According to IEC-61131 for Hardware Synthesis of Reconfigurable Logic Controller
Milik, AdamSilesian Univ. of Tech
Hrynkiewicz, EdwardSilesian Univ. of Tech
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.8 
Adaptation of System Configuration under the Robot Operating System
Aitken, Jonathan MaxwellUniv. of Sheffield
Veres, Sandor MUniv. of Sheffield
Judge, MarkUniv. of Sheffield
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.9 
Control of an Electromechanical Control Actuation System Using a Fractional Order Proportional, Integral, and Derivative-Type Controller
Özkan, BülentTubitak-Sage
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.10 
Automated Model Generation in the eld of Electrical Automotive Driveline Components
Regulin, DanielTech. Univ. München
Schneider, MichaelTech. Univ. München
Rehberger, SebastianTech. Univ. München
Vogel-Heuser, BirgitTech. Univ. of Munich
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.11 
Dynamic Surface Control of Mobile Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Systems with Nonlinear Disturbance Observer
Ri, SongHyokHuazhong Univ. of Science and Tech
Huang, JianHuazhong Univ. of Science and Tech
Wang, YongjiHauzhong Univ. of Science and Tech
Tao, ChunjingNational Res. Center for Rehabilitation Tech. Aids
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.12 
Model Accuracy Impacts for Active Damping of a Viscoelastic Beam
Norlander, HansUppsala Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.13 
Finite Element Model Reduction and Model Updating of Structures for Control
Dorosti, MasoudEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Fey, Rob H.B.PO Box 513, Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
Heertjes, MarcelEindhoven Univ. of Tech
van de Wal, MarcPhilips Applied Tech
Nijmeijer, HendrikEindhoven Univ. of Tech
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.14 
A New Approach of Dynamic Friction Modelling for Simulation and Observation
Specker, ThomasUniv. of Ulm
Buchholz, MichaelUniv. Ulm
Dietmayer, Klaus Christian JürgenUniv. of Ulm
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.15 
A Cost Oriented Humanoid Robot Motion Control System
Kopacek, PeterVienna Univ. of Tech
Baltes, JackyUniv. of Manitoba
Schörghuber, MarkusVienna Univ. of Tech. E325A6
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.16 
Knowledge-Intensive Teaching Assistance System for Industrial Robots Using Case-Based Reasoning and Explanation-Based Learning
Sun, GuanfengKyoto Univ
Sawaragi, TetsuoKyoto Univ
Horiguchi, YukioKyoto Univ
Nakanishi, HiroakiKyoto Univ
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.17 
Robust Sliding Mode Trajectory Tracking Controller for a Nonholonomic Spherical Mobile Robot
Azizi, Mahmood RezaUniv. of Tabriz
Keighobadi, JafarUniv. of Tabriz
13:30-15:30, Paper TuB25.18 
Availability of Material Streams in Hybrid Push/pull Shop Floor Control System (I)
Hadas, LukaszPoznan Univ. of Tech
Stachowiak, AgnieszkaPoznan Univ. of Tech
Cyplik, PiotrPoznan Univ. of Tech
Jóźwiak, IreneuszWroclaw Univ. of Tech
Fertsch, MarekPoznan Univ. of Tech
TuC01 Ballroom East - Harold Chestnut
Smart Grid Control IV Regular Session
Chair: Zhong, Qing-ChangThe Univ. of Sheffield
Co-Chair: Grillo, SamuelePol. di Milano
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC01.1 
Economic Energy Distribution and Consumption in a Microgrid Part 2: Macrocell Level Controller (I)
Tahersima, FatemehAalborg Univ
Stoustrup, JakobPacific Northwest National Lab
Andersen, PalleAalborg Univ
Madsen, Per PrintzAalborg Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC01.2 
Research on Dynamic Process of DC Micro-Grid under Hierarchical Control (I)
Li, ZhengTsinghua Univ
Zhu, ShouzhenTsinghua Univ
Zheng, JinghongTsinghua Univ
Choi, Dae HeeTsinghua Univ
Wei, LingTsinghua Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC01.3 
Simulation Model of a Smart Grid with an Integrated Large Heat Source (I)
Vasek, LubomirTomas Bata Univ. in Zlin
Dolinay, ViliamTomas Bata Univ. in Zlin
Vasek, VladimirTomas Bata Univ. in Zlin
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC01.4 
Power Supply Scheduling Optimization from a Viewpoint of Spatio-Temporal Aggregation
Sadamoto, TomonoriTokyo Inst. of Tech
Muto, IkumaTokyo Inst. of Tech
Ishizaki, TakayukiTokyo Inst. of Tech
Koike, MasakazuTokyo Inst. of Tech
Imura, Jun-ichiTokyo Inst. of Tech
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC01.5 
Optimized Operation of a Micro-Grid for Energy Resources (I)
Ornelas-Tellez, FernandoUniv. Michoacana De San Nicolas De Hidalgo
Zuñiga-Neria, Guillermo C.Univ. Michoacana De San Nicolas De Hidalgo
Rico, J. JesusUniv. Michoacana De San Nicolas De Hidalgo
Sanchez, Edgar N.Cinvestav
Calderon, FelixDiv. De Estudios De Postgrado. Facultad De Ingenieria Electr
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC01.6 
Demand Response Scheme Based on Lottery-Like Rebates
Schwartz, GalinaUniv. of California, Berkeley
Tembine, HamidouSupelec
Amin, SaurabhMassachusetts Inst. of Tech
Sastry, ShankarUniv. of California at Berkeley
TuC02 Ballroom West - Aleksander Letov
Sliding Mode Control II Regular Session
Chair: Leśniewski, PiotrTech. Univ. of Łódź
Co-Chair: Chen, LeiSoutheast Univ.
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC02.1 
Non-Switching Reaching Law Based Discrete Time Quasi-Sliding Mode Control with Application to Warehouse Management Problem
Leśniewski, PiotrTech. Univ. of Ł ódź
Bartoszewicz, AndrzejTech. Univ. of Lodz
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC02.2 
Nonlinear Characteristic Model--Based SMC and Its Application to Flexible
Chen, LeiSoutheast Univ
Yan, YanDalian Maritime Univ
Sun, ChangyinSoutheast Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC02.3 
Sliding Mode versus Parallel Compensator Based Control under Measurement Noise
Gessing, RyszardPol. Slaska
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC02.4 
Finite-Time Control of an Actuated Orthosis Using Fast Terminal Sliding Mode
Madani, TarekUniv. of Paris-Est Creteil (UPEC)
Daachi, BoubakerUniv. of Paris East Créteil
Djouani, KarimUniv. Paris XII Creteil, Lab. LiSSI
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC02.5 
Decentralised Observation Using Higher Order Sliding Mode Techniques
Yan, Xing-GangUniv. of Kent
Fridman, Leonid M.National Autonomous Univ. of Mexico
Spurgeon, Sarah K.Univ. of Kent
Zhang, QinglingNortheastern Univ
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC02.6 
Global Output Feedback Sliding Mode Control of Nonlinear Systems with Multiple Time Delays
Oliveira, Tiago RouxState Univ. of Rio De Janeiro - UERJ
Cunha, Jose Paulo V. S.State Univ. of Rio De Janeiro
TuC03 1.61 - Boris Tamm
Errors in Variables Identification Regular Session
Chair: Soverini, UmbertoUniv. of Bologna
Co-Chair: Van den Hof, Paul M.J.Eindhoven Univ. of Tech.
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC03.1 
Frequency Domain Maximum Likelihood Identification of Noisy Input-Output Models
Soverini, UmbertoUniv. of Bologna
Soderstrom, TorstenUppsala Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC03.2 
Frequency Domain EIV Identification: A Frisch Scheme Approach
Soverini, UmbertoUniv. of Bologna
Soderstrom, TorstenUppsala Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC03.3 
Recursive Generalized Total Least Squares with Noise Covariance Estimation
Rhode, StephanKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech
Bleimund, FelixKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech
Gauterin, FrankKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC03.4 
A Unified Framework for EIV Identification Methods in the Presence of Mutually Correlated Noises
Soderstrom, TorstenUppsala Univ
Diversi, RobertoUniv. of Bologna
Soverini, UmbertoUniv. of Bologna
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC03.5 
Guaranteed Set-Based Controller Parameter Estimation for Nonlinear Systems -- Magnetic Levitation Platform As a Case Study
Savchenko, AntonOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
Andonov, PetarOtto-Von-Guericke Univ
Streif, StefanOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
Findeisen, RolfOtto-Von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC03.6 
Errors-In-Variables Identification in Bilaterally Coupled Systems with Application to Oil Well Testing
Mansoori, MehdiSharif Univ. of Tech
Dankers, ArneDelft Univ. of Tech
Van den Hof, Paul M.J.Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
TuC04 Roof Terrace - John Coales
Synchronization in Networked Systems Regular Session
Chair: Allgower, FrankUniv. of Stuttgart
Co-Chair: Khodaverdian, SamanTech. Univ. Darmstadt
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC04.1 
Cooperative Estimation for Synchronization of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems Using Relative Information
Wu, JingboUniv. of Stuttgart
Ugrinovskii, ValeryUniv. of New South Wales
Allgower, FrankUniv. of Stuttgart
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC04.2 
Self-Organising Disturbance Attenuation in Unidirectionally Coupled Synchronised Systems
Lunze, JanRuhr-Univ. Bochum
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC04.3 
Partial Network Synchronization Using Diffusive Dynamic Couplings
Murguia, CarlosTech. Univ. Eindhoven
Fey, Rob H.B.PO Box 513, Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
Nijmeijer, HendrikEindhoven Univ. of Tech
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC04.4 
Bipartite Consensus of Linear Multi-Agent Systems Over Signed Digraphs: An Output Feedback Control Approach
Zhang, HongweiSouthwest Jiaotong Univ
Chen, JieCity Univ. of Hong Kong
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC04.5 
Synchronizing Linear Heterogeneous Networks by Output Homogenization
Khodaverdian, SamanTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Adamy, JürgenTech. Univ. Darmstadt
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC04.6 
Quantized Observer-Based Coordination of Linear Multi-Agent Systems
Meng, YangChinese Acad. of Sciences
Li, TaoShanghai Univ
TuC05 Da Gama/Diaz
Linear Systems I Regular Session
Chair: Kucera, VladimirCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Co-Chair: Lafay, JeanFrancoisEc. Centrale Nantes
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC05.1 
Robust Decentralized PI Control Design
Husek, PetrCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Kucera, VladimirCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC05.2 
Architectural Issues in the Control of Tall Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Plants
Albertos, PedroUniv. Pol. De Valencia
Salgado, Mario E.Univ. Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC05.3 
Model Matching Via Stabilizing Static State Feedback
Castañeda Toledo, EduardoCINVESTAV-IPN, U. Guadalajara
Kucera, VladimirCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Ruiz-Leon, JavierCINVESTAV Guadalajara
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC05.4 
Solution of the Static Reduced Decoupling Problem for Linear Systems
Lafay, JeanFrancoisEc. Centrale Nantes
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC05.5 
RNGA Loop Pairing Criterion for Multivariable Systems Subject to a Class of Reference Inputs
Chen, QiangJiangnan Univ
Luan, XiaoliJiangnan Univ
Liu, FeiJiangnan Univ
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC05.6 
Reduced Sensitivity Solutions to Global Linearization of the Pole Assignment Map
Leventides, John GUn. of Athens
Karcanias, NicosCity Univ. London
Meintanis, IoannisCity Univ. Lobndon
Milonidis, EfstathiosCity Univ
TuC06 2.41 Pawel Nowacki
Vibration Control Systems I Regular Session
Chair: Feliu, VicenteUniv. of Castilla-La Mancha
Co-Chair: van der Maas, RickEindhoven Univ. of Tech.
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC06.1 
A Nonlinear Input Shaping Technique for Motion Control of a Sensing Antenna
Feliu Talegon, DanielUniv. of Castilla-La Mancha
Feliu, VicenteUniv. of Castilla-La Mancha
Castillo-Berrio, Claudia F.Univ. Castilla-La Mancha
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC06.2 
Adaptive Predictive Control of Transient Vibrations of Cantilevers with Changing Weight
Takács, GergelySlovak Univ. of Tech
Poloni, TomasSlovak Univ. of Tech
Rohal-Ilkiv, BorisSlovak Univ. of Tech
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC06.3 
Retrofitting a Passive Vibration Isolation System with Zero-Compliance Modules
Mizuno, TakeshiSaitama Univ
Ishino, YujiSaitama Univ
Takasaki, MasayaSaitama Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC06.4 
Robust Active Vibration Isolation: A Multivariable Data-Driven Approach
van der Maas, RickEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Oomen, TomEindhoven Univ. of Tech
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC06.5 
Stable PID Vibration Control of Building Structures
Yu, WenCinvestav-Ipn
Suresh, ThenozhiCinvestav-Ipn
Li, XiaoouCinvestav-Ipn
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC06.6 
Regeneratively-Constrained LQG Control of Passive Networks
Warner, EricUniv. of Michigan
Cassidy, IanLord Corp
Scruggs, JeffUniv. of Michigan
TuC07 2.44 - Victor Broida
Biomechanical Modelleing Invited Session
Chair: Siqueira, Adriano A GUniv. of Sao Paulo
Co-Chair: Rodgers, Geoffrey W.Univ. of Canterbury
Organizer: Rodgers, Geoffrey W.Univ. of Canterbury
Organizer: Chappell, MichaelUniv. of Warwick
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC07.1 
Classification Efficiency in Wheelchair Rugby: Throwing Analysis (I)
Borren, Guy LeonardUniv. of Canterbury
Gooch, ShayneUniv. of Canterbury
Ingram, BenUniv. of Canterbury
Jenkins, AndrewUniv. of Canterbury
Dunn, JenniferUniv. of Otago
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC07.2 
Classification Efficiency in Wheelchair Rugby: Wheelchair Propulsion Power Analysis (I)
Ingram, BenUniv. of Canterbury
Gooch, ShayneUniv. of Canterbury
Borren, Guy LeonardUniv. of Canterbury
Jenkins, AndrewUniv. of Canterbury
Tromop van Dalen, CaitlinUniv. of Canterbury
Dunn, JenniferUniv. of Otago
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC07.3 
Relation of Respiratory System Elastance and Expiratory Time Constant: Are They from the Same Lung? (I)
Damanhuri, Nor SalwaUniv. of Canterbury
Docherty, Paul DUniv. of Canterbury
Chiew, Yeong ShiongUniv. of Canterbury
Van Drunen, Erwin J.Univ. of Canterbury
Othman, Nor AzlanUniv. of Canterbury
Desaive, ThomasUniv. of Liege
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC07.4 
Optimal Normalized Weighting Factor in Iterative Feedback Tuning of Step Input Responses (I)
Lu, Charles ZheUniv. of Auckland
Xie, ShengThe Univ. of Auckland
Deng, ChaoHuazhong Univ. of Science and Tech
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC07.5 
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Total Hip Arthroplasty Implants (I)
Rodgers, Geoffrey W.Univ. of Canterbury
Lau Young, JadeUniv. of Canterbury
Fields, AnnaUniv. of Canterbury
Shearer, RikiFisher & Paykel Healthcare
Woodfield, Tim B.F.Univ. of Otago Christchurch
Hooper, Gary J.Univ. of Otago Christchurch
Chase, J. GeoffreyUniv. of Canterbury
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC07.6 
Impedance Control of a Rotary Series Elastic Actuator for Knee Rehabilitation (I)
dos Santos, Wilian M.Univ. of São Paulo
Siqueira, Adriano A GUniv. of Sao Paulo
TuC08 2.61 - John Lozier
Energy Management for XEV: Optimization and Control Strategies Invited Session
Chair: Chamaillard, YannUniv. of Orléans
Co-Chair: Zou, YuanBeijing Inst. of Tech.
Organizer: Sciarretta, AntonioIFP
Organizer: Onori, SimonaClemson Univ.
Organizer: Zou, YuanBeijing Inst. of Tech.
Organizer: Chamaillard, YannPRISME
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC08.1 
Numerical Optimal Control As a Method to Evaluate the Benefit of Thermal Management in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (I)
Maamria, DjamaleddineIFPen
Chaplais, FrancoisEc. Des Mines De Paris
Petit, NicolasMINES ParisTech
Sciarretta, AntonioIfp
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC08.2 
Stochastic Dynamic Programming Based Energy Management of HEV's: An Experimental Validation (I)
Leroy, ThomasIFP Energies Nouvelles
Vidal-Naquet, FabienIFP Energies Nouvelles
Tona, PaolinoIFP Energies Nouvelles
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC08.3 
Total Cost Minimization for Next Generation Hybrid Electric Vehicles (I)
Guanetti, JacopoPol. Di Milano
Formentin, SimoneUniv. Degli Studi Di Bergamo
Savaresi, SergioPol. Di Milano
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC08.4 
Optimal and Real-Time Control Potential of a Diesel-Electric Powertrain (I)
Sivertsson, MartinLinköping Univ
Eriksson, LarsLinköping Univ
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC08.5 
Computationally Efficient Energy Management of a Planetary Gear Hybrid Electric Vehicle (I)
Murgovski, NikolceChalmers Univ. of Tech
Hu, XiaosongChalmers Univ. of Tech
Egardt, Bo S.Chalmers Univ. of Tech
TuC09 1.41 - Uolevi Luoto
Mobile Robots I Regular Session
Chair: Hsu, LiuCOPPE - Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro
Co-Chair: Pierri, FrancescoUniv. degli Studi della Basilicata
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC09.1 
FlipBot: A Lizard Inspired Stunt Robot
Fisher, CallenUniv. of Cape Town
Patel, AmirUniv. of Cape Town
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC09.2 
Trajectory Control of a Bipedal Walking Robot with Inertial Disc
Novaes, CarlosUniv. of Sao Paulo
Pereira da Silva, Paulo SergioUniv. of Sao Paulo
Rouchon, PierreMines-ParisTech
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC09.3 
Robust Time-Varying Model Predictive Control with Application to Mobile Robot Unmanned Path Tracking
Bahadorian, MitraUniv. of New South Wales
Eaton, RayThe Univ. of New South Wales
Hesketh, TimothyUniv. of New South Wales
Savkovic, BorislavUniv. of New South Wales
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC09.4 
Predictive Control of Actively Articulated Mobile Robots Crossing Irregular Terrains
Freitas, Gustavo MFederal Univ. of Rio De Janeiro
Lizarralde, FernandoFederal Univ. of Rio De Janeiro
Hsu, LiuCOPPE - Federal Univ. of Rio De Janeiro
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC09.5 
Implementing 3-D High Maneuvers with a Novel Biomimetic Robotic Fish
Wu, ZhengxingInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Yu, JunzhiInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Su, ZhongshuaiCasia
Tan, MinInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC09.6 
Finite-Time Supervisory Stabilization for a Class of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots under Input Disturbances
Guerra, MatteoEc. Centrale De Lille
Efimov, DenisInria - Lne
Zheng, GangINRIA Lille-Nord Europe
Perruquetti, WilfridEc. Centrale De Lille
TuC10 1.42 - Yoshikazu Sawaragi
Process Control Applications I Regular Session
Chair: Ferrarini, LucaPol. di Milano
Co-Chair: Fikar, MiroslavSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC10.1 
Optimizing Control and State Estimation in a Tubular Polymerization Reactor
Hashemi, RezaTU Dortmund
Engell, SebastianTU Dortmund
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC10.2 
Plantwide Control Design of the Monoisopropylamine Process
Kaistha, NitinIndian Inst. of Tech. Kanpur
Ojasvi, OjasviIndian Inst. of Tech. Kanpur
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC10.3 
Improving Energy Efficiency in Large Buildings with Thermal Stratification
Ferrarini, LucaPol. Di Milano
Mantovani, GiancarloPol. Di Milano
Pagliarini, MartaPol. Di Milano
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC10.4 
Nonlinear State Estimation in the Czochralski Process
Rahmanpour, ParsaNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
Hovd, MortenNorwegian Univ. of Tech. and Science
Bones, John AtleSINTEF Materials and Chemistry
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC10.5 
Time-Optimal Diafiltration in the Presence of Membrane Fouling
Jelemensky, MartinSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Paulen, RadoslavTech. Univ. Dortmund
Fikar, MiroslavSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Kovács, ZoltánUniv. of Applied Sciences Giessen-Friedberg
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC10.6 
Boundary Control of an Industrial Tubular Photobioreactor Using Sliding Mode Control
Andrade, GustavoFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Pagano, Daniel JuanFederal Univ. of Santa Catarina
Fernández Sedano, IgnacioUniv. of Almeria
Guzman, Jose LuisUniv. of Almeria
Berenguel, ManuelUniv. of Almeria
TuC11 1.43 - Tibor Vamos
Data-Based Control Regular Session
Chair: Novara, CarloPol. di Torino
Co-Chair: Oomen, TomEindhoven Univ. of Tech.
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC11.1 
A Novel PID Controller Design Methodology for Specified Performance Using Ultimate Plant Parameters
Bucz, ŠtefanSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Vesely, VojtechSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Kozáková, AlenaSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Kozak, StefanFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Tech
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC11.2 
Constrained Iterative Feedback Tuning for Robust High-Precision Motion Control
Van der Velden, BartEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Oomen, TomEindhoven Univ. of Tech
Heertjes, MarcelEindhoven Univ. of Tech
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC11.3 
Robust H∞ Controller Design Using Frequency-Domain Data
Karimi, AlirezaEc. Pol. Federale De Lausanne
Zhu, YuanmingBeiJing Jiaotong Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC11.4 
Automatic Crosswind Flight of Tethered Wings for Airborne Wind Energy: A Direct Data-Driven Approach
Fagiano, LorenzoABB Schweiz Ltd
Novara, CarloPol. Di Torino
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC11.5 
Performance-Guaranteed Robust PID Controller Design for Systems with Unstable Zero
Bucz, ŠtefanSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Vesely, VojtechSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Kozáková, AlenaSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava
Kozak, StefanFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Tech
TuC12 1.44 - Manfred Thoma
Control of Solar Power Systems Regular Session
Chair: Majanne, YrjöTampere Univ. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Lee, Kwang Y.Baylor Univ.
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC12.1 
Modelling and Controller Design of Resonant Thermoacoustic Solar AC Power Generators
Hong, Boe-ShongNational Chung Cheng Univ
Chou, Chia-YuNational Chung Cheng Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC12.2 
An Adaptive Predictive Control Strategy for RMPPT under Partially Shaded Conditions
Ma, ChaoShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Wu, JingShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Li, NingShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Li, ShaoyuanShanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Li, KangQueen's Univ. Belfast
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC12.3 
Heliostat Field Layout Design for Solar Tower Power Plant Based on GPU
Zhou, YiyiZhejiang Univ
Zhao, YuhongZhejiang Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC12.4 
Voltage Rise Issue with High Penetration of Grid Connected PV (I)
Ainah, Priye KennethUniv. of Cape Town
Folly, KomlaUniv. of Cape Town
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC12.5 
Adaptive FOCV-Based Control Scheme to Improve the MPP Tracking Performance: An Experimental Validation
Frezzetti, AntonioUniv. of Naples
Manfredi, SabatoUniv. of Naples Federico II
Suardi, AndreaImperial Coll. London
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC12.6 
Optimal Operation of Solar Tower Plants with Thermal Storage for System Design
Casella, FrancescoPol. Di Milano
Casati, EmilianoDelft Univ. of Tech
Colonna, PieroDepartment of Aerospace Engineering - Propulsion and Power, TU D
TuC13 Auditorium 2 - Eduard Gerecke
Increasing Impact and Funding Opportunities in Control Panel Session
Chair: Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, FrançoiseCNRS-EECI
Co-Chair: Van den Hof, Paul M.J.Eindhoven Univ. of Tech.
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC13.1 
Increasing Impact and Funding Opportunities in Control
Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, FrançoiseCnrs-Eeci
Van den Hof, Paul M.J.Eindhoven Univ. of Tech
TuC14 1.62 - Brian Anderson
Nonparametric Methods Regular Session
Chair: Maruta, IchiroKyoto Univ.
Co-Chair: Bai, Er-WeiUniv. of Iowa
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC14.1 
On Variable Selection of a Nonlinear Non-Parametric System with a Limited Data Set: A Stepwise Algorithm
Bai, Er-WeiUniv. of Iowa
Li, KangQueen's Univ. Belfast
Zhao, WenxiaoAcad. of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Acedemy of Sc
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC14.2 
Compression Based Identification of PWA Systems
Maruta, IchiroKyoto Univ
Ohlsson, HenrikLinköping Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC14.3 
Data-Based Characteristics Analysis for Linear Discrete-Time Systems
Wang, ZhuoUniv. of Alberta
Liu, DerongChinese Acad. of Sciences
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC14.4 
Linking Regularization and Low-Rank Approximation for Impulse Response Modeling
Marconato, AnnaVrije Univ. Brussel
Ljung, LennartLinköping Univ
Rolain, YvesVrije Univ. Brussel
Schoukens, JohanVrije Univ. Brussel
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC14.5 
Modeling Method for Electro-Rheological Dampers
Vivas Lopez, Carlos AlbertoTecnologico De Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
Hernandez-Alcantara, DianaTecnologico De Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
Morales-Menendez, RubenTecnologico De Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
Vargas-Martínez, AdrianaTecnologico De Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC14.6 
Adaptive Importance Sampling for Bayesian Inference in Gaussian Process Models
Petelin, DejanJožef Stefan Inst
Gašperin, MatejJožef Stefan Inst
Smidl, VaclavInst. of Information Theory and Automation
TuC15 1.63 - Stephen Kahne
Estimation and Filtering III Regular Session
Chair: Medvedev, AlexanderUppsala Univ.
Co-Chair: Liu, GuopingUniv. of Glamorgan
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC15.1 
Optimal Estimation for Networked Control Systems with Intermittent Inputs without Acknowledgement
Lin, HongInst. of Cyber-Systems and Control, Zhejiang Univ
Su, HongyeZhejiang Univ
Shu, ZhanUniv. of Southampton
Wu, Zheng-GuangInst. of Cyber-Systems and Control, Zhejiang Univ
Xu, YongHangzhou Dianzi Univ
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC15.2 
State Observation of a Class of Bilinear Systems with Large Sensor Delay
Ibrir, SalimKing Fahd Univ. of Petroleum and Minerals
Hunte, KyleThe Univ. of the West Indies
Bettayeb, MaamarUniv. of Sharjah
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC15.3 
The Recursive Bayesian Estimation Problem Via Orthogonal Expansions: An Error Bound
Rosén, OlovUppsala Univ
Medvedev, AlexanderUppsala Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC15.4 
Quadratic Equality Constrained Tracking Algorithm Using TDOA Measurements
Peng, LiJiangnan Univ
Liu, QuanshengWuxi Inst. of Tech
Liu, GuopingUniv. of Glamorgan
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC15.5 
Moment-Based Dirac Mixture Approximation of Circular Densities
Hanebeck, UweKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Lindquist, AndersShanghai Jiaotong Univ
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC15.6 
H-Infinity Filter Design through Multi-Simplex Modeling for Discrete-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems with Uncertain Transition Probabilities
Morais, Cecília F.Univ. of Campinas
Braga, Marcio F.Univ. of Campinas
Lacerda, Márcio J.Univ. of Campinas
Oliveira, Ricardo C. L. F.Univ. of Campinas
Peres, Pedro L. D.Univ. of Campinas
TuC16 1.64 - Yong-Zai Lu
Adaptive Control Applications Regular Session
Chair: Chen, XinkaiShibaura Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Manzie, ChrisThe Univ. of Melbourne
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC16.1 
Model Reference Adaptive Control of Glucose in Type 1 Diabetics: A Simulation Study
Tarnik, MarianSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava, Faculty of Electr
Miklovicova, EvaSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava, Faculty of Electr
Murgas, JanSlovak Univ. of Tech. in Bratislava, Faculty of Electr
Ottinger, IvanSlovak Univ. of Tech
Ludwig, TomasSlovak Univ. of Tech. Faculty of Electrical Engineeri
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC16.2 
Adaptive Non-Linear Control of Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Power Filters for Unbalanced and Nonlinear Loads
Ait Chihab, AbderrahmanePMMAT Lab. Univ. Hassan II, Faculty of Science, Casablanca,
Ouadi, HamidIsmra
Giri, FouadUniv. of Caen Basse-Normandie
Ahmed-Ali, TarekGreyc-Ensicaen Umr Cnrs 6072
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC16.3 
Extremum-Seeking for Adaptation of Urban Traffic Signal Control
Kutadinata, Ronny JonathanUniv. of Melbourne
Moase, WillThe Univ. of Melbourne
Manzie, ChrisThe Univ. of Melbourne
Zhang, LeleMonash Univ
Garoni, TimMonash Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC16.4 
Adaptive Control for Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Actuator Based on Continuous-Time Approach
Chen, XinkaiShibaura Inst. of Tech
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC16.5 
Lyapunov-Based Adaptive Regulation of Limit Cycle Oscillations in Aircraft Wings Using Synthetic Jet Actuators
Ramos Pedroza, NatalieEmbry Riddle Aeronautical Univ
MacKunis, WilliamEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ
Guenthoer, BarrettEmbry Riddle Aeronautical Univ
Golubev, VladimirEmbry Riddle Aeronautical Univ
Curtis, JessAir Force Res. Lab
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC16.6 
Robust Image-Based Servo Control of an Uncertain Missile Airframe
Aygun, Murat T.Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ
MacKunis, WilliamEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ
Mehta, SiddharthaUniv. of Florida
TuC17 Marco Polo
Automatic Control, Optimization and Real-Time Operations in Transportation Regular Session
Chair: Sacone, SimonaUniv. of Genova
Co-Chair: Wynter, LauraIBM Watson Res. Center
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC17.1 
Model Predictive Scheduling for Container Terminals
van Boetzelaer, FrederikTUDelft
van den Boom, Ton J. J.Delft Univ. of Tech
Negenborn, RudyDelft Univ. of Tech
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC17.2 
An Indirect Method for Optimal Guidance of a Glider
Pepy, RomainOnera - the French Aerospace Lab
Hérissé, BrunoOnera - the French Aerospace Lab
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC17.3 
An Iterative Predictive Learning Control Approach with Application to Energy Efficient Train Trajectory Tracking
Sun, HeqingBeijing Jiaotong Univ
Hou, ZhongshengBeijing Jiaotong Univ
Li, DayouUniv. of Bedfordshire
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC17.4 
A Fast Decomposition Approach for Transportation Network Optimization
Tang, XiaochengLehigh Univ
Blandin, SebastienIBM Res. Coll. -- Singapore
Wynter, LauraIBM Watson Res. Center
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC17.5 
GPU Based Genetic Algorithms for the Dynamic Sub-Area Division Problem of the Transportation System
Shen, ZhenChinese Acad. of Sciences
Wang, KaiNational Univ. of Defense Tech
Wang, Fei-YueUniv. of Arizona
Chen, PhilipScience and Tech. Univ. of Macau
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC17.6 
Planning Truck Carriers Operations in a Cooperative Environment
Caballini, ClaudiaUniv. of Genoa
Sacone, SimonaUniv. of Genova
Saeednia, MahnamUniv. of Genoa
TuC18 2.43 - Pedro Albertos
Navigation, Control and Sensing in the Marine Environment III Invited Session
Chair: Zereik, EnricaCNR - ISSIA
Co-Chair: Bibuli, MarcoCNR-ISSIA
Organizer: Zereik, EnricaCNR - ISSIA
Organizer: Bibuli, MarcoCNR-ISSIA
Organizer: Pascoal, Antonio M.ISR-Inst. Superior Tecnico
Organizer: Ridao, PereUniv. of Girona VAT:ESQ6750002E
16:00-16:40, Paper TuC18.1 
Single Range Observability for Cooperative Underactuated Underwater Vehicles (I)
Parlangeli, GianfrancoUniv. Degli Studi Del Salento
Indiveri, GiovanniUniv. of Salento
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC18.2 
Optimal Sensor Trajectories for Mobile Underwater Target Positioning with Noisy Range Measurements (I)
Moreno-Salinas, DavidUned
Pascoal, Antonio M.ISR-Inst. Superior Tecnico
Aranda, JoaquinUniv. Nacional De Educación a Distancia
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC18.3 
Flexible Triangular Formation Keeping of Marine Robotic Vehicles Using Range Measurements (I)
Rego, FranciscoIsr/ist
Soares, Jorge M.École Pol. Fédérale De Lausanne
Pascoal, Antonio M.ISR-Inst. Superior Tecnico
Aguiar, A. PedroFaculty of Engineering, Univ. of Porto (FEUP)
Jones, Colin, NEc. Pol. Federale De Lausanne (EPFL)
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC18.4 
Autonomous Intervention on an Underwater Panel Mockup by Using Visually-Guided Manipulation Techniques (I)
Peñalver, AntonioJaume I Univ
Pérez, JavierJaume I Univ
Fernández, J.JavierJaume I Univ
Sales, JorgeJaume I Univ
Sanz, P.J.Univ. of Jaume I
García Sánchez, Juan CarlosUniv. Jaume I
Fornas, DavidJaume I Univ
Marin, RaulUniv. Jaume I
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC18.5 
Full-Scale Sea Trials of a Motion Control System for ROVs Based on a High-Gain State Observer
de Almeida Fernandes, DanielNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech. (NTNU)
Soerensen, AsgeirNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech
Donha, Decio CrisolUniv. De Sao Paulo
TuC19 2.46 - Vladimir Kucera
Control of Distributed Parameter Systems III Invited Session
Chair: Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Co-Chair: Le Gorrec, YannFEMTO-ST, ENSMM
Organizer: Meurer, ThomasChristian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel
Organizer: Le Gorrec, YannFEMTO-ST, ENSMM
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC19.1 
Decentralized Predictive Control for 1D Cascaded Systems of Conservation Laws (I)
Pham, Van ThangGipsa-Lab
Lefevre, LaurentGrenoble INP
Georges, DidierGrenoble Inst. of Tech. - ENSE3
Besancon, GildasEnse3, Grenoble INP
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC19.2 
An Overview on the Modeling of Oilwell Drilling Vibrations (I)
Saldivar, Martha BelemCentro De Investigación Y De Estudios Avanzados Delinstituto Pol
Boussaada, IslamLab. Des Signaux Et Systemes (L2S)
Mounier, HuguesLab. Des Signaux Et Systèmes, CNRS SUPELECUniversité Pari
Mondie, SabineCinvestav-Ipn
Niculescu, Silviu-IulianLab. of Signals and Systems (L2S)
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC19.3 
Backstepping Design for Parabolic Systems with In-Domain Actuation and Robin Boundary Conditions (I)
Woittennek, FrankTech. Univ. Dresden
Wang, SiqianTech. Univ. Dresden
Knüppel, TorstenTech. Univ. Dresden
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC19.4 
Control of Nonlinear PDEs Based on Space Vectors Clustering Reduced Order Systems (I)
Sahyoun, SamirUniv. of Tennessee
Djouadi, SeddikUniv. of Tennessee
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC19.5 
The Regulator Equations for Regular Linear Systems (I)
Natarajan, VivekTel Aviv Univ
Gilliam, David S.Texas Tech. Univ
Weiss, GeorgeTel Aviv Univ
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC19.6 
Performance-Based Sensor Reconfiguration for Fault-Tolerant Control of Uncertain Spatially Distributed Processes (I)
Yao, ZhiyuanUniv. of California, Davis
El-Farra, Nael H.Univ. of California, Davis
TuC21 2.64 - Alberto Isidori
Robust Control Applications Regular Session
Chair: Fradkov, Alexander L.Russian Acad. of Sciences
Co-Chair: Werner, HerbertHamburg Univ. of Tech.
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC21.1 
Robust Control of Aircraft Lateral Movement
Furtat, IgorInst. of Problems of Mechanical Engineering Russian Acad
Fradkov, Alexander L.Russian Acad. of Sciences
Peaucelle, DimitriLaas-Cnrs
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC21.2 
Passivity-Based Integral Sliding Mode Active Suspension Control
Xiao, LingfeiNanjing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Zhu, YueNanjing Agricultural Univ
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC21.3 
Modelling and Control of a Suspended-Span Bridge Section
Zhao, XiaoweiUniv. of Warwick
Limebeer, DavidOxford Univ. Engineering Science Department
Graham, John Michael RussellImperial Coll. London, UK
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC21.4 
High Dynamic Engine-Dynamometer Identification and Control
Lamara, AbderrahimUniv. of Bordeaux1
Lanusse, PatrickBordeaux INP - Univ. De Bordeaux
Charlet, AlainUniv. Orléans
Nelson-Gruel, DominiqueUniv. of Orleans
Colin, GuillaumeUniv. of Orléans
Lesobre, AntoineD2T Trappes-Elancourt
Oustaloup, AlainUniv. Bordeaux 1 - IPB/ENSEIRB-MATMECA
Chamaillard, YannPrisme
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC21.5 
Experimental and Simulation Testing of Physics-Model-Based Safety Factor Profile and Internal Energy Feedback Controllers in DIII-D Advanced Tokamak Scenarios
Barton, JustinLehigh Univ
Boyer, Mark D.Lehigh Univ
Wehner, WillLehigh Univ
Schuster, EugenioLehigh Univ
Ferron, J. R.General Atomics
Walker, MichaelGeneral Atomics
Humphreys, DavidGeneral Atomics
Luce, TimGeneral Atomics
Johnson, Robert D.General Atomics
Penaflor, Benjamin P.General Atomics
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC21.6 
Automatic Controller Tuning for Soft Sensor Based Flow Rate Control
Leonow, SebastianRuhr Univ. Bochum
Monnigmann, MartinRuhr-Univ. Bochum
TuC22 2.65 - Ian Craig
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Invited Session
Chair: Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
Co-Chair: Silva, José ReinaldoUniv. of São Paulo
Organizer: Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
Organizer: Valckenaers, PaulK.U.Leuven
Organizer: Pereira, Carlos EduardoFederal Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS
Organizer: Nof, Shimon Y.Purdue Univ.
Organizer: Silva, José ReinaldoUniv. of São Paulo
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC22.1 
Circle Covering Representation for Nesting Problems with Continuous Rotations (I)
Rocha, PedroINESC-TEC, Faculdade De Engenharia Da Univ. Do Porto
Rodrigues, RuiINESC-TEC, Faculdade De Engenharia Da Univ. Do Porto
Gomes, A. MiguelINESC-TEC, Faculdade De Engenharia Da Univ. Do Porto
Toledo, Franklina M.B.Inst. De Ciências Matemáticas E De Computação, Univ
Andretta, MarinaInst. De Ciê Ncias Matemá Ticas E De Computaç
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC22.2 
Irregular Packing Overlap Minimization Using Discrete Voronoi Mountain (I)
Sato, Andre KubagawaEscola Pol. Da Univ. De Sao Paulo
Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
Martins, Thiago de CastroUniv. of Sao Paulo
Gomes, A. MiguelINESC-TEC, Faculdade De Engenharia Da Univ. Do Porto
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC22.4 
Behavior of Industrial Manufacturing When Managed by Mult-Agent Systems (I)
Peixoto, João AlvarezInst. SENAI of Inovation Integrated Solutions for Metalmecha
Pereira, Carlos EduardoFederal Univ. of Rio Grande Do Sul - UFRGS
Souza, Jose deInst. SENAI De Inovação
Reis, Bernardo Pora dosInst. SENAI De Inovação
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC22.5 
Performance Analysis of Distributed Control Systems Using the FlexRay Protocol (I)
Michelin, ThiagoFederal Univ. of Rio Grande Do Sul
Gomes Da Silva Jr, Joao ManoelUniv. Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul (UFRGS)
Pereira, Carlos EduardoFederal Univ. of Rio Grande Do Sul - UFRGS
17:40-18:00, Paper TuC22.6 
Automatic Creation of Blending Surfaces in Hydropower Generators Turbine Blades (I)
Castro, Emiliano GonçalvesEscola Pol. Da Univ. De Sao Paulo
Tsuzuki, Marcos de Sales GuerraUniv. of Sao Paulo
Silva, Emilio Carlos NelliEscola Pol. Da Univ. De Sao Paulo
Vatanabe, SandroEscola Pol. Da Univ. De Sao Paulo
Sato, Andre KubagawaEscola Pol. Da Univ. De Sao Paulo
Martins, Thiago de CastroUniv. of Sao Paulo
Gallo, Giulliano B.Cesp
Marques, Marco A.Cesp
Tiba, HamiltonCesp
TuC23 2.66
Dynamics and Control in Biosystems Regular Session
Chair: Baillieul, JohnBoston Univ.
Co-Chair: Grognard, FredericINRIA Sophia-Antipolis
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC23.1 
Feedback Stabilization of Predator-Prey Systems for Impulsive Biological Control
Grognard, FredericINRIA Sophia-Antipolis
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC23.2 
On the Average Dynamical Behaviour of Stochastic Population Models
Julvez, JorgeUniv. of Zaragoza
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC23.3 
Perception and Steering Control in Paired Bat Flight
Kong, ZhaodanBoston Univ
Ozcimder, Kayhan HasanBoston Univ
Fuller, NathanCenter for Ec. and Conservation Biology, Department of Biolo
Theriault, DianeBoston Univ
Betke, MargritBoston Univ
Baillieul, JohnBoston Univ
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC23.4 
Optimal Control Problems in Binocular Vision
Rajamuni, MethmaTexas Tech. Univ
Aulisa, EugenioTexas Tech. Univ
Ghosh, BijoyTexas Tech. Univ
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC23.5 
Optimal Eye and Head Movement Control Using Q-Parametrization
Kahagalage, SanathTexas Tech. Univ
Aulisa, EugenioTexas Tech. Univ
Ghosh, BijoyTexas Tech. Univ
TuC24 Francis Drake
Modeling and Control of Environmental Systems Regular Session
Chair: van Nooijen, Ronald Robert PaulDelft Univ. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. de Catalunya
16:00-16:20, Paper TuC24.1 
Formalization and Solution of an Optimal Control Problem for Air Quality Planning
Carnevale, ClaudioUniv. of Brescia
Finzi, GiovannaUniv. of Brescia
Padula, FabrizioUniv. of Brescia
Turrini, EnricoUniv. Degli Studi Di Brescia
Volta, MarialuisaUniv. of Brescia
16:20-16:40, Paper TuC24.2 
Adaptive Observation Strategy for Dispersion Process Estimation Using Cooperating Mobile Sensors
Ritter, TobiasTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Euler, JulianeTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Ulbrich, StefanTech. Univ. Darmstadt
von Stryk, OskarTech. Univ. Darmstadt
16:40-17:00, Paper TuC24.3 
Sensor Fault Diagnosis of Inland Navigation System Using Physical Model and Pattern Recognition Approach
Horvath, KlaudiaInst. Mines Telecom, Mines De Douai
Blesa, JoaquimUniv. Pol. De Catalunya (UPC)
Duviella, EricEc. Des Mines De Douai
Rajaoarisoa, LalaInst. Mines Télecom. Mines De Douai
Puig, VicencUniv. Pol. De Catalunya
Chuquet, KarineVnf
17:00-17:20, Paper TuC24.4 
Room for Automatic Control in Combined Sewer Systems
van Nooijen, Ronald Robert PaulDelft Univ. of Tech
Kolechkina, Alla G.Aronwis
17:20-17:40, Paper TuC24.5 
Robustness of Closed-Loop Control to Biodiversity: A Didactic Example
Mairet, FrancisInria
Bernard, OlivierInria
TuC25 Poster area
Interactive Session on Control Design and Linear Systems Interactive Session
Chair: Conte, GiuseppeUniv. Pol. delle Marche
Co-Chair: Haber, RobertUniv. of Applied Science Cologne
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.1 
Fault-Tolerant Control of a Master Generation Unit in an Islanded Microgrid
Minchala, Luis IsmaelTec De Monterrey
Vargas, AdrianaITESM - Campus Monterrey
Garza-Castañón, LuisITESM Campus Monterrey
Morales-Menendez, RubenTecnologico De Monterrey, Campus Monterrey
Zhang, YouminConcordia Univ
Calle-Ortiz, Eduardo RobinsonUniv. Pol. Salesiana
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.2 
Implementation of PFC (Predictive Functional Control) in a Petrochemical Plant (I)
Haber, RobertUniv. of Applied Science Cologne
Schmitz, UlrichShell Rhineland Refinery
Zabet, Khaled RamdanCologne Univ. of Applied Sciences
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.3 
An Implementation of Predictive Functional Control for Image-Based Satellite Attitude Control (I)
Zdesar, AndrejFaculty of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Ljubljana
Klancar, GregorUniv. of Ljubljana
Music, GasperUniv. of Ljubljana
Matko, DragoUniv. of Ljubljana
Skrjanc, IgorUniv. of Ljubljana
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.4 
Implementation Predictive Functional Control of Counter Current Heat Exchangers (I)
Richalet, JacquesConsultant
Darure, TejaswiniColl. of Engineering Pune
Mallet, JoelIRA Control and Automation Inst
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.5 
Decentralized Networked Control for Vehicle-String Velocity and Spacing Distance Bias System
Ma, LianzengUniv. of Science and Tech. Liaoning
Chen, Xue-BoLiaoning Univ. of Sci. & Tech
Zhang, HuaguangNortheastern Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.6 
A Positive Observer for Linear Systems
Cacace, FilippoUniv. Campus Biomedico Di Roma
Germani, AlfredoUniv. of L'Aquila
Manes, CostanzoUniv. Dell'aquila
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.7 
A Fractional Order Impedance Model to Capture the Structural Changes in Lungs (I)
Ionescu, ClaraGhent Univ
Copot, DanaGhent Univ
De Keyser, Robin M.C.Ghent Univ
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.8 
Fractional-Order Power Rate Type Reaching Law for Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Nonlinear System
Yin, ChunUniv. of ElectronicScience and Tech. of China, Chengdu6
Chen, YangQuanUniv. of California, Merced
Zhong, ShoumingColl. of Applied Mathematics, Univ. of ElectronicScience
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.9 
Implicit Regulator Calculation for Regular MIMO-Systems with Predictive Functional Control Demonstrated at a Three Tank System
Arnold, ChristianUniv. of Applied Sciences Fulda
Aissa, TarekUniv. of Applied Science Fulda
Lambeck, StevenUniv. of Applied Science Fulda
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.10 
Switching Piecewise Bilinear Control of Nonlinear Systems with Singularities (I)
Taniguchi, TadanariTOKAI Univ
Eciolaza, LukaEuropean Centre for Soft Computing
Sugeno, MichioEuropean Centre for Soft Computing
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.11 
Robust Evolving Fuzzy Adaptive Control with Input-Domain Clustering (I)
Blazic, SasoUniv. of Ljubljana
Dovzan, DejanFaculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana
Skrjanc, IgorUniv. of Ljubljana
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.12 
Nonlinear Disturbance Compensation and Reference Tracking Via Reinforcement Learning with Fuzzy Approximators (I)
Babuska, RobertDelft Univ. of Tech
Bayiz, EfeDelft Univ. of Tech
16:00-18:00, Paper TuC25.13 
Identification Problems for Boolean Networks and Boolean Control Networks
Fornasini, EttoreUniv. Di Padova
Valcher, Maria ElenaUniv. Di Padova
TuP22a Auditorium 1
The Evolving Electrical Grid: From Slow and Passive to Fast and Active Plenary Session
Chair: Allgower, FrankUniv. of Stuttgart
18:15-19:15, Paper TuP22a.1 
The Evolving Electrical Grid: From Slow and Passive to Fast and Active
Scholtz, ErnstABB Corp. Res
TuP22b Auditorium 2
Large Transport Aircraft: Control Challenges of the Future Plenary Session
Chair: Camisani-Calzolari, Ferdinando RouxCSIR
18:15-19:15, Paper TuP22b.1 
Large Transport Aircraft: Control Challenges of the Future
Jones, ThomasStellenbosch Univ