July 14-17, 2024
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
12th IFAC International Symposium on
Advanced Control of Chemical Processes

Technical Program for Monday July 15, 2024

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MoOP King I
Opening Opening
Chair: Monnigmann, MartinRuhr-Universität Bochum
Co-Chair: Swartz, Christopher L.E.McMaster University
MoPL King I
Plenary 1 Plenary Session
Chair: Swartz, Christopher L.E.McMaster University
Co-Chair: Mesbah, AliUniversity of California, Berkeley
08:40-09:40, Paper MoPL.1 
 Advances and Opportunities of AI in Process Industries

Chiang, LeoThe Dow Chemical Company
MoAM_BR Colonnade
Coffee Mo 1 Coffee
MoA1 King I
Machine Learning for Control, Optimization and Inference Invited Session
Chair: B. R. Nogueira, IdelfonsoNorwegian University of Science and Technology
Co-Chair: Santana, ViniciusDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Organizer: B. R. Nogueira, IdelfonsoNorwegian University of Science and Technology
Organizer: Santana, ViniciusDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
10:00-10:20, Paper MoA1.1 
 Discovering Latent Causal Variables Using a Trade-Off between Compression and Causality (I)

Gao, XinruiTechnical University of Ilmenau
Yiman, HuangTechnical University of Ilmenau
Shardt, Yuri A.W.Technical University of Ilmenau
10:20-10:40, Paper MoA1.2 
 Enhanced Hybrid Model for Gas-Lifted Oil Production (I)

de Rezende Faria, RuanUFRJ
Arrais Romero Dias, Lima, FernandoFederal University of Rio De Janeiro
Secchi, Argimiro R.Peq - Coppe/ufrj
Souza Jr., MaurícioFederal University of Rio De Janeiro
10:40-11:00, Paper MoA1.3 
 Human-In-The-Loop Controller Tuning Using Preferential Bayesian Optimization (I)

Coutinho, JoãoUniversity of Coimbra
Castillo, IvanThe Dow Chemical Company
Seabra dos Reis, Marco P.University of Coimbra
11:00-11:20, Paper MoA1.4 
 Interpretable Propagation Path Neural Network for Fault Detection and Diagnosis

Nguyen, BenjaminPolytechnique Montréal
Chioua, MoncefPolytechnique Montreal
11:20-11:40, Paper MoA1.5 
 Machine Learning Multi-Step-Ahead Modelling with Uncertainty Assessment

Costa, Erbet AlmeidaNorwegian University of Science and Technology
Rebello, CarineNTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Santana, ViniciusDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University of Scie
B. R. Nogueira, IdelfonsoNorwegian University of Science and Technology
11:40-12:00, Paper MoA1.6 
 Controlling Paracetamol Unseeded Batch Crystallization with NMPC and Inverse Model (I)

Arrais Romero Dias, Lima, FernandoFederal University of Rio De Janeiro
Guedes Fernandes de Moraes, MarcellusFederal University of Rio De Janeiro
Grover, MarthaGeorgia Institute of Technology
Barreto Jr., AmaroFederal University of Rio De Janeiro
Secchi, Argimiro R.Peq - Coppe/ufrj
Souza Jr., MaurícioFederal University of Rio De Janeiro
MoA2 King II
Modeling and Control of Energy Processes Invited Session
Chair: de Prada, CesarUniversity of Valladolid
Co-Chair: Previtali, DavideUniversity of Bergamo
Organizer: Normey-Rico, Julio EliasFederal Univ of Santa Catarina
Organizer: de Prada, CesarUniversity of Valladolid
10:00-10:20, Paper MoA2.1 
 Fault Data Injection Detection on a Digital-Twin: Fresnel Solar Concentrator (I)

Chicaiza Salazar, William DavidUniversidad De Sevilla
Machado, DiogoIFRS - Instituto Federal De Educação Do RS
Sánchez, Adolfo J.Munster Technology University
Escaño, Juan ManuelUniversidad De Sevilla
Normey-Rico, Julio EliasFederal Univ of Santa Catarina
10:20-10:40, Paper MoA2.2 
 Two-Stage Stochastic Scheduling of a Multiproduct Pipeline System Using Similarity Index Decomposition (I)

Montes, DanielUniversidad De Valladolid
Pitarch, Jose LuisUniversitat Politècnica De Valencia
de Prada, CesarUniversity of Valladolid
10:40-11:00, Paper MoA2.3 
 Model-Based Design of the Temperature Controller of a Shrink Tunnel (I)

Previtali, DavideUniversity of Bergamo
Pitturelli, LeandroUniversity of Bergamo
Ferramosca, AntonioUniveristy of Bergamo
Previdi, FabioUniversita' Degli Studi Di Bergamo
11:00-11:20, Paper MoA2.4 
 Smart Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance for an Offshore Natural Gas Dehydration Unit (I)

Mandler De Marco, LeonardoUniversidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Dambros, JônathanFederal University of Rio Grande Do Sul
Anzai, ThiagoPetrobras
Trierweiler, Jorge OtávioFederal University of Rio Grande Do Sul
Farenzena, MarceloFederal University of Rio Grande Do Sul
11:20-11:40, Paper MoA2.5 
 A Simplified Dynamic Model of Direct Steam Generation Solar Plants for State Estimation and Control Applications (I)

de Andrade, Gustavo ArturFederal University of Santa Catarina
Biazetto, Paulo HenriqueUniversidade Federal De Santa Catarina
Normey-Rico, Julio EliasFederal Univ of Santa Catarina
11:40-12:00, Paper MoA2.6 
 Optimizing Crude Oil Operations Scheduling Considering Blending in Tanks (I)

García García-Verdier, Tomás JorgeUniversidad De Valladolid
Gutierrez, GloriaUniversity of Valladolid ( VAT ESQ4718001C)
Méndez, Carlos A.INTEC (UNL-CONICET)
de Prada, CesarUniversity of Valladolid
MoA3 Studio B
Industrial Applications of Soft Sensors Invited Session
Chair: Shardt, Yuri A.W.Technical University of Ilmenau
Co-Chair: Leonow, SebastianRuhr University Bochum
Organizer: Shardt, Yuri A.W.Technical University of Ilmenau
Organizer: Gao, XinruiTechnical University of Ilmenau
10:00-10:20, Paper MoA3.1 
 Interpretable Industrial Soft Sensor Design Based on Informer and SHAP (I)

Cao, LiangUniversity of British Columbia
Ji, XiaoluUniversity of British Columbia
Cao, YankaiUniversity of British Columbia
Luo, YiBeijing University of Chemical Technology
Wang, YixiuThe University of British Columbia
Siang, Lim C.Burnaby Refinery
Li, JinBurnaby Refinery
Gopaluni, BhushanUniversity of British Columbia
10:20-10:40, Paper MoA3.2 
 Causal-Transformer: Spatial-Temporal Causal Attention-Based Transformer for Time Series Prediction (I)

Zhu, YaqiTsinghua University
Yang, FanTsinghua University
Torgashov, AndreiInstitute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS
10:40-11:00, Paper MoA3.3 
 Input-Output Driven Cross-Attention for Transformer for Quality Prediction of Light Naphtha in Industrial Hydrocracking Processes (I)

Yang, ZiyiCentral South University
Yuan, XiaofengCentral South University
Wang, KaiCentral South University
Chen, ZhiwenSchool of Automation, Central South University
Wang, YalinCentral South University
Yang, ChunhuaCentral South University
Gui, WeihuaCentral South University
11:00-11:20, Paper MoA3.4 
 A Modular Soft Sensor for Centrifugal Pumps

Leonow, SebastianRuhr University Bochum
Zhang, QiRuhr University Bochum
Monnigmann, MartinRuhr-Universität Bochum
11:20-11:40, Paper MoA3.5 
 Novel Distributed Broad Seasonal Trend Learning System for Industrial Soft Sensing Application

Wang, PengfeiBeijing University of Chemical Technology
Zhu, Qun-XiongBeijing University of Chemical Technology
He, Yan-LinBeijing University of Chemical Technology
11:40-12:00, Paper MoA3.6 
 Performance-Based Plant-Model-Mismatch Detection in Soft-Sensor Control Loops

Zhai, XuanhuiTU Ilmenau
Shardt, Yuri A.W.Technical University of Ilmenau
MoLU_BR Regency ABC
Lunch Mo Lunch
MoB1 King I
Machine Learning Assisted Modeling Regular Session
Chair: Leonow, SebastianRuhr University Bochum
Co-Chair: Zyngier, DanielleAutodesk
13:00-13:20, Paper MoB1.1 
 Data-Predictive Control of Multi-Timescale Nonlinear Processes

Tang, Jun WenThe University of New South Wales
Yan, YitaoUniversity of New South Wales
Bao, JieThe University of New South Wales
Huang, BiaoUniv. of Alberta
13:20-13:40, Paper MoB1.2 
 Machine Learning Based Calibration of Force Sensors for Bonnet Polishing Process

Darowski, MichalUniversity of Agder
Aftab, Muhammad FaisalUniversity of Agder (UiA)
Walker, DavidLaboratory for Ultra Precision Surfaces, University of Huddersfi
Li, HongyuLaboratory for Ultra Precision Surfaces, University of Huddersfi
Yu, GuoyuLaboratory for Ultra Precision Surfaces, University of Huddersfi
An, ChenghuiCollege of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University
Omlin, Christian Walter PeterUniversity of Agder
13:40-14:00, Paper MoB1.3 
 Approximation of Constrained Sample-Based Filters Using Neural Networks

Dev, AbhilashIndian Institute of Technology Bombay
Bhartiya, SharadIIT Bombay
Patwardhan, Sachin C.Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
14:00-14:20, Paper MoB1.4 
 Integrating Knowledge-Guided Symbolic Regression and Model-Based Design of Experiments to Accelerate Process Flow Diagram Development

Rogers, Alexander WilliamThe University of Manchester
Martin, PhilipThe University of Manchester
Zhang, DongdaUniversity of Manchester
14:20-14:40, Paper MoB1.5 
 Dynamic Multiscale Hybrid Modelling of a CHO Cell System for Recombinant Protein Production

Pennington, OliverUniversity of Manchester
Espinel-Ríos, SebastiánPrinceton University
Torres, MauroUniversity of Manchester
Dickson, AlanUniversity of Manchester
Zhang, DongdaUniversity of Manchester
14:40-15:00, Paper MoB1.6 
 Interpretable Data-Driven Capacity Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Wang, YixiuThe University of British Columbia
Kumar, AnuraktIndian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Ren, JiayangUniversity of British Columbia
You, PufanUniversity of Manitoba
Seth, ArpanEvonik Corporation
Gopaluni, BhushanUniversity of British Columbia
Cao, YankaiUniversity of British Columbia
MoB2 King II
Environment and Agriculture Regular Session
Chair: Chachuat, BenoitImperial College London
Co-Chair: Liu, JinfengUniversity of Alberta
13:00-13:20, Paper MoB2.1 
 Semi-Centralized Multi-Agent RL for Irrigation Scheduling

Agyeman, BernardUniversity of Alberta
Liu, JinfengUniversity of Alberta
Shah, Sirish L.University of Alberta
13:20-13:40, Paper MoB2.2 
 Dynamical Metabolic Model for Optimizing Biotin-Regulated Lipid Production in Microalgae-Bacteria Symbiosis

Assis Pessi, BrunoUNESP
Bernard, OlivierINRIA
13:40-14:00, Paper MoB2.3 
 Optimal Control of Photobioreactor Accounting for Photoinhibition and Photoacclimation

Fierro Ulloa, Joel IgnacioINRIA
Bernard, OlivierINRIA
Chachuat, BenoitImperial College London
14:00-14:20, Paper MoB2.4 
 Model Reduction for Soil Moisture and Hydraulic Parameter Estimation Using Sequential Triggers

Debnath, SarupaUniversity of Alberta
Sahoo, SoumyaUniversity of Alberta
Agyeman, BernardUniversity of Alberta
Yin, XunyuanNanyang Technological University
Liu, JinfengUniversity of Alberta
14:20-14:40, Paper MoB2.5 
 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction of a Hybrid-Powered Ferry Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Power Load Distribution

Abdalla, AhmedUniversity of British Columbia
Gopaluni, BhushanUniversity of British Columbia
Kirchen, PatrickUniversity of British Columbia
14:40-15:00, Paper MoB2.6 
 Soil Moisture Estimation for Large-Scale Agro-Hydrological Systems with Model Mismatch

Liu, ZhuangyuJiangnan University
Luan, XiaoliJiangnan University
Liu, JinfengUniversity of Alberta
Zhao, ShunyiJiangnan University
Liu, FeiJiangnan University
Wan, HaiyingJiangnan University
MoB3 Studio B
Estimation and Robust Estimation Regular Session
Chair: Huang, BiaoUniv. of Alberta
Co-Chair: Dyrska, RaphaelRuhr-Universität Bochum
13:00-13:20, Paper MoB3.1 
 Kinetics Parameter Identification of Chain Shuttling Polymerization Based on Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Zhao, JiemingEast China University of Science and Technology
Tian, ZhouEast China University of Science and Technology
Zhang, XixiangEast China University of Science and Technology
Duan, ZhaoyangTexas A&M University
Lu, JingyiHong Kong University of Science and Technology
13:20-13:40, Paper MoB3.2 
 A Transfer State Estimator for Uncertain Parameters and Noise Statistics

Gao, ShuangJiangnan University
Luan, XiaoliJiangnan University
Huang, BiaoUniv. of Alberta
Zhao, ShunyiJiangnan University
Liu, FeiJiangnan University
13:40-14:00, Paper MoB3.3 
 Monitoring of Product Temperature and Cycle Duration in Multi-Vial Lyophilization

Gonzalez Chia, Lydia AndreaLaval University
Bouchard, JocelynUniversité Laval
Poulin, EricUniversite Laval
14:00-14:20, Paper MoB3.4 
 Unstructured Dynamical Models for S. Cerevisiae Cultures Fed with Glucose and Ammonium

Huet, AntoineUniversité Libre De Bruxelles
Sbarciog, MihaelaUniversité Libre De Bruxelles
Bogaerts, PhilippeUniversité Libre De Bruxelles
14:20-14:40, Paper MoB3.5 
 Kinetic Parameter Estimation of Reaction Systems Via Dynamic Regressor Extension and Mixing Procedure

Nguyen, Thanh SangUniversiti Malaya
Hoang, Ngoc HaIRD, Duy Tan University
Tan, Chee KeongUniversity of Malaya
Azlan Hussain, MohdUniversity of Malaya
14:40-15:00, Paper MoB3.6 
 Decomposition Approach to Design Space Identification in Acyclic Multi-Unit Processes

Mowbray, MaxImperial College London
Kontoravdi, CleoImperial College London
Shah, NilayImperial College London
Chachuat, BenoitImperial College London
MoPM_BR Colonnade
Coffee Mo 2 Coffee
MoS1 King I
Round Table Panel Discussion
Chair: Chioua, MoncefPolytechnique Montreal
Co-Chair: McAuley, K.B.Queen's Univ
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS1.1 
 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Industrial Process Operations – Current Status, Promising Directions, and Caveats

Chioua, MoncefPolytechnique Montreal
MoS2 Colonnade
Poster 1 Poster Session
Chair: McAuley, K.B.Queen's Univ
Co-Chair: Monnigmann, MartinRuhr-Universität Bochum
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.1 
 Integration of Time Scales in Health-Aware Control

David de Oliveira, RafaelNorwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Jäschke, JohannesNorwegian University of Science & Technology
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.2 
 Thermodynamic Model Identification for a One-Stage Spray Dryer

Lepsien, ArthurUniversity of Hohenheim
Schaum, AlexanderUniversity of Hohenheim
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.3 
 Modeling, Control and Online Optimization of Microalgae-Based Biomass Production in Raceway Reactors

Otálora, PabloUniversity of Almería
Skogestad, SigurdNorwegian Univ. of Science & Tech
Guzman, Jose LuisUniversity of Almeria (Q-5450008-G)
Berenguel, ManuelUniversity of Almeria (CIF Q-5450008-G)
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.4 
 Optimizing GOR Prediction in Oil Wells: Efficacy of Convolutional Neural Networks with Hybrid Data Integration

Flor de Amorim, JuanUFSC
Jordanou, Jean PanaiotiUniversidade Federal De Santa Catarina
Moreno, Ubirajara F.Federal Univ of Santa Catarina
Vieira, BrunoPetrobras
Normey-Rico, Julio EliasFederal Univ of Santa Catarina
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.5 
 Towards Constraint-Based Burden-Aware Models for Metabolic Engineering

Maton, MaximeUniversity of Mons (Polytechnic Faculty)
Santos-Navarro, Fernando N.Universitat Politecnica De Valencia
Picó, JesúsUniversitat Politecnica De Valencia
Bogaerts, PhilippeUniversité Libre De Bruxelles
Vande Wouwer, AlainUniversité De Mons
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.6 
 Model-Based Control of a Glass Melting Furnace

Bacci di Capaci, RiccardoUniversity of Pisa
Musi, LeonardoUniversity of Pisa
Landi, AlbertoUniv. Di Pisa
Sani, LucaUniversity of Pisa
Barmada, SamiUniversity of Pisa
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.7 
 A Hybrid-Based Clustering Approach for Fault Detection in HVAC Systems

Hassanpour, HesamMcMaster University
Hamedi, Amir HosseinMcMaster University
Mhaskar, PrashantMcMaster Univ
House, JohnJohn House Consulting Services
Salsbury, TimothyPacific Northwest National Laboratory
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.8 
 Towards Pilot-Scale Electric Arc Furnace Temperature Prediction & Bath Size Estimation with Long Short-Term Memory Networks

Gareau-Lajoie, AntonyPolytechnique Montréal
Rodrigues, DanielRio Tinto Iron and Titanium Quebec Operations
Gosselin, Marie-ÈveRio Tinto Iron and Titanium Quebec Operations
Chioua, MoncefPolytechnique Montreal
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.9 
 Model Discrepancy Learning for Heat Exchanger Networks

Akan, Mehmet TolgaEindhoven University of Technology
Portilla, ChristianUniversidad Nacional De Colombia
Ozkan, LeylaTechnical University of Eindhoven
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.10 
 Model-Based Dynamical Voltage Prediction of Zinc-Air Cell for Piecewise Discharge Currents

Pineda-Rodriguez, Juan DiegoUniversité Paris Saclay - CentraleSupélec
Vlad, CristinaLaboratoire Des Signaux Et Systèmes, CentraleSupélec
Rodriguez-Ayerbe, PedroSupelec
Lao-atiman, WoranuntChulalongkorn University
Olaru, SorinCentraleSupelec
Kheawhom, SoorathepChulalongkorn University
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.11 
 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Flash Clay Calciner

Cantisani, NicolaTechnical University of Denmark
Svensen, Jan LorenzTechnical University of Denmark
Hansen, Ole FinkTechnical University of Denmark
Jorgensen, John BagterpTechnical University of Denmark
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.12 
 Reduced Order Models of Centrifugal Pump for Control Applications: A Comparison of Galerkin-Projection and Neural Networks

Mjalled, AliRuhr University Bochum
Sommer, KamilRuhr University Bochum
Ravichandran, Yogesh ParryRuhr University Bochum
Skoda, RomualdRuhr-Universität Bochum
Monnigmann, MartinRuhr-Universität Bochum
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.13 
 Integrating Fault Diagnosis with Moving Horizon Estimation: A CSTR Case Study

Bagla, GirirajIIT Bombay
Patwardhan, Sachin C.Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.14 
 Enhanced Decision-Making in Gas Lift Optimization through Deep Neural Network-Based Multi-Objective Approaches and Feasible Operating Regions

Rebello, CarineNTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Jäschke, JohannesNorwegian University of Science & Technology
B. R. Nogueira, IdelfonsoNorwegian University of Science and Technology
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.15 
 Model Predictive Control for Renal Anemia Treatment through Physics-Informed Neural Network

Zhang, ZhongyuUniversity of Alberta
Li, ZukuiUniversity of Alberta
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.16 
 A Hierarchical MPC Framework to Mitigate Faults and Risks in Microgrids

Zafra-Cabeza, AscensionUniv of Sevilla
Velarde Rueda, PabloUniversidad Loyola Andalucía
Bordons, CarlosUniversidad De Sevilla
Ridao, Miguel A.Universidad De Sevilla
15:30-17:30, Paper MoS2.17 
 Integrated Data Analytics and Regression Techniques for Real-Time Anomaly Detection in Industrial Processes

Fáber, RastislavSlovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Chemic
Mojto, MartinSlovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Ľubušký, KarolSlovnaft, A.s
Paulen, RadoslavSlovak University of Technology in Bratislava
MoK1 King I
Keynote 1 Keynote Session
Chair: Fikar, MiroslavSlovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Co-Chair: Zyngier, DanielleAutodesk
17:30-18:00, Paper MoK1.1 
 Sensitivity-Based Adaptive Sampling for Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Chang, ShujiUniversity of Waterloo
Agarwal, PiyushUniversity of Waterloo
McCready, ChristopherSartorius Canada Inc
Ricardez-Sandoval, LuisUniversity of Waterloo
Budman, Hector M.Univ. of Waterloo
MoK2 King II
Keynote 2 Keynote Session
Chair: Swartz, Christopher L.E.McMaster University
Co-Chair: Durand, HelenWayne State University
17:30-18:00, Paper MoK2.1 
 Fast Quantum Gate Control with Trajectory Optimization

Hu, ShouliangAustralian National University
Li, MingGuangdong University of Technology
Chen, ChunlinNanjing University
Dong, DaoyiAustralian National University