July 14-17, 2024
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
12th IFAC International Symposium on
Advanced Control of Chemical Processes

Instructions for Presenters & Session Chairs

1. Oral Presentations

The allocated time for the talks are as follows:

Plenary50 minutes10 minutes
Keynote25 minutes5 minutes
Regular17 minutes3 minutes

A laptop will be available for presentations. Presenters should transfer their files to the laptop at the venue of their presentation as early as possible. Preferable times are during coffee, lunch and inter-session breaks. A student volunteer will be available to assist the presenters.

2. Poster Presentations

Posters should be in portrait layout and ISO A1 size (841mm high, 594mm wide; 35in x 23.3in) or US large poster size (914mm x 610mm, 36in x 24in). Posters should be put up by 1:30 PM on the presentation day and removed right after the session ends. Board pins and Velcro tape will be available on-site. Posters are to be put up according to the numbering on the poster panels. Authors should be present during the poster session to explain their work and to interact with fellow attendees.

3. Session Chairs

Please take note of the day/time/venue of the session that you are chairing in the program booklet. On the day of the session that you are chairing, obtain any changes to the program from the Secretariat at the Registration Desk.

Be present in the room where the session is to be held at least 10 minutes before the start of the session and check that all the presentations have been copied on the laptop computer provided at the venue. Be ready to introduce each presenting author with his/her name and affiliation. Remind all presenting authors about the time available for their presentation; see “Instructions to Authors” for details. During each presentation, indicate to the presenting author when 2 minutes are left (for example, after 15 minutes of presentation for regular presentations). Please ensure that there is sufficient time for discussion.

In case of “no-show” or if a talk ends early, do not advance the presentations, but make sure to have all presentations take place at the times announced in the program. Any additional time can be used for discussions related to papers presented earlier in the session.