Professor i geologi
Institutt for geovitenskap / Department of Geoscience
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU)
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology  English web pages)
Trondheim, Norway

Telefon: (+47) 91897197

Current research:
Where in Africa could PALEOHUMANS have come from?
A new paradigm for HELLERISTNINGER (Scandinavian petroglyphs)
Suggested geology hikes in the LAS VEGAS desert mountains

Research book projects: 
Numberwords: The history and future of audionumerals
    Earlier version of this book:  Pseudonumerology
Not Getting the Drift: A hard look at the early history of plate tectonic ideas  
    Earlier version of this book:  Fixists vs. Mobilists in the geology contest of the century
Om Bergarter        Geologi undervisning NTNU
   Bli kjent med bergarter!           Geologi innføring 2023
   Geologipresentasjon for skoleklasser             Ekskursjoner:  Gauldalen  Fosen
   Geologi utstilling / exhibit             Orkanger  Tautra   Korsvika
   Mineraljakt i Trondheim           Regionalgeologi 2008
   Fjellets livsløp - tur fra Trondheim             Ekskursjoner: Oslo  Oppdal  Røragen  Ørlandet
   Flatholman (Muruvik/Malvik)           Strukturgeologi 2021      Oppdal trip 2021
   Fossiljakt i Trondheim           Feltkurs Alta 2008   Oslo 2022  USA field trips 2013-2019/23
   Trollheimen & Dovrefjell  
   Magerøya og Nordkapp         Challenges to scientific consensus
   BergArter (uferdig bokmanus)           Research on numbers: 2000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010
                 Resurrecting the Stockwerk geologic model for central Norway
CV           More on Stockwerk tectonics in the Western Gneiss Region
  1976 B.S. Univ. California Santa Cruz           How meaningless mixing lines might seem to give rock ages
  1980 PhD   Yale University           Confuting the Finnmarkian phase of the Caledonian orogeny
   1980-82 Post doc. Geol. museum Oslo           Magerøya (unfortunately my pre-Silurian age here is incorrect)
  1982-88 Forsker NGU           A plate tectonic model for some of the oldest rocks of Norway
  1988 Professor i geologi (bestalling)           Plate tectonics: "Is there really a North American Plate?"
            Chicanery in 1932 to quash the hypothesis of continental drift
Pseudonumerology (2001)           Human evolution in the sea at Bioko, 2017  (pdf) (norsk utg.)           Acclaimed fossils might not depict human evolution (pdf)           A paradigm for the evolution of human features              Thinking outside the box of fossils           The story of human evolution is based on fictional fossil evidence           Grand Canyon fossils (for years, thousands of hikers passed by...)
uAnsvarlig for websiden: "Webmaster Krill"         Meninger (Opinions)