

Models are in the centre, and so are they in our teaching.

Propaedeutical level (year 3): TKP 4106 Process Modelling:
Connecting accumulated knowledge and introducing process models as dynamic mathematical images of the process on different levels and with different resolution.
A pictorial representation of the process as a graph with different types of capacities and communications between the capacities serves as an abstraction tool that can be used to exercise all the operations associated controlling the model granularity.
Time-scale considerations are introduced as part of the discussion of all the ingredients: capacity behaviour, the conservation principles, transfer laws as a behaviour of a capacity transferring extensive quantities on a fast time scale, reactive systems and phase transitions as a local dynamic element associated with a distinct part of the process and the thermodynamics based on the energy functions and the equations of states, as well as geometry and other auxiliary  transformation closing the algebraic definition space of the model.

Propaedeutical level (year 3): Felles Lab This laboratory activity is associated with the two courses (i) Reactor Technology and (ii) Separation Technology. The laboratory is part of the courses and has a number of experiments from both domains.



Master level (year 4 and 5): TKP 4135 Process Systems Engineering:
Large-scale models as networks of simple models and the proper implementation of time-scaling assumptions yielding simplified models.
Course description: >>> English     >>> Norwegian  

Master level (year 4 and 5): Module — Advanced simulation: with Brian Grimes
What is under the hood was the original idea, thus discuss on how simulators work. The subject has evolved over the years, which we reflect into running the course in form of a package of projects. Each student is picking a project from a pool and we discuss first on how to align the projects to the subjects we want to put emphasis on for the session. Whilst the students get familiar with the project domain we lecture on a couple of fundamental issues. A first seminar series serves the purpose of discussing with each students his/her subject and align it to the overall objective whilst starting the discussions on the subject. The weekly meetings are used to discuss all issues that arise in the different projects within the group. This makes the individual to own the project and utilise the others as reflectors for their current problems. The findings are reported and distributed to all students a week before the final event, which is a seminar day. The day is used to present the projects in a longer presentation and discussion which together take typically an hour. This is topped up by an individual oral examination in which we test on how much of the material discussed by the other project is hanging on to the individual.

>> Reports / Talks 2014

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