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Johannes Falnes

Professor Emeritus
Department of Physics
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
[before 1996: Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), University of Trondheim]

  Johannes Falnes at Østmarkneset, Trondheim 1999
•  Address:  Department of Physics, NTNU,
NO-7491 Trondheim
Telephone:  +47 735 93452
Telefax:  +47 735 97710
E-mail:  Johannes.Falnes( AT )ntnu.no

See web pages on:
  Wave-energy research
  Books on wave energy

Origin and education:

Born 1931 at Skudenes, Rogaland, Norway.
Graduated as "siv.ing." (M.Eng.) 1957 and as "dr.techn." 1972, both from Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), Electrotechnical Department.
Full-time employment in Trondheim 1956-1959 at NTH, in Geneva 1959-1961 at CERN, in Bergen 1961-1964 at the University of Bergen, in Trondheim 1965-2001 at NTH/NTNU, except for at SINTEF 1966-1972.
Retired 2002, but still professionally active.
For further details on professional activities: See CV (curriculum vitae).

Teaching interests:

In recent years, teaching the subject of wave-energy utilisation has been a task of particular interest. Lectured previously also various subjects within electric engineering, physics and mathematics.

Falnes, J.: "Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: linear interactions including wave-energy extraction". Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2002 ( ISBN 0-521-78211-2). In paperback 2005 ( ISBN 0-521-01749-1). Also available as electronic book. Find a list of corrections here.      

Research interests:

Active in wave-energy research since 1973, when Kjell Budal (1933-1989) took the initiative to such research at NTH. Previous research interests were electromagnetism, physical elecctronics, thermonuclear fusion and plasma physics.
Co-author for review book:

Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources Working Group on Wave Energy Conversion: "Wave Energy Conversion". Elsevier Science Ltd., 2003, (ISBN 0-08-044212-9).      

Leisure-time interests:

Hiking and outdoor life as well as family and local history are among the leisure interests.
Contact address: johannes.falnes(a)ntnu.no
Homepage erected: 1996-09-30.     Minor modifications:  1997-09-01/ 2002-04-26/ 2003-11-08
Completely revised: 2006-08-25      Information on previous versions here.