

Books on wave power plant research.

Bøker om bølgjekraftverk.


Tre lettlesne populariserte bøker (den fyrste om berre det britiske forskingsarbeidet, den andre har ei historisk-politisk vinkling, og deler av boka kunne kanskje ha vore dramatisert for teaterframføring!). Den fjerde boka har ei lettlesen innleiing, men har elles eit grundigare teknisk oversyn over arbeidet med utvikling og forsking på bølgjeenergiutnytting.

Easy read books (entries A1-3): The following book (entry A4) has an easy read introduction, but otherwise a review of the state-of-the-art in wave-energy utilisation.

A1. David Ross:."Energy from the Waves", (Pergamon Press 1. ed. 1979, 2. ed. 1981).

A2. David Ross:."Power from the Waves", (Oxford University Press, 1995) (ISBN 0-19-856511-9)..

A3. Curt Falkemo:."Vågenenergiboken", (Ingenjörsförlaget, Stockholm 1980).

A4. Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources Working Group on Wave Energy Conversion: "Wave Energy Conversion" (Elsevier, 2003) (ISBN 0-08-044212-9)

A5. João Cruz (editor): "Ocean Wave Energy: Current Status and Future Perspectives" (Springer, 2007) (ISBN 978-3-54074894-6)

Bøker med meir teknisk-vitskapleg behandling av stoffet:

Books with more technical and scientific treatment (entries B1-3):

B1. Michael E. McCormick:."Ocean Wave Energy Conversion", (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1981).

B2. Ronald Shaw:."Wave Energy. A Design Challenge", (Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, England, 1982).

B3. Lennart Claeson m.fl.:."Energi från havets vågor", Efn-rapport nr. 21 (Energiforskningsnämnden, Stockholm, Sweden 1987).

Følgjande bøker inneheld prenta foredrag frå vitskaplege konferansar:

Books containing papers from scientific conferences (entries C1-10):

C1. B. Count (editor):."Power from SeaWaves", (Academic Press, 1980).

C2. "First Symposium on Wave Energy Utilization. Proceedings", (CTH, Göteborg, 1979).

C3. "Second International Symposium on Wave Energy Utilization. Proceedings", (Tapir, Trondheim, 1982).

C4. D.V. Evans and A.F.O. Falcão (editors):."IUTAM Symposium Lisbon 1985. Hydrodynamics of Ocean Wave Energy Utilization", (Springer Verlag, 1985).

C5. T. Miyazaki and H. Hotta (editors): "Third Symposium on Ocean Wave Energy Utilization", (January 22-23, 1991, Tokyo, organised by Japan Marine Science.and Technology Center).

C6. H. Kondo (editor): "Proceedings of International Symposium on Ocean Energy Development", (26-27 August 1993, Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan.) (ISBN.4-906457-01-0).

C7. G. Elliot and G. Caratti (editors):"1993 European Wave Energy Symposium. Proceedinngs of an International Symposium held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 21-24 July 1993." (ECSC-EEC-EAEC, Brussels, 1994.) (ISBN 0-903640-84-8).

C8. G. Elliot and K. Diamantaras (editors):"The Second European Wave Energy Conference. Proceedings of an International Conference held in Lisbon, Portugal, 8 to 10.November 1995." (ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussels, Luxembourg, 1996.) (ISBN 92-827-7492-.9).

C9. "Third European Wave Power Conference 1998, Proceedings of an International Conference held in Patras, Greece, 30 September - 2 October 1998". (Edited and published by Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Dursthoff, University of Hannover, Germany [2000]).

C10. "Fourth European Wave Energy Conference: Proceedings of an International Conference held in Aalborg, Denmark, 4 - 6 December 2000". (Edited by Iben Østergaard and Søren Iversen. Published by Danish Technological Institute, DK-2630 Tåstrup, ISBN 87 90074 09 2)

C11. "Fifth European Wave Energy Conference: Proceedings of an International Conference held in Cork, Ireland, 17 - 20 September 2003". (To be published.)

Elles finst det ein del vitskaplege artiklar om bølgjeenergi i "proceedings" frå dei årlege konferansane:

Furthermore, there are scientific papers on wave energy in the proceedings of the annual conferences:

International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE)


International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE).


Følgjande oversynsbøker har kvart sitt kapittel om bølgjeenergi:

Books where a chapter is devoted to wave energy (entries D1-13):

D1. G.L.Wick og W.R.Schmitt: "Harvesting Ocean Energy", (The Unesco Press. 1981).

D2. "Akvatisk energi", (Resultatrapport NE.1981:16 frå Nämnden för Energiproduktionsforskning, Box 1103, S-16312 Spånga, Sverige).

D3. G.Parmann: "Alternative energikilder og energiøkonomisering", (Dreyer, Oslo, 1978).

D4. Ø.Holter m.fl.: "Alternative energiressurser", (Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1979).

D5. R.H.Taylor: "Alternative Energy Sources for the Centralised Generation of Electricity" (Adam Hilger, Ltd., Bristol 1983).

D6. J.W. Twidell and A.D. Weir: "Renewable Energy Resources", (E.& F.N. Spon Ltd., London, 1986)

D7. R.J. Seymour (editor): "Ocean Energy Recovery. The State of the Art." (American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1992.) (ISBN 0-87262-894-9).

D8. R.H. Charlier and J.R. Justus: "Ocean Energies: Environmental, Economic and Technological Aspects of Alternative Power Sources" (Elsevier, 1993.) (ISBN 0-444-88248-0).

D9. Tim Jackson (editor): "Renewable Energy: Prospects for implementation." (Stockholm Environment Institute, 1993.) (ISBN 91 8811672-1).

D10. Hagerman, G. "Wave Power". In: Encyclopedia of Energy Technology and the Environment (eds. A. Bisio & S.G. Boots), pp. 2859-2907. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1995).

D11. G. Boyle (editor): "Renewable Energy. Power for a Sustainable Future." (Oxford University Press, 1996.) (ISBN 0-19-856451-1).

D12. F. Salvesen (redaktør): "Nye fornybare energikilder." (Norges forskningsråd i samarbeid med Norges vassdrags- og energiverk, mars 1996.).(ISBN 82-12-00664-6). ( Revidert utgave, juni 2001, ISBN 82-12-01621-8.)

D13. F. Salvesen (editor): "New Renewable Energy: Norwegian Developments". (The Research Council of Norway in cooperation with The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), 1998.).( ISBN 82-12-01170-4).


I følgjande lærebok finst (i kapitla 3, 6 og 7) teori for primært opptak av bølgjeenergi med hjelp av svingesystem:

The following textbook (entry E1) contains (in chapters 3, 6 and 7) theory for primary conversion of wave energy by means of oscillating systems:

E1. J. Falnes: "Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: Linear interactions including wave-energy extraction", (Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK, 2002 (ISBN 0-521-78211-2)). [The book is available also in electronic version (eBook).]











JF 2004-02-17