
Note: Workshops 2 and 4 has been cancelled!

Four workshops are planned to be organized in conjunction with DYCOPS-CAB. These workshops will be conducted by experts from academia and industry, and will be relevant to attendees from both backgrounds. The workshops will take place immediately prior to the DYCOPS-CAB symposium, that is at Sunday June 5th, at the same venue, at NTNU, Trondheim.

Workshops are half-day or full-day on topics of interest to the process control community. Advance registration for the workshops will be done through the conference registration website. On-site registration for the workshops will be available, subject to space and resource constraints. We reserve the right to cancel workshops with insufficient interest, with full refund.

The schedule of workshops is as below:

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3
08:30-12:30 Workshop 1 Workshop 2
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-17:30 Workshop 1, continued Workshop 3 Workshop 4
18:00-19:00 Welcome reception

That is, you can attend Workshop 1 OR Workshop 2 and 3 OR Workshop 2 and 4 (or only one of workshops 2, 3 or 4).

Workshop 1: Nonlinear State and Parameter Estimation without Tears

  • R. Bhushan Gopaluni, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (University of British Columbia, Canada)
  • Sachin C. Patwardhan, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering (Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, India)
  • Lorenz T. Biegler, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
  • Aditya Tulsyan, Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Chemical Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)

Workshop 2: Practical, industrial use of nonlinear MPC

  • Svein Olav Hauger, Tor Steinar Schei and Petter Singstad (Cybernetica AS, Norway)

Workshop 3: Making model-based optimizing control an industrial reality – Results from the MOBOCON project

  • Radoslav Paulen, Sebastian Engell (Process Dynamics and Operations Group, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany)
  • Andreas Potschka, Hans Georg Bock (Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, Heidelberg, Germany)

Workshop 4: Stochastic Predictive Control: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications

  • Ali Mesbah (University of California-Berkeley, USA)
  • Victor M. Zavala (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)

The two videos showed during the conference are available on youtube, here: Day 1 and 2, and Conference dinner and day 3.

The final program is now available at (PDF version).

The registration pages, including workshop registration, are now open.

Authors of papers accepted for poster presentation should prepare a 3 min oral presentation for the conference, in addition to the poster.


29 OCT 2015 (Extended!)
Submission of draft paper and invited session proposals

15 FEB 2016
Acceptance Notification

18 MAR 2016 (Extended!)
Submission of final papers

15 APR 2016
Final program available


Early bird registration deadline is April 1st. More information here.


Reserve your rooms before May 1st (subject to availability) to receive conference rates. More information here.

Gold sponsor: Gemini Center PROST – Advanced Process Control, at NTNU and SINTEF.

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