
The registration fee covers welcome reception, conference banquet, lunches, coffee breaks and electronic proceedings. Workshop registration can be done simultaneously. The registration page can be found here:

Note that the registration fee needs to be paid prior to uploading the final manuscript. Participants with regular and student registrations will be able to upload a maximum of 2 and 1 manuscripts, respectively.

Early Registration

(before April 01, 2016)

Late Registration

(April 01, 2016 onwards)

Regular registration

600 USD

700 USD

Student registration

400 USD

500 USD


The two videos showed during the conference are available on youtube, here: Day 1 and 2, and Conference dinner and day 3.

The final program is now available at (PDF version).

The registration pages, including workshop registration, are now open.

Authors of papers accepted for poster presentation should prepare a 3 min oral presentation for the conference, in addition to the poster.


29 OCT 2015 (Extended!)
Submission of draft paper and invited session proposals

15 FEB 2016
Acceptance Notification

18 MAR 2016 (Extended!)
Submission of final papers

15 APR 2016
Final program available


Early bird registration deadline is April 1st. More information here.


Reserve your rooms before May 1st (subject to availability) to receive conference rates. More information here.

Gold sponsor: Gemini Center PROST – Advanced Process Control, at NTNU and SINTEF.

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