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A Haptic Excavator System with Active Masses

Authors:Parra-Vega Vicente, Cinvestav, Mexico
Hassan Torres-Rodriguez, Cinvestav, Mexico
Francisco Ruiz-Sanchez, Cinvestav, Mexico
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Robot Applications
Keywords: Haptic Interface, Robotic Excavator, Sliding Modes, Force control, Man Machine Interface


We present a haptic interface-based excavator training system. Thissystem is based on the full nonlinear excavator dynamic model whichmimics an industrial excavator, and six degrees of freedom hapticinterface. The interface is characterized of been conformed by twocontrolled prismatic joints that compensate the gravitationaleffects leaving the full power of the actuators to kinestheticsensations transmission. The control of gravity compensation isbased in the gravitational force vector of the dynamic model. On theother hand the excavator control is carry out through a robust,model free second order sliding mode force-position controller. Wepresent and discuss simulation results of the whole excavatortraining system.