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Saturated Nonlinear PID Global Regulator for Robot Manipulators: Passivity Based Analysis

Authors:Meza Jose Luis, Instituto Tecnologico de la Laguna, Mexico
Santibanez Victor, Instituto Tecnologico de la Laguna, Mexico
Hernandez Victor M., Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Robot Sensors and Control
Keywords: Nonlinear PID, passivity, bounded control, asymptotic stability.


In this paper we propose a saturated nonlinear PID regulator for solving the problem of global regulation in robot manipulators with bounded torques. An approach based on interconnected passive systems is used for analyzing the global asymptotic stability. To this end, we use a passivity theorem which is an adaptation of a passivity theorem given in (Khalil, 1996). Such a theoremdeals with asymptotic stability of the equilibrium of an unforced interconnected system in which the feedforward system is state strictly passive and the feedback system is passive and equilibrium--state observable.