15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Time-Varying Systems and Factorization

Session Slot: T-Tu-E18
Area Code: 2b

Paper TitleAuthors
Analysis of Time Varying Systems Using Time Varying S-Transforms and Time Varying Z-TransformsGARCIA ITURRICHA Aitor, SABATIER Jocelyn, OUSTALOUP Alain
Balanced Model Reduction of Linear Time-Varying SystemsHenrik Sandberg   Anders Rantzer
Poles and Zeros of Multivariable Linear Time-Varying SystemsKai Zenger Raimo Ylinen
H Loop Shaping for Mixed Continuous-Discrete-Time Time-Varying and Periodic SystemsA.-K. Christiansson B. Lennartson H.T. Toivonen
Explicit Characterization of Decentralized Coprime FactorsNoboru SEBE
New Results on the Parametrization of J-Spectral FactorsS. Weiland A. Gombani