Example A.7: Scalar Front Tracking

In this example we show the basic concept of front tracking. The main idea of this method is to take a conservation law

$$ u_t + f(u)_x = 0, \qquad u(x,0)=u_0(x)$$

and replace the flux function "f" by a piecewise linear approximation "g" and the initial data "u0" by a piecewise constant approximation "v0". Then the new conservation law

$$ v_t + g(v)_x = 0, \qquad v(x,0)=v_0(x)$$

can be solved analytically using an algorithm with a finite number of steps if "v0" has a finite number of discontinuities. When used as a numerical method, the front tracking is unconditionally stable in the sense that there is no restriction on the time step. Moreover, the method has first-order convergence also for discontinuous solutions.

As an example problem, we consider a cubic flux function and a sine wave truncated to the interval [-1,1].

Definition of domain and time

T = 1;
umin=-1; umax=1.0;
xmin=-2; xmax=2;
addpath Scalar_Fronttracking;

Approximation of flux function

The accuracy of the front tracking method is defined two parameters: the parameter determining how well we approximate the flux function and the parameter that determines how well we approximate the initial function. The flux approximation is determined by the number of breakpoints "nbreak", which is equal the number of piecewise linear segments plus one.

v = linspace(umin,umax,513);
plot(v, v.^3, '-', uf,ff,'-o','MarkerSize',4);
xlabel('u'); ylabel('f(u)');  title(' Flux function ');
plot(v, v.^3, '-', uf,ff,'-o','MarkerSize',4), axis([-0.4 0.4 -0.05 0.05])
xlabel('u'); ylabel('f(u)');  title(' Zoom');

Approximation of initial data

To approximate the initial data, we choose initial values among the breakpoints of the flux function; that is, we approximate u0 along the "u-axis" rather than along the "x-axis". Doing so, the solution of the Riemann problem can (in principle) be performed in interger arithmetic and thus be very fast.

xx = linspace(xmin,xmax,513);
clf, plot(xx,initial(xx),'-r')


Putting it all together

We plot the approximation of the flux function and the initial data. The we perform front tracking: (i) solve all Riemann problems defined by discontinuities in the initial data, (ii) track all evolving fronts defined by the piecewise linear flux segments that are part of each local Riemann solution and compute potential collision, (iii) whenever two such fronts collide, solve a new Riemann problem. Repeat steps (ii) and (iii) until there are no more collisions. Our implementation plots the fronts while tracking them. Finally, we plot the analytical, piecewise constant solution of the perturbed PDE problem

% Piecewise linear flux
subplot(2,2,1), plot(uf,ff,'-o','MarkerSize',4)
xlabel('u'), ylabel('f(u)'), title(' Flux function ')

% Piecewise constant initial function
subplot(2,2,2), plotFTresult(u0,x0)
xlabel('x'), ylabel('u_0(x)'), title(' Initial data ')

% Tracking the fronts and plotting while doing this.
subplot(2,2,3), [u,x]=SFrontTrack(u0,x0,T,uf,ff);
xlabel('x'), ylabel('t'), title(' Fronts in the \it (x,t) \rm plane')

% Plot the exact solution of the perturbed problem
subplot(2,2,4), plotFTresult(u,x)
xlabel('x'); ylabel(strcat('u(x,',num2str(T),')'));
title(' Solution ');

Increasing the resolution

We now repeate the same excercise with increased resolution

% Piecewise linear flux
clf, subplot(2,2,1),
uf=linspace(umin,umax,101); ff=uf.^3;
xlabel('u'), ylabel('f(u)'), title(' Flux function ')

% Piecewise constant initial function
xlabel('x'), ylabel('u_0(x)'), title(' Initial data ')

% Tracking the fronts and plotting while doing this.
subplot(2,2,3), [u,x]=SFrontTrack(u0,x0,T,uf,ff);
xlabel('x'), ylabel('t'), title(' Fronts in the \it (x,t) \rm plane')

% Plot the exact solution of the perturbed problem
subplot(2,2,4), plotFTresult(u,x)
xlabel('x'); ylabel(strcat('u(x,',num2str(T),')'));
title(' Solution ');


Herein, we have made a simple implementation in MATLAB to demonstrate the principles behind front tracking. The implementation is made using manipulation of arrays, which is quite slow, and the computational speed of the implementation does not reflect the high efficiency one can observe for a front-tracking method implemented using pointers in C or C++.