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A Parametric Robust Approach PID Control for a Laparoscopic Surgery Robot

Authors:Grau Antoni, Technical Univ. of Catalonia, Spain
Bolea Yolanda, Technical Univ. of Catalonia, Spain
Dot Pere, Technical Univ. of Catalonia, Spain
Pujol Damia, Technical Univ. of Catalonia, Spain
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Robot Control II
Keywords: H infinite robust control, parametric robust control, PID, linealization, robotics


This paper presents an innovative H infinite robust controller PID with parametric approach. The non-linearity uncertainties, the time-varying system and other parameters’ variations are taken into account in its design. Furthermore, this type of controller (of low order) is frequently used for industrial purposes due to its simplicity and straightforward implementation in comparison with the high order controllers that H infinite technique yields. The goodness of this kind of controller for robotics systems has been tested in a 3-dof laparoscopic surgery robotic arm