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Parametric approach to optimal nonlinear control problem using orthogonal expansions

Authors:Tomas-Rodriguez Maria, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Navarro-Hernandez C., University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Banks S.P., University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Optimal Control in Nonlinear Systems I
Keywords: Nonlinear control systems, optimal control, linear time varying systems, orthonormal basis


This article presents a parametric approach to theoptimal nonlinear control problem. The contribution isbased on reducing the nonlinear optimal control problem to asequence of linear time-varying ones and approach the desired optimalcontrol by a sequence oflinear algebraic equations. This approach provides asolution which can be obtained in a simpler way thanthe usual one. Alternative choices oforthonormal bases for the parametric approach are discussed.