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Automated 3D reconstruction system for autonomous mobile manipulator and vehicle-borne

Authors:Puig David, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy
Sequeira Vitor, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy
Ruiz Emilio, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy
Goncalves Joao G. M., European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy
Mellado Martin, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Autonomous Robots and Systems
Keywords: reconstruction, simulation, modelling mobile manipulator, planning


To construct realistic 3D models of large environments that match the physical world as accurately as possible there is the need to combine several kinds of data sources, such as: ground and aerial laser range scans, tracking data, photos, GPS data, satellite images. In this paper we concentrate on the ground level data acquisition. We present two integrated solutions for automated 3D acquisition and reconstruction of real scenes based on active range data having centimetre resolution and automatic capturing of colour: an indoor mobile robot platform prototype and an outdoor prototype mounted on roof of a car for modelling large urban areas.