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Passivity-based Dynamic Visual Feedback Control with a Movable Camera

Authors:Murao Toshiyuki, Kanazawa University, Japan
Kawai Hiroyuki, Hosei University, Japan
Fujita Masayuki, Kanazawa University, Japan
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Robot Sensors and Control
Keywords: Robot Control, Visual Servoing, Lyapunov Stability, Mechanical Systems, Passivity


This paper deals with the dynamic visual feedback control with a movable camera instead of a fixed camera in the fixed camera configuration. Firstly the brief summary of the visual feedback system with a fixed camera is given with the fundamental representation of a relative rigid body motion. Secondly we construct the new error system in order to consider the camera field of view. Next, we derive the passivity of the dynamic visual feedback system by combining the manipulator dynamics and the visual feedback system. Based on the passivity, stability and L2-gain performance analysis are discussed. Finally the validity of the proposed control law can be confirmed by comparing the simulation results.