
Session 354 - Microreactors: Applications for Chemical Production
Microreactor Processing may reduce the total volume of potentially hazardous materials, improve control of very fast and/or dangerous reactions, lead to modular and flexible plant design, or enable novel chemistry not possible with traditional reactors. Discuss single or multi-phase systems and their exergetic, legislative, financial or environmental benefits. Topics might include reaction kinetics, or transpoert phenomena involving various driving forces. Heterogeneous reactions, solid-liquid separation, and phase separation may also be discussed. Discussion in context of entire flowsheet is most welcome.
Chair:Laurence R. Weatherley
CoChair:Volker Hessel
 Production-Related Issues in Microreaction Technology
Marcel A. Liauw
 Catalyst Trap Microreactor for Hydrogenation of a Pharmaceutical Intermediate
Shaun M. McGovern, G. Harish, Ronald S. Besser
 Nonisothertmal Design of Fluid Segments for Precise Temperature Control in Microreactors
Nobuaki Aoki, Kazuhiro Mae
 A Micro-Structured 5 Kw Complete Fuel Processor for Iso-Octane as Hydrogen Supply System for Mobile Auxiliary Power Units
Gunther Kolb, Jochen Schuerer, David Tiemann, Athanassios Ziogas, Volker Hessel, Holger Loewe
 Reaction Optimization in a Microreactor Using Real-Time Analysis
Brian Marquardt
 Residence Time Distribution in a Packed Bed Microreactor
Franz Trachsel, Philipp Rudolf von Rohr
 Continuous Reactions with the Micro-Enzyme-Membrane Reactor
Daniela H. Müller, Lasse Greiner

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