TMM4175 Polymer Composites

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Interlaminar failure of laminates

Interlaminar failure of laminates implies crack propagation between layers caused by out-of-plane shear stresses $\tau_{xz}$ and $\tau_{yz}$ as well as out-of-plane tensile stress $\varepsilon_z$.

A comprehensive study of interlaminar failure is outside the scope of TMM4170, but a basic outline of the theory is presented in Interlaminar fracture-mechanical testing.

The case study Free edge effects of laminates gives one example of sources for interlaminar failure initiation.

Figure-1 illustrates a simulation of progressive interlaminar failure due to free edge effects for a case where the bonding between two layers is poor.

Figure-1: Interlaminar failure due to edge effects of a [0/90]s laminate

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