Forsking/publikasjonar (Research/publications), Ivar S. Ertesvåg

Doktorstudentar/Doctoral students  liste  Work in progress can be found here   and  Master-thesis students

Lærebok, oppslagsbok (Textbook, reference)

Artiklar i tidsskrift og konferanser / Papers in journals and conferences (with peer review of full manuscript)

  • "Utvikling av turbulensmodell for låge reynoldstal med likning for reynoldsspenningane og likning for karakteristisk frekvens", 1991:49, Institutt for teknisk varmelære, NTH, 1991. ("Development of a turbulence model for low Reynolds numbers, with equation for the Reynolds stresses and equation for characteristic frequency", dr. thesis 1991:49, Department of engineering thermodynamics, Norwegian Institute of Technology, 1991).


    Sist endra April 2024