

Wechsler, R., Bergsland, A., Geiger, S., Peñalba, A. (2023, re-print), Der MotionComposer: ein Gerät, das Bewegung in Musik umwandelt - Mögliche Anwendungen in der pädiatrischen Medizin. internistische praxis 67, 327-336. mgo fachverlage GmbH & Co. KG

Bergsland, A. & Sabharwal, S.R. (2023), Examining the Correlation Between Dance and Electroacoustic Music Phrases: A Pilot Study. In Proceedings of the 18th International Audio Mostly Conference, August 2023, p.34-37,


Wechsler, R., Bergsland, A., Geiger, S., Peñalba, A. (2022), Der MotionComposer: ein Gerät, das Bewegung in Musik umwandelt - Mögliche Anwendungen in der pädiatrischen Medizin. pädiatrische praxis 98, 1-10. Mediengruppe Oberfranken - Fachverlage GmbH & Co. KG

Bergsland, A.(2022) Dance phrase onsets and endings in an interactive dance study. In Proceedings of Audio Mostly, September 6-9, St.Pölten. DOI:

Bergsland, A. (2022) Designing Interactive Sonifications for the Exploration Of Dance Phrase Edges. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC2022, June 7-12, St.Etienne, France. DOI:


Støckert, R., Bergsland, A. & Xambó, A. (2020). The Notion of Presence in a Telematic Cross-Disciplinary Program for Music, Communication and Technology. In Eiksund, Ø. J., Angelo, E., & Knigge, J. (Eds.). (2020). Music technology in education – Channeling and challenging perspectives. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Støckert, R., Bergsland, A., Fasciani, S. & Jensenius, A. R. (2020). Student active learning in a two campus organization. In I. Roceanu (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference on eLearning and Software for Education, eLse.

Bergsland, A. (2020). Feedback systems with FM receivers and transmitters as musical instruments. Paper presented at the International Conference on Live Interfaces, ICLI'20, Trondheim, Norway.


Bergsland, A., Saue, S., & Stokke, P. (2019). VIBRA - Technical and Artistic Issues in an Interactive Dance Project. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 16th Sound & Music Computing Conference, SMC'19, Malaga, Spain.


Bergsland, Andreas; Rønning, Barbro. (2017) Intermediality and Memory in the Tower Block - Post Mortem Project. The International Journal of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture. vol. 2 (2).

Bergsland, Andreas and Wechsler, Robert. "Issues and Strategies of Rhythmicality for MotionComposer". In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Movement Computing. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2017 ISBN 978-1-4503-5209-3.

Golub, K., Milrad, M., Ping Huang, M., Mikko, T., Matres, I., & Bergsland, A. (2017). Current efforts, perspectives and challenges related to Digital Humanities in Nordic countries. In International Symposium on Digital Humanities (DH 2016), Växjö, Sweden, November, 7-8, (pp. 119-125).


Bergsland, Andreas, "No e æ i det rommet ..." – minner, resonans og etterklang. I: Høyblokka Post-Mortem: Teater som ritual. Novus Forlag 2016 ISBN 978-82-7099-864-7. s. 67–79.

Bergsland, Andreas; Wechsler, Robert. (2016) Turning movement into music – issues and applications of the MotionComposer, a therapeutic device for persons with different abilities. SoundEffects. vol. 6 (1).

Golub, K., Milrad, M., Ping Huang, M., Tolonen, M., Matres, I., & Bergsland, A. (2016). Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries: Current efforts, perspectives and challenges. In International Symposium on Digital Humanities, Växjö, Sweden, 7-8 November 2016 (pp. 9-11). Linnaeus University.


Bergsland, A. and Engum, T. "Unheard Sounds: "Unheard Sounds: The Aesthetics of Inaudible Sounds Made Audible", In Journal of the Art of Record Production, 10 (July), ISSN: 1754-9892. Link to article.

Bergsland, A. and Wechsler, R. "Composing Interactive Dance Pieces for the MotionComposer, a device for Persons with Disabilities", In Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2015. Baton Rouge, Louisiana (forthcoming). Link to paper.


Brandtsegg et al. T-EMP: Trondheim Electroacoustic Music Performance - Communication and interplay in an electronically based ensemble. Report from an artistic research project. NTNU, Dept. of Music. Also published electronically at

Bergsland, A. and Wechsler, R. "Movement-Music Relationships and Sound Design in MotionComposer, an Interactive Environment for Persons with (and without) Disabilities", Proceedings of re-new, Copenhagen 2013.

"Stemmer i elektroakustisk musikk - opplevelse, beskrivelse og visualisering", Lydskrift 1/2 2013.

"The maximal-minimal model: a framework for evaluating and comparing experience of voice in electroacoustic music", Organised Sound 18(2), p.218–228. Link to article for Organised Sound subscribers.


Bergsland, A. and Åse, T., "Using a seeing/blindfolded paradigm to study audience experiences of live-electronic performances with voice", In Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Ann Arbor, Michigan.


"The Six Fantasies Machine – an instrument modelling phrases from Paul Lansky's Six Fantasies", Proceedings of NIME 2011, 11th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Oslo, Norway.

Arne Nordheim og den tidlige elektroakustiske musikken i Norge", In Norsk Avantgarde, Oslo: Novus forlag, p.229–242.


Experiencing Voices in Electroacoustic Music, PhD Thesis submitted at Dept. of Music, NTNU.


"From maximal to minimal voice - concepts for evaluating vocal sounds in electroacoustic music." Electroacoustic Music Studies Network Conference, EMS05.

"Bevegelse, hastighet og materialitet fra Edisons phonograph til Charles Dodges Speech Songs". in Estetiske teknologier No.3, Iversen, G. (ed.), Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press.


"Stemmetransformasjoner i elektroakustisk musikk: Identitetskonstruksjon og meningsdannelse" i Estetiske teknologier 1700-2000 No.2, Maurseth, A.B. og Østerud, E. (ed.), Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press.


"Sangkomposisjon som lesning" i Musikklidenskapelig årbok 2000 (Dept. of Music, NTNU).

Presentations and Panels