
I have been teaching the following courses on a regular basis over a number of years:

MUST3054 Electronic Music

The course seeks to investigate different forms of music primarily made with electronic/digital tools through listening, reflection, and creative work. Teaching has its point of departure in close listening to several pieces of music. From this starting point, one aims to develop the students’ listening skills and their ability to reflect, and to build a conceptual apparatus. Furthermore, the course seeks to let the students’ musical understanding be expressed through individual creative work.
Link to the official NTNU course description with learning outcomes here.

Learning videos for graphical annotation tools

iAnalyse - simple annotation (English subtitles)

EAnalysis - installer og kom i gang (Norwegian)

EAnalysis - grunnleggende annotasjon (Norwegian)

Acousmographe - grunnleggende funksjonalitet (Norwegian)

Acousmographe - bakgrunnslag og annotasjon (Norwegian)

Acousmographe - spektromorfologisk annotasjon (Norwegian)

Acousmographe - simple annotation (English subtitles)

MUST1060 Basic Music Technology 2

The course consists of the following main elements: Fundamentals of text based audio programming, digital signal processing, software for sampling and sound treatment in live performance, and communication between different controllers and sound software.

Link to the official NTNU course description with learning outcomes here.

Watch video tutorials (in Norwegian) made for the course here.

MUST1058 Musikkteknologi i et historisk lys

Ut fra et kritisk, humanistisk perspektiv gis ei innføring i musikkteknologiens historie og egenart, og framveksten av nye praksiser i produksjon, distribusjon og bruk av musikk. Videre drøftes sammenhenger mellom teknologi, estetikk, musikalsk uttrykk/form og musikalsk praksis, og arbeidsmåter innenfor musikkteknologien blir demonstrert.

Link to the official NTNU course description with learning outcomes here.

See a post about a lecture on popular music technology including presentation slides here.