
Selected Talks

Artist Talk at the Baltan Session on Flick Flock: Technology, Art and Self Perception
STRP Biennale, Eindhoven Netherlands, November 25, 2010.

Artist Talk about Chroma Space at the
Art.on.Wires Festival, Oslo, May 10 -13, 2010.

Talk on Technology and Art in Creative Placemaking,
Futurescapes Symposium in New Media, Technology, & the Humanities
, March 2016

Selected Lectures/ Presentations

Tutorial on Technology and Art in Stimulating Creative Placemaking in Public-Use Spaces, October 16, 2016.

Digital Storytelling workshop lecturer / organiser in collaboration with IET, NxtMedia and IKM/HF, January 2014.

Invited Lecturer on Immersive Space, Department of Product Design, NTNU, March 11, 2014.

Invited Lecturer on Digital Storytelling at the IET Department, October 2013.

Plohman, Angela; Mansilla, Wendy Ann; Puig, Jordi; Ottavi, Julien.
Piksel Plenum: Open Artistic Production, October 17, 2010.

Research Grand Prix Presentation 2010.
>> presentation slides.

Tutorial on Intersecting Art and Science in Augmented Reality at Mensch & Computer 2008, September 7, 2008.
>> tutorial presentation materials.

Lecturer on Blender 3D Workshop at Q2S, October, 2008.

Student Supervisions

Øystein Smith, Master`s Thesis and Student Project, 2015
Stian Habbestad, Master`s Thesis, 2014
- Supervision for Adressaparken on student work:
Chris Milne, 2016
Zala Pia Lipičnik, 2016
Aðalheiður Magnúsdóttir, 2015
Zuzanna Mantorski, 2015
Alya Grishko, 2014