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Impact and Force Control with Switching between Mechanical Impedance Parameters

Authors:Zotovic Ranko, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Valera Fernandez Angel, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Garcia Gil Pedro Jose, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Robot Control II
Keywords: robot control, impact, force control, impedance control, switching


Active impedance control for impact control is proposed. A brief analysis of the influence of each parameter is made. A new methodology of impact control is proposed. It consists in switching among diffrent impedances, imposing for example a low mass while penetrating in the environment and a high mass while rebounding. The former dumps the impct limiting the peak of force while the latter avoids losses of contact. A similar consideration may be made for the rigidity. The dissipativity of the system is demonstrated. The same controller may be used for free motion, impact and force control in ideal conditions.