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Second-order Necessary Conditions for Optimal Impulsive Control

Authors:Arutyunov Aram, Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation
Pereira Fernando, FEUP - Porto University, Portugal
Topic:2.4 Optimal Control
Session:Specific Problems in Optimal Control
Keywords: Second-order necessary conditions, optimal impulsive control,nondegeneracy


Second-order conditions of optimality for an impulsive control problem are presented and derived from those for an appropriateabstract optimization problem with equality, inequality and setinclusion constraints. An important feature of these conditions isthat they do not degenerate for abnormal control processes in spiteof the absence of a priori normality assumptions on the data of theproblem. Another salient feature concerns the fact that theseconditions improve previous results by taking into account thesecond-order curvature effect of the constraints in the form ofinclusion.