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Adaptive Visual Servoing for Constrained Robots under Jacobian, Joint Dynamic and Contact Viscous Friction Uncertainties

Authors:Dean Leon Emmanuel, CINVESTAV, Mexico
Parra Vega Vicente, CINVESTAV, Mexico
García Valdovinos Luis, CINVESTAV, Mexico
Espinosa Romero Arturo, Fmat, UADY., Mexico
Topic:4.2 Mechatronic Systems
Session:Mechatronic Sensing and Actuation
Keywords: Visual Servoing, Adaptive Control, Force Control, Uncertain Jacobian, Friction


Visual servoing of constrained robots hasnot yet met a formal treatment nor its friction compensation. Thiskind of robots moves slowly along the constrained surface due totechnological limitations of the camera system, thereforeimportant problems of friction at the joint and contact pointarise. The problem turns very complicated when parametricuncertainty on robot, camera and friction is considered.In this paper, a new visual servoing scheme that satisfy thisproblem is presented. It induces sliding modes without chatteringto guarantee locally exponential convergence of tracking errors.Simulations results are presented and discussed.