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Nonlinear Control Analysis on Kinematically Asymmetrically Affine Control Systems with Nonholonomic Affine Constraints

Authors:Kai Tatsuya, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Kimura Hidenori, RIKEN, Japan
Hara Shinji, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Structural Properties of Nonlinear Systems
Keywords: Nonlinear control systems, Kinematics, Geometric approach, Controllability, Stabilizability


This paper is concerned with kinematically asymmetrically affine control systems with nonholonomic affine constraints (KAACS). We first show the nonintegrability condition for affine constraints using their geometric representation. Next, the KAACS is uniquely derived from affine constraints and control inputs. We then analyze the KAACS based on nonlinear control theory and provide some conditions of accessibility, controllability and stabilizability of the system. Finally, two physical examples are illustrated to verify our results.