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Input design for identification of zeros

Authors:Mårtensson Jonas, KTH - Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems, Sweden
Jansson Henrik, KTH - Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems, Sweden
Hjalmarsson Håkan, KTH - Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems, Sweden
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Input Design
Keywords: non-minimum phase zeros, identification, input design, convexoptimization


The objective of this contribution is input design for accurateidentification of non-minimum phase zeros in linear systems.Recently, several variance results regarding estimation ofnon-minimum phase zeros have been presented. Based on these results,we will show how to design the input that has the least energycontent required to keep the variance of an estimated zero below acertain limit. Both analytical and numerical results are presented. Astriking fact of the analytical results is that the variance of anestimated zero is independent of the model order when the optimalinput is applied. We will also quantify benefits of using the optimal design. Robustness issues will also be covered in this presentation.