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Controlling Gear Engagement and Disengagement on Heavy Trucks for Minimization of Fuel Consumption

Authors:Fröberg Anders, Linköping University, Sweden
Nielsen Lars, Linköping University, Sweden
Hedström Lars-Gunnar, Scania, Sweden
Pettersson Magnus, Scania, Sweden
Topic:7.1 Automotive Control
Session:Powertrain Control
Keywords: Driveline Control, Dynamic Programming, Model Predictive Control


There is a potential to save fuel for heavy trucks by storing kineticenergy in the vehicle when driving downhill, because the speed adds kinetic energyto the vehicle which can be used after the downhill slope to propell the vehicle.This behavior can be even more utilized by disengaging the gear to reduce thefriction in the driveline and thus increase the speed even more. Two differentcontrol strategies to choose when to disengage the gear is presented: One schemethat uses instantaneous inclination and one predictive control scheme that useslook ahead information of the road topology. Simulation results show that geardisengagement in downhills can reduce the fuel consumption about 3%.