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Vision System and Game - Strategies for Robotsoccer

Authors:Kopacek Peter, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Würzl Markus, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Schierer Edmund, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Topic:4.3 Robotics
Session:Playing with Automation – Robotsoccer
Keywords: Design, Electronics, Multi Agent Systems, Mini Robot, Mirosot, Robot Soccer


The game robot soccer provides a good opportunity to implement and test the cooperative group behavior of mobile robots. In this contribution a robot soccer system (Kopacek, 2002; Putz, 2004; Würzl, 2003 and 2005) will be described. The new software mainly consists, as usual, of a vision system, a communication module and a game strategy module. For the new system robots were developed and a vision system with a digital camera was implemented. The strategies for this new Multi Agent System (MAS) will be highlighted in this paper.