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Motion Planning and Its Feedback Stabilization for Underactuated Ships: Virtual Constraints Approach

Authors:Shiriaev Anton, Umea University, Sweden
Robertsson Anders, Lunf Institute of Thechnology, Sweden
Pacull Paul, Umea University, Sweden
Fossen Thor Inge, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Topic:7.2 Marine Systems
Session:Marine Systems III
Keywords: Motion Planning, Underactuated systems, Feedback Stabilization


The paper suggests a method formotion generation and feedback stabilization of a dynamicalmodel of an underactuated ship with 3 degrees of freedom and 2 controlinputs with a presence of lumped enviromental forces acting on themodel. If the geometrical path for ship motion is given, the methodsuggests a description of all feasible motions of the model along thispath. It is shown how to desing controller to counteract enviromental forces remaining on path.