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Strategy Creation, Decomposition and Distribution in Particle Navigation: Memory Module

Authors:Beldek Ulaş, Çankaya Universitesi, Turkey
Leblebicioğlu Kemal, Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey
Topic:3.2 Cognition and Control ( AI, Fuzzy, Neuro, Evolut.Comp.)
Session:Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms
Keywords: Genetic Algorithms, Agents, Optimization, Path Planning, Robot Navigation, Rule-Based Systems.


In particle navigation problem strategy development is crucial. The difficulties encountered by the particles during their navigation tasks require different approaches in problem solving. One way to overcome the difficulties is to divide the problem into simple modules and develop solutions for these modules separately. Basically, two different modules are sufficient in addition to the main body to develop a successful solver. The first module (conflict module), which is developed by genetic programming, is used when the particles are in conflict. The second module (memory module) helps the particles to escape from local regions.