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Active Vibration Rejection in Steel Rolling Mills

Authors:Schlacher Kurt, University of Linz, Austria
Fuchshumer Stefan, University of Linz, Austria
Grabmair Gernot, University of Linz, Austria
Holl Johann, University of Linz, Austria
Keintzel Georg, VOEST ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau Linz, Austria
Topic:6.2 Mining, Mineral & Metal Processing
Session:Rolling Mills I
Keywords: Steel industry, Model-based control, Nonlinear control, Vibration, Rejection


This contribution is concerned with vibration rejection by nonlinear control techniques in steel industry, particularly in rolling mill plants. The high quality requirements of rolled products, especially in relation to the thickness tolerances, mean a challenging task not at least from a control point of view. The key part of this contribution deals with so-called wrapper rolls as well as chatter vibration phenomena. As a basis for the control design a mathematical model based on physical considerations is introduced where the essential nonlinearities of the system are taken into account. For the purpose of vibration rejection two nonlinear control concepts based on energy considerations and the theory of differential flatness are presented.