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SPRSt - A Robust Strictly Positive Real Synthesis Toolbox for Matlab

Authors:Guan Qiang, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yu Wensheng, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Wang Long, Center for Systems and Control, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Peking University, China
Topic:2.5 Robust Control
Session:Robust Controller Synthesis
Keywords: Matlab Toolbox, Computer-aided system design, Strict Positive Realness (SPR), Weak Strict Positive Realness (WSPR), Robustness


A new robust Strictly Positive Real Synthesis Toolbox (SPRSt) for use with Matlab has been developed. Some algorithms for robust Strictly Positive Real Synthesis are introduced briefly and the use of the toolbox is illustrated by several examples. At last a link to downloadable code is provided.