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Robust design of Smith predictive controller for moment model set

Authors:Schlegel Milos, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Vecerek Oldrich, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Robust Controller Synthesis II
Keywords: Control system design, Control oriented models, Uncertain linearsystems, Moment method, Process control, Delay compensation,Robustness, Regions.


The paper presents a simple and systematic procedure for automatictuning of dead time compensating controllers (DTC). It integratesa simple identification experiment providing processcharacteristic numbers and a robust design method for an exactlydefined model family. This family contains all transfer functionshaving (a) the given a priori form of lag/dead time transferfunction (b) the experimentally obtained moment characteristicnumbers. The independently interesting result of this paper is theexplicit description of the value set for the model family.