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Stochastic subspace identification guaranteeing stability and minimum phase

Authors:Tanaka Hideyuki, Kyoto University, Japan
Katayama Tohru, Kyoto University, Japan
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:Subspace Methods
Keywords: Subspace identification, Stochastic realization,Canonical Correlation Analysis, Balanced realization, LQ decomposition, Spectral factorization technique


This paper presents a stochastic subspace identification algorithm to compute stable, minimum phase modesl for a stationary time-series data. The algorithm is based on spectral factorization techniques and a stochastic subspace identification method via a block LQ decomposition (Tanaka and Katayama 2003). Two Riccati equations are solved to ensure both stability and minimum phase property of resulting Markov models.