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System Parameter Estimation Using p-norm Minimization

Authors:Stecha Jan, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Cepak Milan, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Pekar Jaroslav, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Pachner Daniel, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Topic:1.1 Modelling, Identification & Signal Processing
Session:State Estimation, Tracking and Sensor Fusion
Keywords: Identification, Estimation, ARX model, p-norm, Least Squares, Total Least Squares


Real time system parameter estimation from the set of input-outputdata is usually solved by the quadratic norm minimization ofsystem equations errors - known as least squares (LS). Butmeasurement errors are also in the data matrix and so it isnecessary to use a modification known as total least squares (TLS)or mixed LS and TLS.Instead of quadratic norm minimization otherp-norms are used, for 1 <= p <= 2. In the article newmethod is described named Total p-norm and Mixedtotal p-norm which is the analog to TLS and mixed LS and TLSmethod in the quadratic case.The goal of the paper is to develop the method and compare a setof parameter estimations of ARX model where each estimation isobtained by minimizing total p-norm (1<= p <= 2). Totalp-norm and mixed total p-norm approach is used when errors are also in data matrix.