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Pareto optimal feedforward constrained regulation of MIMO linear systems

Authors:Piazzi Aurelio, University of Parma, Italy
Visioli Antonio, University of Brescia, Italy
Topic:2.4 Optimal Control
Session:Optimal Control Theory and Design Methods
Keywords: Feedforward control, MIMO, inversion, multiobjective optimization, constraints.


In this paper we present a methodology for the feedforwardminimum-time regulation of Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO)square linear systems. The aim is to synthesize bounded smooth inputfunctions, subject to non-saturating constraints on the inputs andtheir derivatives until an arbitrary predefined order, in order toprovide given transitions of the outputs. The posed problem yieldsto the construction of a Pareto set of output transition times,which is determined by employing an ad hoc parametrized family ofoutput transition functions and a suitably devised input-outputinversion procedure. Illustrative examples are given in order toshow the effectiveness of the methodology.