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Delta-Modulated Feedback in Discretization of Sliding Mode Control

Authors:Xia Xiaohua, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Zinober Alan SI, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Topic:2.3 Non-Linear Control Systems
Session:Sliding Mode Control II
Keywords: Delta-modulation, periodic points, sliding mode control


Modulated feedback control introduces periodicity. The globalattracting property of the periodic points is established for asimple scalar discrete-time system under Delta-modulatedfeedback. Attracting regions of the periodic points are alsocharacterized. When the discretization effects of the equivalentcontrol based sliding mode control systems are studied, we showthat the zero-order-hold discretization gives rise toDelta-modulation in the sliding mode direction. The globalattracting property of Delta-modulated feedback offers a vividillustration of the way sliding happens. Interestingly, we findthat a ZOH discretization scheme of the equivalent control basedsliding mode control system with relative degree one results inonly two-periodic orbits.