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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Modern Analysis: Chemical & Multivariate Analysis (Food-6b)

1415 - Application Of Correlation Between Biot And Dincer Numbers For Determining Moisture Transfer During The Air Drying Of Coroba SlicesPresentation
By Prof Otoniel Corzo (Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela)
2467 - Use of Artificial Neural Network Models for Prediction of Drying rates of Agricultural ‎Products ‎Presentation
By Dr Kamyar Movagharnejad (Industrial University of Mazandaran, Islamic Republic of Iran)
4047 - Spectroscopic and sensory characterization of low- and nonfat cream cheeses – relationships and method differencesPresentation
By PhD Charlotte Møller Andersen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
4059 - Accelerated shelf-life evaluation of ready-to-eat foodsPresentation
By Mrs Maider Nuin (AZTI-Tecnalia, Spain)
4100 - Evaluation of glass transition of frozen foods. A benchmark of selected methods using conventional DSC and modulated DSC. Application to selected food samplesPresentation
By Prof Alain Le Bail (Enitiaa, France)

Only the first author, as submitted originally, is listed. The complete list of authors (as originally submitted) is shown on the detailed view of the abstract.

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