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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Abstract 4047 - Spectroscopic and sensory characterization of low- and nonfat cream cheeses – relationships and method differences

Spectroscopic and sensory characterization of low- and nonfat cream cheeses – relationships and method differences

Special Symposium - Innovations in Food Technology (LMC Congress)

Modern Analysis: Chemical & Multivariate Analysis (Food-6b)

PhD Charlotte Møller Andersen
University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Life Science, Department of Food Science
Rolighedsvej 30
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C

Asc. Prof Michael Bom Frøst
Copenhagen University, Faculty of Life Sciences
Department of Food Science
Rolighedsvej 30
1958 Frederiksberg C

Keywords: spectroscopy, chemometrics, sensory descriptive analysis

This presentation will focus on results from a study on subjects, which are important when producing cream cheeses with low or no fat content. The product should retain the sensory properties that the consumers appreciate. It should have specific textural properties and a certain degree of creaminess. The study shows how four spectroscopic methods can be used to measure and describe several sensory parameters of cream cheeses with variations in fat and salt content and in pH-level. This could give information about the relationship between the chemical or physical properties and the sensory measurements as well as possibilities for fast on-line or at-line applications. The four methods are NIR-, FT-IR-, fluorescence spectroscopy and low-field NMR relaxation. Similarities and differences in predictability of the four methods are commented and discussed.

Presented Thursday 20, 10:05 to 10:10, in session Modern Analysis: Chemical & Multivariate Analysis (Food-6b).

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