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European Congress of Chemical Engineering - 6
Copenhagen 16-21 September 2007

Abstract 4055 - New innovative fats and oils with an healthy fatty acid profile

New innovative fats and oils with an healthy fatty acid profile

Special Symposium - Innovations in Food Technology (LMC Congress)

Process & Product Innovation (Food-4a)

Ing Nathalie De Clercq
Ghent University
Food safety and food quality Laboratory of Food Technology and Engineering
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Dr Imogen Foubert
Ghent University
Laboratory of Food Technology and Engineering, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
B-9000 Gent

Mr Koen Dewettinck
Ghent University
Food safety and food quality Laboratory of Food Technology and Engineering
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B-9000 Ghent

Keywords: fatty acids, healthy oils, physicochemical properties

Today, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are death cause number one in the Western society. Another prosperity disease, type 2 diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions. Its prevalence is also enforced by the fact that more and more people are becoming obese. The major cause of these diseases is the too fat rich diet of humans and moreover it contains too much “unhealthy” fat, like trans and saturated fatty acids. One of the strategies to make the fat healthier is by changing the fatty acid profile. The efficacy of such a public health dietary strategy requires a multifaceted approach, which includes a well-informed and motivated consumer and the availability of affordable, acceptable food products with enhanced fatty acid profile. The latter can be obtained by mixing or enzymatic interesterification with healthy oils like hazelnut, walnut, rice bran and flaxseed oil. The changing of the fatty acid profile may have major implications on the physicochemical properties. In this research the underlying mechanism of these properties is revealed so that changes can be made in an adequate way. Techniques like NMR, DSC and HPLC-ELSD are used in this research.

Presented Thursday 20, 09:35 to 09:50, in session Process & Product Innovation (Food-4a).

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