Re: Thanks for your patience....

From: Barry M. Wise (
Date: Wed May 19 1999 - 15:36:03 CEST


>However, the simplest (which I would recommend) is to use a
>linear boiling point curve
> T_i = x_iL T_bL + x_iH T_bH
>where T_i is the temperature on stage i; x_i is the mole fraction;
>T_bL and T_bH are the boiling temperatures of the two pure
>components. (this may seem very crude but is actually a good approximation
>for many
>mixtures). For "column A" we use the data
> T_bL = 341.9 K, T_bH = 355.4 K
>This gives a boiling point difference of 13.5 K
>which is consistent with a relative volatility of 1.5.
>See also:
>under "Column temperatutres"

Ooops. Sorry, that was right under my nose and I didn't see it.

Great, I think I'm set for a while.



Barry M. Wise, Ph.D. In Newcastle:
Eigenvector Research, Inc. 174 Osborn Road
830 Wapato Lake Road Jesmond
Manson, WA 98831 Newcastle upon Tyne
USA United Kingdom NE2 3LE

phone: (509)687-2022 +44-191 281 2009 (home)
fax: 687-7033 222 5331 (office)
e-mail: 222 5748 (office fax)

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