Re: Using Distillation Column Model in Inferentials Course

Date: Wed May 19 1999 - 13:15:11 CEST

Dear Barry,

> you think I should just
start with some data, or is there some relationship between temperature
and composition that is typical for things with relative volatility of

Temperature calculations using "imagninary" Antione coefficients are given in the papers.

However, the simplest (which I would recommend) is to use a
linear boiling point curve
   T_i = x_iL T_bL + x_iH T_bH
where T_i is the temperature on stage i; x_i is the mole fraction;
T_bL and T_bH are the boiling temperatures of the two pure
components. (this may seem very crude but is actually a good approximation for many
mixtures). For "column A" we use the data
                                                                        T_bL = 341.9 K, T_bH = 355.4 K
This gives a boiling point difference of 13.5 K
which is consistent with a relative volatility of 1.5.

See also:
under "Column temperatutres"

Best regards,

Sigurd Skogestad, professor og instituttleder Tel: +47-7359-4154
Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi Fax: +47-7359-4080
N-7491 Trondheim

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