Re: Using Distillation Column Model in Inferentials Course

From: Barry M. Wise (
Date: Wed May 19 1999 - 11:43:41 CEST


>You are welcome to use our model (assuming appropriate credit).

Many thanks.

>Use of temperature measurements to estimate compositions should work fine -
>actually without any need to know thermo - just using PLS or similar to
>regress steady-state data from simulations or from the real plant.

Actually, my question was: What's a good way to get from the composition
information given by the model to tray temperatures? I know that if I had
a specific binary mixture, I could look up some data and build a little
function that gives the temperature given the composition. But I want to
be realistic and find something that "looks" like it has a relative
volatility of 1.5, like in the model. you think I should just
start with some data, or is there some relationship between temperature
and composition that is typical for things with relative volatility of

>We have used this on theoretical data (presented at ADCHEM 91 using the
>same model that you are looking at) (ref. 1-3), on a pilot-plant column
>(ref. 4) and on a real column (ref 5).

Just happened to have the ADCHEM one sitting on my desk. Will review.

Many thanks!


Barry M. Wise, Ph.D. In Newcastle:
Eigenvector Research, Inc. 174 Osborn Road
830 Wapato Lake Road Jesmond
Manson, WA 98831 Newcastle upon Tyne
USA United Kingdom NE2 3LE

phone: (509)687-2022 +44-191 281 2009 (home)
fax: 687-7033 222 5331 (office)
e-mail: 222 5748 (office fax)

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