Models of distillation columns

Date: Mon Jun 28 1999 - 10:10:21 CEST

Dear colleague Prof. Skogestad,

preparing a new course of Advanced Process Control
at the University of Bochum (see also )
I'm looking for a ready for use Matlab based rigorous
model of a distillation column and found your excellent files and

Would you agree to use the ColumnA models and files
in the above course for the students of Mechanical Engineering
with the specialization "Verfahrenstechnik" ("Process Engineer") ?

Additionally I would like to ask / to discuss the following
1. Aren't you afraid that ignoring the heat balance /
accumulation completely introduces a big model error ?

2. Realistic distillation columns most often are controlled via
temperature controllers instead of concentration controllers or
at least using temperature controllers as slave of cascade
concentration controllers. On page 9 of matlab_m/cola/cola.html
you propose a simple correlation to calculate temperatures on the
trays. Is the dynamic behaviour of these temperatures close to the
real plant ones although heat accumulation is not considered ?

3. If not can you eventually advice me to other user friendly
distillation models which include the heat balances ?

Your response will be highly appreciated.

Gunter Reinig

Prof. Dr.-Ing. G.Reinig
Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
Fakultaet fuer Maschinenbau
Lehrstuhl Regelungssysteme und Steuerungstechnik
Gebaeude IB 3 / 152
44780 Bochum
Tel.: 0234-700-4060, Fax: 0234-7094-155

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