The exhibition “Persistent Disequilibrium” at Wrap art center in Bergen (September 2023) was made by the artist collective Pixels.Frames.Beats.Drones (Jeremy Welsh, Tijs Ham, Trond Lossisus, Øyvind Brandtsegg). The installation/performance concept is based around resonance, vibration, recycling, sound phenomena and available materials.
For this event, we had a lot of new material, so we did not re-use any earlier pieces. Still the topics and basic concepts remained the same. The processes of group interaction are refined each time we work together, and as we come to know what to expect from each other, the artistic collaboration flows easier each time around. It starts to feel like a band.
Previous iterations of the collaboration has resulted in exhibitions in Surnadal and Molde. The next iteration will be at Rosendal Teater in Trondheim in May 2024.

image Iron filings, transducers. Painting with vibration and magnetism

image Performing ambisonics

image Performing cello in front of water stream video

image Performing cello, iron filings painting in back of room

image Performing feedback microphones and cello

image *Performing feedback microphones, projecctor collage *

image Performing metal balls and magnets

image Performing projector collage

Videos from the exhibition

Metal balls and transducer. The balls converge on the transducer when it is not playing, sound in the transducer produce movement and patterns

Exploration of metal balls rhythm machine

Exhibition walk-thru

Painting with iron filings and transducers

Videos from the exploration phase

Exploration of microscope with iron filing painting

Exploration of metal balls and magnets

Exploration of cello and ambisonics

Exploration of cello and metal balls

Videos from the preparation phase before coming to Bergen

Preparation, metal balls and magnets on cardboard

Preparation, transducer on paper

Tags: soundart, music
