
Parts of the course are based on knowledge belonging to TEP4125 Thermodynamics 2. In the textbook of Moran et al. (any edition), this is found in the first part of chp. 12 (gas mixtures), chp. 13 (combustion), and a part of chp.14 (chemical equilibrium for gas mixtures).

Web page for TEP4125 Thermodynamikk 2:  http://folk.ntnu.no/ivarse/fag/tep4125/  (mainly Norwegian, but exercises are available in English.)

Those that have not read Thermodynamics 2 (or similar) might need to read the relevant topics and do some of the corresponding exercises of Thermodynamics 2. Go to the web page, click on "øvingar" in the menu to the left..

Exercises are given on separate sheets (pdf doc) or from Turn's book (Nos. in 3rd ed; seems to be identical in 4th ed.)

For questions about the excercises: contact assistant (see Blackboard - the electronic learning system) or Ivar S. Ertesvåg.

The excercises can be submitted digitally at Blackboard; see description there.

Approved exercises will be registered in Blackboard, where also solutions will be avalable after approval. Deadlines and details of the schedule will be given and updated in Blackboard.

Notice: All exercises are compulsory in the sense that you should do them for your learning. For the formalities regarding approval and access to exam, we will require at least nine approved exercises, including at least one lab exercise (out of 11+2 exercises).

Exercises 1 and 4 are repetition from Thermodynamics 2 (and something from Fluid mechanics and Heat and mass transfer)

Notice: Turns (and Moran et al., Incropera & DeWitt, etc..)  follow the American tradition where comma is a thousand separator and period is the decimal sign.


Exercises might be updated during the semester (in good time before scheduled), see messages at Blackboard.

Exercise 1: Repetition 
Hint: A solution to problem 1.2 "Grunnlikningar"/"fundamental equations" can e.g., be found in Appendix E of Incropera & DeWitt: Heat and mass transfer. (textbook in Heat and mass transfer -available at the library if you do not already have it)
Hint 2: some pages from the textbook that can be helpful: Tensor notation

Exercise 2: Turbulence -- Averaging and modeling

Exercise 3: Turbulence energy, boundary layer

Exercise 4: Thermodynamics repetition
Problems 2.30, 2.31, 2.33, 2.47, 2.56, 2.57 in Turns: «Introduction to combustion» (2nd/3rd ed).
For Problem 2.33, use the equlibrium calculator http://navier.engr.colostate.edu/code/code-4/

Exercise 5: Simple turbulent flows

Lab exercise I: Non-premixed flames
Read the problem text in advance.

Exercise 6: Chemical kinetics
from Turns: 4.5, 4.6, 4.10, 4.20, 5.8, 5.14, 5.17, 6.1

 Exercise 7: Laminar flames
Turns: 8.3, 8.8, 8.16 and 9.10
Exercise 8: Energy spectrum, Simple estimates

Exercise 9: Non-premixed combustion, turbulent combustion

Lab exercise II: premixed combustion
Read problem text in advance; notice pre-work to be done

Exercise 10: Turbulent combustion, Eddy-Dissipation Concept

Exercise 11:  Pollutants  
Turns: 15.4, 15.5, 15.6, 15.8