Introducing the DSC Autosampler

DSC Q1000 with Autosampler


The DSC Autosampler, also known as the Auto DSC, is standard on the TA Instruments' DSC Q2000/Q1000 and an optional accessory to the DSC Q200/Q100.

The Autosampler is a four-axis robotic device that automatically loads sample and reference pans to and from the Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) measurement cell.  Once the Autosampler loads the pans and the cell covers are in place, the controller takes over and runs preprogrammed thermal analysis experiments on your samples.  After the instrument uncovers the cell, the Autosampler then unloads the pans.  You can set up a series of experiments and leave them to be executed unattended.

NOTE:  The Autosampler is compatible with the FACS, RCS, and LNCS cooling accessories. The Autosampler cannot be used with the Quench Cooler.

Select from the following topics for more information:

General Features

The following features make the DSC Autosampler a unique and flexible tool:

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Basic Autosampler Steps

Follow these basic steps to use the Autosampler:

Prepare the Samples and Sample Pans

Set Up the Autosampler Tray

Starting a Run and/or Sequence


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