DSC Calibration Wizard Cell Constant & Temperature

(Step 3)

Cell Constant Setup

The second phase of calibration involves determination of the cell (enthalpy) constant and the x-axis temperature calibration. This calibration is usually performed using indium and the same ramp rate, purge gas, and pan type as subsequent sample experiments. Cell constant calibration should be performed after a Tzero calibration.

Follow the instructions on the calibration window using the information below as a guideline:

NOTE:  Consideration of pan effects, including the difference in weight between the sample and reference pans, most significantly affects heat flow resolution (i.e., sharper peaks, better segregation of closely occurring thermal events). Because the large weight of the pan and sample when using high volume pans or high pressure capsules decreases resolution, this correction and subsequent generation of T4P heat flow is not recommended.

Once all of the experimental parameters are entered, press Next to proceed to the next step to start the experiment. For information on the next step click here DSC Calibration Wizard Constant & Temperature Run.

If you click the Cancel button, the Calibration Wizard is terminated and the cell constant is reset to a value of 1.0.

For information on the Experiment in Progress window or on results of the calibration experiment click here DSC Calibration Wizard Experiment.

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